Check in from Douluo

Chapter 1017 The Fifth Soul Beast War (7)

You can search for "Starting from Douluo to search for novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!"The origin of life in Feng Ge is really terrifying. According to the five god kings, this is just the residual energy spilled from his body. Spilling for thousands of years can change the world of Douluo into this. This is considered to be our god kings. It's hard to do."

Tang San looked at Xiao Wutong really clucking and the villain formed by the leaves, running around, thinking, "However, once Feng Ge understands, these energies should not escape. But even with the changes over the years, It also makes the titled Douluo and the soul beast in the Douluo world now much stronger than in our time."

Xiao Wu nodded gently.

The leaves in the distance changed into various forms, teasing Xiao Wutong.

"Mom and Dad, isn't Uncle Feng in there?"

Xiao Wutong held a leaf-shaped little bear, and rode on the leaf little bear, and said with a smile, "Is this under his control?"

Tang San smiled and said, "Of course, your Uncle Feng is very powerful. Your Uncle Zi can't beat him now."

Upon hearing this, Xiao Wutong was immediately surprised.

Who is Uncle Zi?Those are the most powerful ones in the God Realm.

"Uncle Feng is amazing."

Xiao Wutong clapped her hands, played for a while, and looked at this five-color mountain.

"Right, brother. This time in the lower realm, do you feel that breath?" Xiao Wu asked suddenly.

"No..." Tang San shook his head, "I must have used a special method to hide his aura. I guess he fled to other continents."

"That's dangerous." Xiao Wu sighed lightly. "Sister Green said that this thing has something to do with the traitor of the gods at the time. Maybe it will cause a turmoil in this world."

"You don't need to worry about this," Tang San thought. "Brother Feng should soon break the seal. By then, he probably has already figured out a solution between the spirit beast and the spirit master. Douluo Continent will definitely be because of him. And to change, he will still stay in this world for a while, to improve his second martial arts ability, to level one hundred, and inherit the true Origin Tribulation God King. That thing is impossible for Brother Feng's opponent."

"That's right." Xiao Wu nodded.

The two took Xiao Wutong to play here for a while and chatted.

He planned to leave.

Before leaving, Xiao Wutong glanced at Wuse Mountain with some reluctance.

"Goodbye, Uncle Feng." Xiao Wutong waved to Wuse Mountain.

Countless leaves also formed a giant hand, waving at Tang San and the others.

Within the five-color mountain.

Wang Feng was a little emotional.

Unconsciously, so many years have passed.

Tang San and Xiao Wu both have daughters.

Forget it, even in the God Realm, more than ten years have passed, right?

Even though it had been so long, Wang Feng was able to see Rongrong and they often came to see him.

What has become of the mainland?

Wang Feng didn't know.

Earthshaking changes are taking place in the current continent!

In the six thousand years since the Wuhun Federation was established, the torrent of energy spreading across the sea caused the sea spirit beast in the sea to riot and overthrow it.

Three hundred years later, the countless sea soul beasts in the ocean became stronger and stronger, the powerful soul beasts increased day by day, and the rioting sea soul beasts launched an attack on the entire continent.At this critical moment, the digital titled Douluo of the Overseas Sea God Island has joined forces with the eight-headed soul beast overlord of the Far North and the twelve Douluo Heavenly Kings of the Wuhun Federation.1800 Literature

Forced to retreat these sea spirit beasts, Seagod Island once again gave birth to a seagod high priest, and began to contact the mainland.

This campaign was called the'Fourth Soul Beast War.'

This time, it was a battle between sea soul beasts, human soul masters, and land soul beasts.

The unwilling sea spirit beast turned over in the sea, causing another continent on the other side of the Douluo World Continent to hit the Douluo Continent faster!

The two continents collided for several years.

Also formed countless mountains and forests.

The glaciers in the far north have undergone tremendous changes. Because of the collision of the continents, they began to collapse and their area expanded again.Because the eight overlords of the Far North were completely unified, they quickly unified and conquered the newly integrated northern glaciers after the great changes in the Far North.

A few years after the mainland collided, two more overlords appeared in the Far North.

Known by later generations as: "Three Emperors Overlord", dominates the extreme north, no human military force dares to step into the extreme north.

At the same time, the most famous evil forest in later generations was also formed after the collision of two continents.

In addition to the evil demon forest, there are also several extremely evil and dangerous soul beast forests, because under the energy tide at that time, crazy growth and lurking.

Then, the ancient empire on this other continent, the Sun Moon Empire.

Regardless of the system or the concept, there is a huge conflict with the Wuhun Federation.

Under this conflict, war broke out.

But it was a one-sided war, because after the third energy tide and the second soul beast battle, the soul masters of the Wuhun Federation had developed the method of soul core cultivation.

In terms of high-level combat power, it completely crushed the Sun-Moon Empire, which was dominated by soul guidance technology at that time.

It only took less than ten years to defeat the Sun-Moon Empire at that time and unified the mainland as the Douluo Continent.

The defeated Sun-Moon Empire did not give up. It relied on the dangers of the evil mountains formed on the mainland, living in the West, and continued to develop soul-guided technology.

After the Wuhun Federation defeated the Sun-Moon Empire, it did not continue its invasion.Because after five energy tides at that time, the Soul Guidance Technology of the Sun-Moon Empire became more powerful and threatening.The ultimate consequence of head-on is that the many evil spirit beasts in the Evil Forest cannot be suppressed.

Until more than nine thousand years, the energy tide of Star Dou Shenshan began to shrink.

This kind of contraction caused the increasingly powerful evil spirit beast forest, and several other evil spirit beast forests to always riot.

Because the evil spirit forest is leaning to the edge of the west, the energy tide weakens, making these evil spirit beasts completely endure the changes in the environment.Want to snatch humans and other soul beast forests.

This riot has affected most of the Douluo Continent.

The Wuhun Federation and the Sun Moon Empire have all been severely affected.

This time, it is also known as the'Fifth Soul Beast War!'.

Under the five energy tides, the spirit master was gradually reluctant, but the spirit beast also became stronger again.

The rest of the soul beast forests, such as Star Dou, Jibei, Sunset, etc., are considered to be more peaceful.

There has never been a soul beast riot in the extreme north. The first eight soul beast overlords, to the top ten soul beast overlords, it can be said that shock and fright have unified the entire extreme north.

And the Star Dou Great Forest, except for the first outbreak, after the second soul beast battle, there has been no riot.

More calm.

However, the evil spirit beasts in the evil demon forest created because of the collision between the continents could not restrain the madness and bloodthirsty in their hearts because of their strength.

It launched a powerful attack on humans and other soul beasts.

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