Check in from Douluo

Chapter 1020 Soul Guidance Device (1)

You can search for "Starting from Douluo to search for novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!What catches the eye is a man who is so handsome that it eclipses the world.

He is wearing a simple plain long dress.

This plain coat, how can I say it, is a bit old.

Like the costumes of the Wuhun Federation thousands of years ago in the current stage play.It's hard to imagine someone else wearing this kind of clothes.

But when worn on the other side, it looks extremely fit.Of course, under the contrast of the other's face, the two believed that the man in front of him would fit perfectly even if he wore anything.

Among the handsome facial features, the most dazzling are the eyes.The jet-black eyes are faintly golden, with a bit of mystery in the nobility.

At this moment, he was looking at them with a faint smile, exuding a pure and flawless aura, unconsciously wanting to get close.

Young doesn't look big, and there is no spirit power fluctuation on his body.

With this heinously handsome face, at most seventeen or eighteen years old, no more than twenty at most.

But when the other party was talking, there was a bit of vicissitudes in his eyes, which made them feel that the mysterious and handsome man in front of them was so maddening that the world might be...much bigger than them...

"Orange, I have lived so long, and I still have to see such a handsome man once."

Ke Ke excitedly pulled Orange's elbow, "God, how come there is such a handsome man in this world? My mother... You see, his skin is better than us, and his voice is super nice, too much. But his ancient clothes, he has so much temperament..."


The sudden nympho of this best friend, Tang Zi was not surprised.

It's normal.

Because the mysterious man in front of him is so handsome.

But what Tangerine is more wary of is that this... actually has someone?

This is the Star Dou Sacred Mountain?

How could there be a man in the most mysterious place in Douluo Continent?

Still calling them little girls?Is he big?

The orange scanned the man walking out from behind the mountain, and took out a few oranges in his hand calmly.

"Hello, handsome guy, what did you mean by just saying this?"

Ke Ke was lustful, waving towards the man in front of him and asked, "This is the life restricted area of ​​Douluo Continent. How could it be the holy land of these soul beasts?"

Orange's heart moved. Thousands of years ago, during the fourth soul beast war, Star Dou Shenshan was not a life restricted zone.

It seems to be a holy place.

It is also a holy land for human beings. According to historical records, in that era, human beings and soul beasts entered the peak age of cultivation because of the five energy tides of Star Dou Shenshan.

It was only afterwards that the energy tide of Star Dou Sacred Mountain shrank, leading to the fifth spirit beast battle, which caused a sharp decline in humans and spirit beasts.

In addition, no one has ever entered this Star Dou Sacred Mountain, and it is also called the restricted area of ​​life.

At this time, a powerful soul beast began to approach the two and surround them.The sense of crisis brought both of them back to their senses.

"No time to explain."

The man smiled and said, "If you want to survive, just follow me. You trespass here, these soul beasts will not let you go."

The two of them stared at each other for a moment, with some hesitation.

After the man said, he turned and left.

It doesn't seem to care whether the two can keep up.

But the spirit beasts that were getting closer around dispelled the hesitation in the two of them.

"Orange, let's follow up first, he is so handsome. Both of us are not good enough for him to play. Maybe he is not interested in us. If you really lie to us, it makes no sense."

Ke Ke whispered.


"Huh? Can you still think of this?" Orange looked at her in surprise, "I thought you had become an idiot with a negative IQ?"

"Hehe, don't look at who's disciple we are for any joke?" Koko pulled the orange and walked up slowly.

About five meters away from the man.Jiujiu Book Pavilion

The two of them shook their bodies, only to feel that each other exudes a soft breath of life, enveloping them.

The powerful soul beasts around suddenly stopped, staring at the two of them one after another, their eyes were cold, but they never stepped forward.

The two looked at each other with surprise on their faces.

"These spirit beasts have weakened their killing intent to us." Ke Ke lowered her voice, "It's amazing, this man, is it possible that even the spirit beasts can conquer his charm?"


Tangerine shook his head and said, "It should be the aura from him that stopped these soul beasts. I heard that some powerful soul beasts will choose to transform into humans and rebuild. This man, maybe it is a soul beast. Unexplainable, these spirit beasts will stop."

"Soul beast transformation?"

Ke Ke's eyes were round, "You mean, he is a soul beast..."

As soon as he finished speaking, Ke Ke covered her mouth with her hands.

God, this is incredible, right?

The man took it all the way out of the range of Star Dou Shenshan, nothing happened.

The hearts of the two of them have been hanging down slowly.

"You seem to have a relatively evil aura." At this moment, the man in front suddenly said, "Did it be attacked by some soul beast?"

The two were taken aback.

Ke Ke replied: "It's an evil spirit beast, a three-eyed evil snake. About a thousand years ago."

"Evil soul beast?" The man pondered for a few seconds, "No wonder you are so hostile to the soul beasts here."

He seems to have a little understanding of evil spirit beasts.

The man pointed to the front, "You are out of the scope of the Star Dou Sacred Mountain in front of you, please leave."

In the lush forest, the front is quiet.

Although it was daytime, it was a bit oozing.

"No..." Ke Ke said suddenly, "Our Flying Soul Guidance Device is broken. It would be too dangerous to go out like this. Otherwise, our door would not break into the Star Dou Sacred Mountain... You can take us out of the Star Dou Sacred Mountain. Can you take us out of the Star Dou Great Forest?"

"Handsome guy, help to the end and take us out. We will definitely thank you."

The orange frowned slightly.

What is Ke Ke doing?This man is very likely to be transformed into a soul beast, and it is also very dangerous to their humans.

It's right to leave as soon as possible now.

The man was startled, "Flying Soul Guidance Device..."

It seems that ten thousand years have passed, and the dominance of this world is already changing.

"Can you show me your flying soul guide?" the man said suddenly.

The two were taken aback.Ke Ke thought for a while and said, "No problem."

With that, Ke Ke patted the jade-colored band of her wrist.

A flying soul guide about two meters long appeared in his hand.

The overall appearance is light blue, with a mechanical feel that Wang Feng is familiar with, and it is full of stripes, because the folding wings and the devices installed on the body do not look big.The lower part of the jet seems to have been unable to jet Neng Ah Ling, and the wing body has many creases.

The man looked at this flying soul guide.

His eyes flickered.

"Have you never seen it?" Ke Ke said triumphantly, "Have you stayed in this Star Dou Shenshan? You rarely go out? Unfortunately, if it weren't for the Fifth World War of Soul Beasts, the current Flying Soul Guidance Device would More advanced!"

"The Fifth Soul Beast War..." The man's eyes were somewhat blank.

In this world, it seems that the changes are not generally big.

The man took the Flying Soul Guidance Device, golden light flickered in his eyes, and the Flying Soul Guidance Device in front of him seemed to be transparent, with a complicated internal structure that quickly disintegrated, differentiated, and then assembled in his eyes.

'This level of technology... can be regarded as a feudal society from slavery to the age of industrial technology... tens of thousands of years before it has progressed to this point. It seems that the soul masters on Douluo Continent are still the mainstream.'

The man thought in his heart.

Return the flying soul guide to Ke Ke again.

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