Check in from Douluo

Chapter 1039 Bingmullin's Rebuilding Opportunity (7)

You can search for "Starting from Douluo to search for novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!Seeing this, Tianmeng Ice Silkworm did not hesitate, his body squirmed on the ground.

An egg engraved with black magic patterns and ice patterns appeared in Wang Feng's sight.

It is indeed the breath of an evil spirit beast.

It is not an ordinary evil spirit beast.

"It's really the Evil Soul Beast's egg." Long Xie stared at the egg for a few moments. "The ice pattern on that is probably absorbed the vitality of this little silkworm, and it also has some ice attributes. That's why. There will be such ice-colored lines."

"In fact, when I didn't think of this method later, I wanted to go to Ditian and the others to see if they could solve it..." Tian Meng Bing Silkworm said, "but I'm afraid they knew about it, so they would kill me too. The evil spirit beast and them have mortal feuds, if I knew that I was stupidly like an evil spirit beast's egg... I might have killed me."

Wang Feng walked to the egg.

Da da!

The egg beat a few times, suddenly exuding a ferocious breath.

The egg was close to the Tianmeng Ice Silkworm, looking at Wang Feng, as if choosing someone to eat.

The viscous mental power, as well as the vitality of the heavens and the earth, continuously flowed from the Tianmeng Ice Silkworm towards the egg.

Tianmeng's ice silkworm can't be controlled.

"What a powerful swallowing ability."

Long Xie was taken aback, "This is by no means an ordinary evil spirit beast... If it is allowed to hatch, maybe this forest will suffer!"

Wang Feng's eyes flickered.


At this moment, a violent roar suddenly came from the egg!

With strong mental power fluctuations, it seems that something terrible is gestating.

Huo Yuhao's face turned pale, he let out a scream, and passed out into a coma in this roar.

Wang Feng supported Huo Yuhao, frowning at the egg.

"Is this kid okay?" Long Xie glanced at Huo Yuhao.

"It's okay, I passed out temporarily." Wang Feng put Huo Yuhao on the ground.

Walked to this egg.

Ho Ho Ho~!

Inside the egg there is a strong wave of mental power.

Like a tarsus maggot, it sticks to the Tianmeng Ice Silkworm.

"Eh..." Tianmeng Bingcan sighed helplessly.

"Boss, do you think of any solution?" Long Xie asked, "It really doesn't work, should I just swallow it?"

"Your body is now in the developing stage. If you swallow this egg, your body can't bear it." Wang Feng said, "Of course I can do it, your boss."

Wang Feng has many ways.

The simplest and most direct is to bring this egg back to Star Dou Shenshan.

Using the red lotus karma fire of the body, directly burned the crazy and evil consciousness inside into slag.

This may be cruel.

Or directly purify it with white lotus and turn it into a pure egg.

This egg, it is very likely that the evil spirit beast deliberately threw it in this Star Dou Great Forest.

Also a possibility.

If Tianmeng's ice silkworms were allowed to continue feeding like this, the final result would be.It was the birth of a super powerful evil spirit beast, which caused a devastating blow to the Star Dou Great Forest.

Let the Star Dou Great Forest completely become the territory of the evil spirit beast.

This is not impossible.

Because as long as it absorbs all the cultivation base of Tianmeng Ice Silkworm, the evil spirit beast bred in the egg will also become a million-year-old evil spirit beast.

Will be stronger.

There is another way.

Tianmeng Bingcan looked at Wang Feng, wondering what the boss of Longye could do to solve this egg.

The scary thing about this egg lies in its strong concealment, because it has absorbed his spiritual power and cultivation.As long as he is firmly attached to him, he can continue his power and hide.Yaoyao Literature Network

It is almost impossible to be discovered.

Unless he takes the initiative to get the egg out.

"The best way…"

Wang Feng's eyes flashed, "Of course it is to let your brother Lin's soul consume this egg."

After speaking, Wang Feng spread his palm, and a flash of ice flashed across his eyes.

The brilliant ice crystal light appeared in Wang Feng's palm.

A phantom that is not too tall suddenly appeared.

It is Lord Bingmulin!

Like Longxie, after the battle, the soul was almost dissipated after being broken by the Destruction God.Later, although the spirit ring was restored, the goddess of life.

But the soul has been warming up with Wang Feng in Wuse Mountain, and it has slowly recovered.

"Brother Lin, long time no see."

Long Xie said cheerfully, "Look, I have a body now. The boss will help you find a body next."

Lord Bingmulin glanced at Wang Feng and nodded slightly.

His eyes were vicissitudes of life, even though he was only a ghost, but his size was still majestic.

However, at this time, the Tianmeng Ice Silkworm on the side looked dumbfounded.

How could he who was born in the far north not know the existence of this famous?

"You, you are Lord Bingmulin! It is Bingmulinzu!"

Tianmeng Bingcan was shocked, his whole body seemed to be shaking.

God, this is the ancestor of the beasts in the far north, and it is not an exaggeration to say that it is the most powerful existence!

How could the far north, born because of him, appear here?

Still the soul state!

But that powerful aura, even more powerful than Longxie, almost suffocated Tianmeng Ice Silkworm!

What kind of monster is this human being?How could it be possible that even Bingmullinzu's soul was by his side?

What happened in the Far North?

"It turns out to be the ice silkworm clan... ten golden patterns, million-year-old ice silkworm." Lord Bingmulin stared at Tianmeng ice silkworm. "Is it you little guy? I was absorbing the ice marrow of ten thousand years by my side... Is that little silkworm you?"

"..." Tianmeng Ice Silkworm.

He called it Linzu and naturally knew the identity of the other party.

Although Long Xie knew that he had absorbed ten thousand years of ice marrow, he did not know that he had absorbed ten thousand years of ice marrow in a mysterious cave.

At that time, he was extremely weak, but he could feel that there was a presence in that cave that was so powerful that his soul was terrified.

This is Lord Bingmulin.

Fortunately, Lord Bingmulin didn't pay attention to him...

Because this Lord Bingmulin has also been in a deep sleep stage.

At this moment, he saw the existence of this ancestor level, and Tianmeng Ice Silkworm was naturally shocked.

The oldest soul beast in the far north!

"I will use my blood to suppress the consciousness in this egg."

Wang Feng said solemnly, "Assimilate the dark aura in this egg, your soul will enter this egg, and you will be born again with the egg!"

He slowly stated his plan.

His essence and blood are not as powerful as usual. After being tempered by the red lotus karma, the second brush of the chaotic light, and after that, he even cultivated in the five-color mountain to level one hundred.The strength of his body can only be crushed by him even if the Destroying God King is there.

With the power of the soul and the power of life, the body incarnation formed by the cultivation of one qi and three clears, the essence and blood are naturally exactly the same as the body.

Suppress the evil bite consciousness in this egg, and then use the purple origin pattern to absorb the dark energy in it.

Enter into it with Lord Bingmulin's soul, strangling the consciousness in it.

Cut off this evil spirit beast's plan.

At the same time, let Bingmulin be born again!

The perfect plan!

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