Check in from Douluo

Chapter 1038 Huo Yuhao with Three Wonders (6)

You can search for "Starting from Douluo to search for novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!Tianmeng Ice Silkworm was taken aback for a moment, and his heart said that the boss of the Dragon Lord is really powerful, and you will know it right away?

He nodded hurriedly, "Yes, it's the Evil Soul Beast egg! I didn't notice it at first, but after feeding it for hundreds of years, various black patterns began to appear on the shell of this egg, exuding darkness. The energy. I discovered that this egg turned out to be an Evil Soul Beast's egg! This egg contains a very strong and pure aura of darkness!"

"At that time, I was pissed off! I was kind... I didn't expect to feed an Evil Soul Beast egg... And the consciousness in the egg is extremely evil, I want to suck me clean!!"

Wang Feng secretly asked, could this be the system giving the egg?

Could it be that it was left over when the evil spirit beast invaded the Star Dou Great Forest?

"You are also a million-year-old soul beast anyway, can't you leave an egg?" Long Xie asked in surprise."Little Can Tsai, your mental power is so strong, it's really not good, can't you just extinguish the consciousness in the egg?"

"It's useless!" Tianmeng Ice Silkworm said helplessly, "After I have raised it for hundreds of years, the evil consciousness in the eggshell has become very strong... I can't completely wipe it out with mental shock. And my strength and spirit have been weakening..."

"Then you can just throw this egg directly?" Huo Yuhao asked in a low voice.

Although he was only eleven years old, he still knew the evil spirit beast.

That is a very, very scary soul beast!

Possess extremely strong offensiveness, not only against human beings, but also against other spirit beasts.

"Tried..." Tianmeng Ice Silkworm said helplessly, "but every time I throw it away, it can roll to my side. Because it has absorbed too much vitality from heaven and earth, my mental power can no longer shield it. . How can it find me... I am not good at speed..."

"This egg is extremely hard. I thought of many ways. I wanted to break it. It was useless." Tianmeng Ice Silkworm continued, "In desperation, I want to escape from this body and find a place where my soul lives. ."

"This young man has a spirit mutation martial soul, but it is very my soul sojourner. As a reward, I can provide him with a little help."

Tianmeng Bingcan glanced at Huo Yuhao.

"You are so pitiful... being forced to this point by an egg." Huo Yuhao whispered.

"..." Tianmeng Bingcan Chacha is uneven.

But I don't know what to say.

In fact, it was going to be successful, but it was unexpected that Long Xie was killed.

"Boss, do you want to help him?"

Long Xie said, "Those evil spirit beasts..."

Those evil spirit beasts were changed by the energy of another world.

A soul beast egg, left in this place, is obviously weird.

Wang Feng thought in his heart that the mysterious soul beast egg given by the system is most likely this one.

But obviously, this is not a good egg.

"Tianmeng Ice Silkworm, why don't you live on me..." Huo Yuhao looked at the baby silkworm, still a little kind.

Hearing this, Tianmeng Bingcan immediately looked at Huo Yuhao with some gratitude, "Juvenile, are you feeling the same? It seems that you are also a lonely person..."

"Huh?" Huo Yuhao said, "Um...I'm not alone...My parents are still alive. Although they are not seen by many people in the family because of their bad talents. But my mother loves me very much, and my father loves me very much. I live well. I'm pretty happy. Mom taught me that I must be kind and kind...I just see you pitiful..."

"..." Tianmeng Ice Silkworm suddenly felt that he had been severely hit.

It didn't expect that the soul beast would be pitiful by a human being.

When Wang Feng heard this, he looked at Huo Yuhao in surprise.

"You have a good time, why are you running out?" Wang Feng asked.

"I want to prove myself." Huo Yuhao said sullenly, "Dad fights outside all year round. I don't want my mother to be looked down upon, so I ran out... to prove myself. I have to rely on my own strength to become a soul master." Love Me Electronics Book

Wang Feng nodded.That's it.

"Big Brother Wang, can you help him?" Huo Yuhao asked, "My mother said, although you have to be kind, you can't be stupid. There is no free lunch in the world. He said it would help me, so I was willing to let Brother Tianmeng My soul resides on me... Brother Tianmeng, if Brother Wang can help you, you have to pay a certain price. Brother Wang will help you."

Hearing this, Wang Feng suddenly gave Huo Yuhao a surprised look.

It’s not bad to have such correct values ​​at such a young age.

"You have a good mother." Wang Feng said with a smile.

That day Meng Bingxian looked at Wang Feng cautiously, "This... the boss of Lord Long, if you can really help me solve this egg. I can use my ability to give you another martial soul..."

Wang Feng was stunned, and chuckled, "I have enough martial arts, no need."

As far as the martial souls in this world, no martial soul can be stronger than his three martial souls.

Not to mention Chaos Qinglian, Pan Gu Axe.

In other words, the power of light and dark angels originated from the God Realm, the God King of Origin Tribulation.What martial soul can match?

Moreover, the light and dark angel martial soul was gradually developed by Wang Feng through cultivation.


Tianmeng Bingcan was stunned, "Or, I will become your soul ring? Boss Longxie can become your soul beast..."

I am not at a loss.Tianmeng Bingcanxin said.

"No, you are already a million-year-old soul beast..." Wang Feng shook his head.

Wang Feng was right about this.

Although Tianmeng Ice Silkworm is millions of years old, his growth has been fixed and he has strong spiritual power.Not much offensive.

Not to mention mental power.

As a Qi soul beast, even if he sucked Wang Feng's blood, it would change.But unless it is like Xuedi, who absorbs a lot of essence and blood, there are special treasures of heaven and earth.

Change again, and then use the Red Lotus Night Karma to quench the body, and then there will be an essential change.But this is too much trouble.

Unlike Long Xie, who started from scratch and has a very high growth potential. Under Wang Feng's training, he can become a god.

To put it simply, Wang Feng looks down on Tianmeng Ice Silkworm.He might have a powerful help to Huo Yuhao.

The help to Wang Feng was not great, but very tasteless.

To put it bluntly, it is still too weak.The only strong mental power, Wang Feng is not rare.

If he was a silkworm baby that was hundreds of years old, Wang Feng might still have some mood to cultivate.

"..." Tianmeng Ice Silkworm.

The boss of Longxie is really amazing...

Million-year soul beasts are not rare, Tianmeng ice silkworms shed cold sweat.

What kind of character is this?

"You take out your egg," Wang Feng said, "As for the request, I'll talk about it later."

This egg was naturally a system prompt, no matter how it was produced, Wang Feng would naturally take it back.

Besides, Wang Feng probably had some considerations.

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