Check in from Douluo

Chapter 1018 Dark Demon Realm (8)

You can search for "Starting from Douluo to search for novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!The power of the evil spirit beast surpassed the imagination of the Wuhun Federation.

This war was also the last soul beast war, and it was also the most tragic war in the nine thousand years of history of the Wuhun Federation.

The fifth soul beast formation lasted for hundreds of years.

The coverage area of ​​the evil spirit beast, from the original evil spirit forest, even invaded the Star Dou Great Forest, the far north.

Otherwise, it would not be said that half of the Douluo Continent had been affected, and the impact would be profound.

It was not until the ninth and eighty-hundred years of the history of the Federation that the Wuhun Federation once again united with the ten overlords of the Far North, the powerful soul beasts of the Star Dou Great Forest, and the Sun-Moon Empire. Soul beast.

Suppress these evil spirit beasts in the evil forest.

Because of this war, Douluo Continent suffered extremely heavy losses.The Soul Federation, which is dominated by soul masters, and the Sun-Moon Empire, which dominated by soul-guided technology, have entered a stagnant state, and even retreated, both in their cultivation level and in the Sun-Moon Empire's soul-guided technology.

Star Dou Great Forest, the extreme north, also lost a large number of soul beasts.

Douluo Continent once again entered the stage of recovery and development after the war, until the ten thousand years later, the energy tide of Star Dou Shenshan began to level off.

No longer leaking the terrifying life energy like before, but bursting out energy torrents every once in a while.

At this time, as the development gradually resumed after the war, the contradiction between the Sun Moon Empire and the Wuhun Federation.The contradiction between soul master, soul beast, and soul guide has become more intense...

God realm, somewhere.

Tang San sat in the void, looking at the clouds and Yunshu on the horizon, with a slightly melancholy expression.

At this time, a rapid voice sounded:

"Third brother, it's not good, Xiaoqi's girl... is gone!"

The moment the voice sounded, a figure walked out of the void and walked anxiously to Tang San's side.

The woman was wearing a pink dress with scorpion braids, her beautiful face was full of worry at the moment.


Tang San was stunned, "Where did she go mischievously again?"

"Where else to go!" Xiao Wu said irritably, and she took out a small note, "Look at it."

Tang San looked at the note and was stunned:

"Dear Mom and Dad, Tonger is almost eleven years old. I don’t want to live under your wings all the time. I want to leave the realm of God and go to the world below to play. I want to know Mom and Dad, How did you become a god step by step. I want to know the stories of other uncles and aunts. Also, Tonger also wants to know if Uncle Feng is still in the mountains... In short, Tonger has too much thought. You need to know!"

"Mom and dad, don't worry, Tonger will have nothing to do. I will take care of myself... hee hee."

After reading it, Tang San was dumbfounded.

"She went to Douluo Continent?"

Tang San took a breath.

"Yes, brother, you can bring it back with Tonger." Le Wen Novel

Xiao Wu looked worried, "She is still young, and how dangerous is she to go down alone?"

"I'm afraid not…"

However, Tang San's expression was extremely solemn, "Do you still remember the destruction of the history of the God Realm that they told us? Back then, the six-winged dark angel who betrayed the God Realm gained powerful power to become the God King because of his fall... At that time, the God Realm was going uproar?

"Of course I know this..." Xiao Wu Dai frowned, "But what does this have to do with Xiao Qi?"

Tang San suddenly stood up and stared into the distance, "You don't know, where did the six-winged dark angel fall? Only then did he gain a power comparable to the god king? He betrayed the gods and took refuge in the gods' enemies at the time. The Dark Demon Realm. If it were not for the rapid response of the five God Kings at that time, the God Realm would be overwhelmed. The Dark Demon Realm originally wanted to make our God Realm turbulent through the twelve-winged dark fallen angel, and wanted to take advantage of the emptiness to enter. At that time, the plan failed. After that, I fell silent, and recently I was about to move around. Last time I was in the lower realm, didn’t I just feel their breath, so I’m in the lower realm? Did you forget?"

"A few days ago, the Dark Demon Realm didn't know where to learn about the two guys, good and evil, and went directly to the lower realm to play in the name of a bet. The two young couples who replaced them had an unstable god position. Taking this opportunity to secretly cut off the connection between our God Realm Committee and Douluo Continent, as well as several planes, it is now extremely possible to attack the most powerful Douluo Continent..."

Tang San said solemnly."Our God Realm cannot sense the Douluo Continent now. I originally wanted to go to the Douluo Continent to see what happened to Brother Feng... This is most likely a catastrophe to the Douluo Continent, and it is also most likely us. A great disaster for the God Realm Committee."

After listening, Xiao Wu was startled.

"Then Tongtong...she is so inferior, the memory still...this is too dangerous..." Xiao Wu's face paled.

"Don't worry." Tang San said solemnly, "I discussed with Destruction, and plan to defend the God Realm Committee first to prevent other sneak attacks from the Dark Demon Realm. Tong Tong should be fine. After all, Brother Feng is still down, as long as he breaks the seal. And then, within a few years at most, he will become the King of Origin Tribulation... If the Dark Demon Realm dares to attack Douluo Continent, they will suffer..."

"Besides, Daming and Erming are also below..."

"I hope so..." Xiao Wu sighed softly, "I'm just going to trouble Brother Feng, Tong Tong's girl is too naughty."

"I think you have spoiled Tong Tong too much. That's why she's not afraid of being afraid, so it's okay for Brother Feng to teach her a lesson."

Tang San couldn't help but said, "Brother Feng's methods are much better than us in terms of training others...and it should have caused Tong Tong to suffer some setbacks. Think about how we came here in the first place? Any mercy..."

"Huh, I don't believe in petting my daughter?" Xiao Wu groaned.

"Good job... Fortunately, we took Tong Tong to see Brother Feng once in advance, he should be able to recognize it."


Douluo Continent, Star Dou Great Forest.

After the Fifth Soul Beast War in Xingdou Great Forest, the number of soul beasts dropped sharply due to the invasion of evil soul beasts.Less than a thousand years ago, that spirit beast grand occasion.

Thousands of years ago when the Star Dou Great Forest was most prosperous, that era was the outer area, and there were countless ten thousand year soul beasts rampant, and one hundred thousand year soul beasts could be seen.

The internal area is extremely dangerous.

The closer it is to Star Dou Shenshan, the more dangerous it is.

Unfortunately, now it lives up to the prosperity of the past.

Two silhouettes rushed wildly in the forest.

They are dressed gorgeously and look like students of higher education... are two women.

Behind them, a black three-eyed evil snake was seven or eight meters long, chasing behind them.

"No, go further, it is the area of ​​Star Dou Shenshan. That place is even more dangerous... Damn, I didn't expect that hundreds of years have passed since the fifth soul beast war. There are even evil souls in this Xinxingdou forest beast!"

One of the women gritted her teeth and said nothing.

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