Check in from Douluo

Chapter 1021 Life Soul Deed (2)

You can search for "Starting from Douluo to search for novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!"Outside spirit beasts generally do not attack humans. It is because you are attacked by the evil spirit beast and you are infected with the breath of the evil spirit beast, that will make the spirit beast hostile."

The man said lightly, "Kill the evil soul beast, and the aura in your body will disappear."

"Of course we know this." Orange sighed, "It's just that with the power of the evil spirit beast, how can it be so easy to kill?"

The strength of the evil spirit beast is recognized by the mainland as powerful.

Many soul guidance technologies have far less effect on evil soul beasts than ordinary soul beasts.

Ordinary thousand-year spirit beasts, against evil spirit beasts, it will take at least twice to three times the age to defeat evil spirit beasts just from the cultivation base.

For the soul master, this is even more true.

"The three-eyed evil snake is not a powerful evil spirit beast." However, the man said, "Wait a moment."

"Why wait?" Ke Ke asked curiously.

"Wait for the evil three-eyed snake to come to you." The man glanced at the two of them. "The evil three-eyed snake leaves you with its special venom aura...As soon as you walk out of the Star Dou Mountain, it will come to find you."

Two people: "..."

Upon hearing this, their pupils shrank suddenly.

The three-eyed evil snake belongs to a relatively rare evil spirit beast, and the two led each other to walk out of the Star Dou Sacred Mountain, but they forgot this.

"Orange, let's go!" Ke Ke screamed.

The orange didn't get it, just staring at the man, and said solemnly, "What do you want to do?"

"Don't tell me? Of course it was killed." The man said.

As he said, he looked around.

"Kill it?" Orange was taken aback, looking at the man in front of him without any spirit power fluctuations.

According to the legend, after the soul beast is transformed into a human, it also needs to follow the human cultivation method... and it will lose the previous cultivation.

In the beginning, they were extremely weak.

"The strength of the three-eyed evil snake is not simple. Without a fortieth-level soul master, it may not be able to kill them..."

Ke Ke also calmed down, curiously, "You are not a soul...Are you also a soul master? What is your martial soul? How many levels?"

She wanted to say, aren't you a soul beast transformed?

But think about it, it's not good to say it.

Although the other party was a soul beast, it could be regarded as saving both of them.Even if you guessed the identity of the other party, you can't just say it casually, right?

If he said that maybe this soul beast would still do something on them, it was in trouble.

The man understood what he could not help but laughed a few times without explaining.

If you misunderstand, just misunderstand.

The man walked around, seeming to be looking for something.

The two of them just looked at it and didn't know what to say for a while.

"Orange, what should I do? Later, the three-eyed evil snake will come?" Ke Ke sniffed her body. "I said there is a strange smell on her body. It's over, otherwise the smell will be washed off. We should be able to go out safely."

"It should be useless. The special smell emitted by the three-eyed evil snake should be the special spirit ability of the evil spirit beast. Just washing with water is useless." Orange shook his head, "otherwise he would not say that he would kill. It can get rid of the smell of the three-eyed evil snake from us."

"Yes." Koko nodded, staring at the pleasing handsome man in front of him, "What is he looking for?"

"do not know."

The man was searching in the nearby forest.

The two were worried about the evil three-eyed snake, so they followed the man.

Soon, because of the breath of the man, many soul beasts began to gather around the man.Sogou Library

However, most of them are weak soul beasts, with a life span of more than ten years.Occasionally there are hundreds of years old.

Leaving the range of Star Dou Shenshan, the nearby soul beasts gradually became scarce.The breath on the man's body is only controlled within a few meters.

Did not attract a powerful soul beast.

"Is he choosing the spirit ring?" Ke Ke seemed to have thought of something, and whispered, "I heard that the spirit beast is rebuilt, just like us humans, every tenth level requires a spirit ring to improve."

Orange frowned and said nothing.

Looking at the colorful spirit beasts around, the man suddenly spread out his hands, and a bloody light appeared in his hands.

"Choose any one. Anyway, you will become a god with me anyway." The man's muttered voice sounded, as if speaking to the bloody light.

The bloody light was bright, and after examining it, he said with spirit:

"Boss, these soul beasts are too weak? They don't even have their spiritual wisdom, and their body is too weak. It doesn't fit my dragon's noble status."

"You are in the state of soul. If you choose a soul beast that is too powerful, the soul does not fit the other's soul, and the body does not fit. This will make your foundation weak and there will be many problems. By then, it will be very difficult to break the rules and become a god. Difficult. On the contrary, it is easier to choose a person with a low age and not yet civilized and wise. It will be easier for your soul to merge. With the life and soul bond, you can gradually become stronger and evolve step by step. Then it will be easier to become a god. ."

The man also replied with spiritual thoughts.

"It makes sense."

"Okay, let me, Dragon Xie, try it. Boss, what is the life soul deed that you have researched over the years. My Dragon Xie is willing to be your first experimental subject!" Scarlet Ray responded several times.

Afterwards, he flew in midair and escaped into the body of one of the soul beasts.

This soul beast was ignorant and looked like a lone beast just a few years old, about the height of a child of two or three years old.

It is gray-brown, has two small claws, and is half-standing.

There is also a chubby belly with golden patterns on it.There are two tiger teeth outside the flat mouth, and the top of the head is a rocky head made of rock.

It is a relatively ordinary soul beast, the Rock Rock Dragon.

Both Ke Ke and Tang Zi knew this soul beast, and had the blood of a dragon in the legend.

Actually... it's a popular product.Not to mention the Star Dou Great Forest, in other spirit beast forests, there are many such rock dragons.

In the new issue of [Encyclopedia of Soul Beasts], this rock rock dragon is also called rock rock beast.The value is average and there are no bright spots.

Few people would choose this spirit beast as their spirit ring.

What's more, the cub in front of you who was just a few years old?

But... the appearance is still very cute.

The blood in the man's hands poured into the rock dragon queen, and its gray-brown eyes suddenly turned blood red.

From the original ignorance to laziness.

Both Ke Ke and Tang Zi could not understand.

In the Wuhun Federation, the understanding and research of spirit beasts has been improving over the years, and only about the type and strength of spirit beasts.

The remaining research is very rare.

no way.The enmity between soul beasts and humans still exists.

Even in the period before the third soul beast war where the soul beasts and humans were the most peaceful, humans and soul beasts were still fighting each other.

The only exception is the Far North.

In that place, the Martial Soul Federation ordered all soul beasts to enter it and kill them.

Once discovered, he will be punished severely. There were five soul beast fights in Gein, and four of them were shot by soul beasts from the far north, and he and the human half joined forces to overcome difficulties.

However, for the Sun-Moon Empire, there is no such rule.

Soul beast forests in other places, because of the five energy tides, in terms of race, number, etc., far exceed the first energy tide era seven thousand years ago.

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