Check in from Douluo

Chapter 1062 Xiao Xiao, The Thousand Years of Dreams (5)

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"We are geniuses, how can geniuses be blocked by such difficulties?"

Tang Ya also nodded gently.

On stage.

Wang Feng looked at the teachers on the opposite side, his heart suddenly moved, and he looked at the crowd below.

With his feelings, he discovered that there were a few more powerful breaths in the crowd.

However, the more people came, the more satisfied he was.

"Are you planning to come in person?"

Wang Feng looked at several teachers.

"Do not!"

However, Zhou Yi said with some interest, “Although your level is only eighteen, you have extraordinary vision and rich combat experience. There should be some students in our outer courtyard who want to challenge you, don’t you mind. Right? You are going to challenge Shrek Academy."

"Don't mind." Wang Feng said with a faint smile, "Anyone who wants to come up can have a try."

Although his physical strength was basically sealed.

But his current body is still exaggerated, even if the seal of the Five Dao Divine Kings, none of them have been unlocked.

When the words fall, the following girls are not ready to move.

Soon, she walked onto a girl.

The girl was charming and lovely. She looked thirteen or fourteen years old. She looked straight at Wang Feng when she came up.

"Big brother, you are so handsome."

The charming girl said shyly.

"Eh, please don't use such vulgar words to praise me." Wang Feng sighed, "This will annoy me very much."


"Big brother, you are so funny." The charming girl chuckled. "Although you are handsome, but with such a thick skin, this is the first time I have met."

"But, I ask you to listen to a piece of music." A thousand-year-old spirit ring lit up on the beautiful girl, and a green piece of music appeared in her hands, "This piece is good."

"By the way, my name is Xiao Xiao, and my spirit is Xiao."

Wang Feng looked at the long flute in the girl's hand.

There are nine phoenix patterns faintly carved on it, which looks very extraordinary.

"I'm young and I can still play flute." Wang Feng glanced at the charming girl.

Xiao Xiao's face was red again, but he picked up the flute and started playing.

In an instant.

The beautiful flute sound, under the girl's soft jade lips, resounded like clear spring water.

After hearing the sound and listening to the music, many students were immersed in the beautiful flute sound before they knew it.

The melodious and melodious sound of the flute suddenly turned down in the mid-range, becoming low and wailing, and everyone's mood also became low.

In the second half of the journey, it also began to become full of joy and joy. This continuous and different change caused everyone's mood to rise and fall with the sound of the flute.

Even many people crying loudly, the teachers with high spirit power levels are also heavy and tearful in their eyes.

This flute is obviously extraordinary.

The girl merged her mental power into the flute, but there was no fluctuation in her spirit power.

This kind of flute has always been a unique skill!

"Does it sound good?"

When the girl Song Changxiao, everyone has not recovered for a long time.

She blinked and said, "Is Big Brother nice?"

"It doesn't sound good." Wang Feng shook his head.


The girl looked at Wang Feng in surprise, "Big brother, you seem to be completely okay?"

"Please remove the word "seems". A mere flute song is like making your elder brother gaffe?" Wang Feng glanced at this little girl's thoughts.Cool Record Literature

This little girl obviously didn't really want to defeat him.

But think about letting go.

This is another level of defeat.

"how come?"

Xiao Xiao let out a cry, his face flushed, "This [Qing Xue Yi] is not an ordinary song... Even if I am low-powered and can't exert one-tenth of the power, it is still effective for the teacher. Even I am moved. How could it not be effective for you?"

"Maybe because I am too handsome?" Wang Feng said.

"..." Xiao Xiao.

Xiao Xiao twisted, "I don't believe it, big brother, how did you do it?"

"Speaking of flute, I will too." Wang Feng said, "Little girl, give me your Xiao? I will also play a song."

"Really?" Xiao Xiao was a little surprised, and ignoring that Xiao had been used by her, ran to Wang Feng, blushing and handed Chang Xiao to Wang Feng.

"First disperse your flute and re-concentrate your soul power. How can you give me the flute that you have used?" Wang Feng said, "Little girl, are you trying to take advantage of your big brother?"

"..." Xiao Xiao.

"No!" Xiao Xiao chuckled, "I think you are so funny, or will you be my big brother from now on?"

So Xiao Xiao scattered the long flute, and then reunited it.

"Okay." Wang Feng said with a faint smile, "If I can survive this song, I will reluctantly be your elder brother. If you can't, it won't work."

Take over the long flute that Xiao Xiao reunited.

Wang Feng placed it beside his mouth.

"That's too simple."

Xiao Xiao said confidently, "I have heard a lot of flute and music. It is impossible to make Xiao Xiao lose his temper."

"Boss, do you really know how to play flute? When did you learn it?" Long Xie said in surprise in the soul space.

"You still have a lot of old folks." Wang Feng smiled slightly, "but at the beginning, this piece was not a piece of flute, but a piece of flute. There is one of them, and I am quite touched now."

When the words fell, Wang Feng closed his eyes.

There was a long sound of flute.

In an instant, the people who had just recovered from the sound of Xiao Xiao's flute suddenly shocked!

The sound of the flute sounded, but it was a gentle, straightforward, ancient tune, slowly coming from the hole of the flute...

As if spanning thousands of years, as the dusty memories were unraveled, everyone seemed to have gone with them for thousands of years, as if they had had a thousand-year dream.

Seeing the world like the vicissitudes of life, the stars shifting and the continents changing, everything in the world seems to be unfamiliar...

That kind of heaviness that has gone through countless years makes everyone feel immersed in it and succumbed to it.

But a few minutes of flute and music, slowly disappeared...


Xiao Xiao cried, opened his eyes, looked at the big brother in front of him with tears, and asked while sobbing:

"Big brother...this,, what's the name?"

Not only him, but many people at this time couldn't bear this heavy feeling and cried.

Even those teachers are no exception.

The strong mental power, coupled with the changes after the integration of this kind of emotion, the appeal is not at the same level.

Perhaps no one can play this piece better than Wang Feng.

"Dream a thousand years." Wang Feng said slowly.

This was one of the three songs that had been learned by the sea witch at the time on Seagod Island.

Wang Feng, who has experienced the seal for thousands of years, has the deepest understanding of this song.

Everyone stared blankly. They only felt that the mysterious young man on the stage seemed to be really like this piece of music, spanning thousands of years, coming from a distant ancient era, with a breath of dazzling elegance, which is amazing. Deeply addicted...

It was also at this time that a woman slowly walked over from the outside, and she was slightly startled when she saw this scene...


Ps: There are five chapters in the evening, please count the votes...

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