Check in from Douluo

Chapter 1061 The mediocre soul master (4)

You can search for "Starting from Douluo to search for novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!"Come on." A smile suddenly appeared on Wang Feng's face.

The smile is like the melting of the first snow, like spring flowers in full bloom, and like the light falling on the world.

It seems that all the evils and worries in the world are scattered in this smile.

Wang Dong was stunned, not just him, but many students below were also stunned.A faint flush appeared on his face involuntarily.

The smile bloomed by this perfect face, at this moment, seemed to be a killer of men and women.

"How handsome."

Below, a delicate girl holds her heart in her hands, looking obsessively in her eyes.

Wang Dong hurriedly dispelled the distracting thoughts in his heart and quickly told himself that this young man could never be the real white pope Wang Feng.

In the next moment, Wang Dong pointed his toes and was half-flying, kicking towards the young man in front.

Wang Feng stood there, his smile disappeared, his face calm.

Seeing a kick full of soul power, he just gently stretched out his hand and gave a slight shock.

A huge and irresistible force instantly caused Wang Dong to fly upside down.

That exaggerated power could not be possessed by an 18th-level spirit master.The surrounding scene flashed like a phantom.

A rope was tied to her waist at some point, pulling his flying upside down abruptly, only one step away from the fighting spirit platform.

Wang Dong barely stabilized in midair with his wings.

The rope is made up of leaves one by one, not knowing that it was glued together by the gods, and it was extremely strong at this moment.

Following the end of the rope of leaves, he saw Wang Feng's figure.

I saw him gently pulling, countless leaves flying all over the sky, automatically flying behind him.

An extraordinary control method!

Obviously this was the other party's timely shot, and it didn't let him fly out.

"The speed is too slow and the power is too weak." Wang Feng said afterwards, "The goddess of light Dieqiang is not good at close combat in flight and long-range attacks. At the same time, the magical beauty of the wings can cause a certain degree of sight interference to the enemy by absorbing sunlight. You didn't use any of them. Without knowing the opponent's martial arts and specific strength, you rushed up in close combat. Little girl, didn't your two guardians teach you basic fighting skills?"

As the voice fell.

The field suddenly began to discuss.

The opponent has not yet used Martial Spirit, but the strength between the hands and feet reveals the tip of the iceberg of the opponent's mysterious strength.


But Wang Dong stared at the young man in front of him blankly.

The sense of familiarity in my heart became stronger.

Could it be... he still knows Dad and Second Dad?

"You lose, go on."

Wang Feng waved his hand.

Wang Dong was silent for a few seconds. Although the force was huge, it was soft and did not cause him any harm.

The opponent clearly still controls the power.

It's hard to imagine, it's just such an ordinary clapping.

There is such an exaggerated power, and it can be controlled so cleverly.

"I'm not convinced!"

Wang Dong said solemnly.

"Okay, then you come again." Wang Feng is still a little patient.

If he changed to someone else, Wang Feng slapped him directly.Love Wenxue

The next moment, Wang Dong learned his lesson this time, instead of rushing forward, he stood still.

The pattern on the blue butterfly wings suddenly lit up, as if countless rays of light were condensed... a powerful attack was brewing.

"Second Soul Skill: Light of the Butterfly God!"

Wang Dong shouted loudly, as the light on the blue butterfly wings became more and more shiny.

The next moment, just as the butterfly wings on Wang Dong's back were about to gush out powerful energy.

However, Wang Feng's figure disappeared in sight.

A breeze rolled up!


The long voice sounded.

Before Wang Dong turned his head, he felt a huge force coming from behind.

He lifted his foot directly to the ground.

"Standing in place to put remote skills, are you a fool as your enemy?" Wang Feng looked at Wang Dongyao lying on the ground.

Wang Dong struggled to get up from the veins, his eyes were a little red, and his handsome face was full of dust.

It was the first time for him to have such a big ugly under the public.

"Then what can I do! This spirit skill can only be released on the spot!" Wang Dong said angrily in his heart.

The one-shot student just saw it clearly.

This is actually not to blame Wang Dong.

Those teachers also frowned secretly.

"Who stipulated it?" Wang Feng said, "Who stipulated that this spirit calling ability can only be released on the spot? All these years have passed. Is it possible that your spirit masters release their spirit skills? Is there any change? Thousands of years ago, many spirit masters were able to move while releasing long-range spirit abilities. How come to you, but it still doesn't work?"

"This, that's because of the peculiarities of spirit abilities. Some spirit abilities can only be released on the spot." A teacher looked at Wang Dong's pitiful appearance, and hurriedly said a few words for her.

"It's ridiculous." Wang Feng shook his head, "If it is such a spirit ability, can't your spirit masters change it? After learning about the spirit ability, you know that these spirit skills will have defects, why not try to change these defects. What?"

"Your Shrek Academy are all geniuses. You can't change those high-level spirit abilities, but you can't change these low-level spirit abilities?"

Wang Feng shook his head, "Is it difficult to change soul skills? Or do you all think you are stupid?"

When the words fell, everyone looked at him in astonishment.

Wang Dong was also stunned, his cheeks turned red and white.

"It's really stupid. But only by experimenting and trying to change will I know if it's possible. Little girl, you haven't thought about it that way now."

Wang Feng sighed, "A soul master who has no ideas of his own, no matter how powerful his martial soul, no matter how talented he is. It is a mediocre soul master."

"You can't become a real strong person by following the rules."

At these words, Wang Dong was startled again.

That big daddy and second daddy loved her since they were young, even if they had exercised her, they never said these things.


The teacher Zhou Yi applauded first, "It makes a lot of sense. This student, go down first. His strength is not something you can resist."

Wang Dong walked down silently.

It's hard to imagine that the other party didn't even use the martial spirit, or even the spirit power fluctuation.

"How do I feel, Senior Wang is quite patient with this Wang Dong?"

Tang Ya whispered, "From my intuition, I feel that Senior Wang may be closely related to this Wang Dong. Oh, yes, they are all named Wang, do you think they are?"

Beibei shook her head repeatedly, "It shouldn't be. There are more people surnamed Wang. You are suspicious. However, we really rarely want to change our spirit skills in the past. I remember that the strong people in the past liked to pass various trainings. Those who exercise their own spirit abilities, not to mention the evolution of the spirit abilities, can improve the strength of the spirit abilities and certain fatal flaws."

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