Check in from Douluo

Chapter 1107 Dark Zone (1)

You can search for "Starting from Douluo to search for novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!In Jiang Nannan's state at this time, it is difficult to maintain his body shape in this sudden acceleration.

When he hit Wang Feng, the whole person was dumbfounded, and his cheeks immediately turned red.

Fortunately, he just hit Wang Feng's shoulder instead of hitting his arms.

'So comfortable, this smell...'

Vaguely, Jiang Nannan only felt an incomparably pure breath from the opponent.

"Ahem, take care of it."

Wang Feng held Jiang Nannan's shoulder and said something.

Dragon evil dog stuff, it must be intentional!

"Eh, oh oh."

Jiang Nannan came back to his senses, looked at Wang Feng embarrassedly, and then held on to the rock pillar on the side.

The golden-headed cat eagle in front was still flying quickly, as if to take them to a place.

"I heard in the academy that seniors had accepted a few students. Did they come to this place because they brought them out for experience?"

There was some silence, Jiang Nannan couldn't help but asked curiously.

"Yes, help them find Qi Soul Beast." Wang Feng nodded, "Don't call me senior, I'm still very young."

"Qi Soul Beast..." Jiang Nannan blinked, "Then I will call Senior Teacher. You are also a teacher at the Academy now. Teacher Wang?"

"You can call Teacher Feng." Wang Feng thought for a while, "There are too many Teacher Wang in the college."

"..." Jiang Nannan smiled softly.

The surname Wang, but the common surname.

"Teacher Feng, what was the evil spirit beast just now?" Jiang Nannan obviously still had a lot of questions about the matter just now.

Wang Feng pondered for a moment, and Jiang Nannan couldn't explain it clearly for a while.

It is possible that the federal side should have some understanding of this situation.

"To be precise, it is not entirely an evil spirit beast." Wang Feng also explained a few words, the little girl was very nervous now.

It is estimated that it has not slowed down.

That's why I want to talk and ask some questions to ease the tension and doubts in my heart.

"But the evil spirit beast was infected by him." Wang Feng glanced at Jiang Nannan, who was looking at himself with wide eyes, looking like a curious baby.

"You can understand them as beings similar to our human beings." Wang Feng continued, "They were born in such a place and were not discovered because they had not fully hatched before. In the fifth soul During the beast wars, those evil spirit beasts left their eggs in this spirit beast forest, and slowly nurtured by the vitality of this place, or other spirit beasts."

"It was not born until recently. But these are my guesses and may not be accurate."

Jiang Nannan nodded without understanding.

Isn't that evil spirit beast?

"Is that monster still alive?" Jiang Nannan continued to ask.

She could clearly see the previous battle.

Such a terrifying divine thunder descended from the sky with great momentum and did not destroy the latter.

"Part of it is dead. The soul has not dissipated." Wang Feng stared into the distance, "The other party's soul should be the source of this soul beast forest. After the other party is destroyed, no new ones will appear in this forest. Evil soul beast."

Jiang Nannan nodded, probably understood.


At this time, the golden-headed cat eagle in front suddenly made a shout.

Then dived down from midair.

"Boss, here it is!"

Long Xie immediately swooped down.

"I noticed it."

Wang Feng nodded slightly and looked into the distance, a little curious in his

In front is a basin in this forest, the terrain is more than ten meters short, and it is covered with various vegetation that exudes special dark energy.

It seems to have been replaced by the other side of the world.

The original purple maple has also completely changed.It became a jet black tree with scorched black leaves.

All kinds of mysterious flowers and vegetation that cannot be named, cover the front, crisscrossing and crisscross, as if laying a carpet on the ground.

It has a dark atmosphere and atmosphere.

"here is…"

Before falling down, Jiang Nannan looked at this place in front of him with some shock.

She can clearly feel that this area is so different from the outside!

"Boss, what a strong special energy."

Long Xie landed on a high platform watching the situation below.

It did exude the special dark energy unique to the evil spirit beast.

"This place is terrible..."

Jiang Nannan whispered.

The sight in front of her did not fit her cognition of the forest, and being covered by these black vegetation, it seemed to give people an evil feeling, which instinctively felt a bit scary.

The golden-headed cat eagle flew in front of Longxie, bumped into Longxie again, and then flew on Wang Feng's shoulder, and screamed.

Then he flew in mid-air, but didn't step into the dark basin in front, but flew in mid-air to watch.

There are many evil spirit beasts in it.

"Teacher Feng, look!"

Jiang Nannan screamed suddenly and pointed to the distant center.

There was a cloud of dark energy floating there, which looked very permeating.

Below this group of black energy, there are still many evil spirit beasts, among them there is half a broken egg!

But this scene can still appear in the line of sight. It doesn't look very far, but it is very illusory, a bit like a mirage.

It may actually be far away.

"Really so!"

Seeing this broken egg, Wang Feng frowned.

This egg has a similar aura to the Evil Soul Beast egg bred by Tian Meng Ice Silkworm.

And the egg was obviously fully mature, and the demon was born.

In fact, it is reasonable, although that Demon Yinqiang is strong, but it is not invincible, and the strength of Title Douluo will be defeated.

In fact, the most troublesome thing is this infection. Once these soul beasts are infected with this special dark energy, not only will their strength be greatly increased, they will also be full of powerful aggression.

This is the case with the golden-headed cat and eagle. Although this little thing is a relatively rigid race, it is not enough to hit the dragon evil when they meet.

Nature is affected.

"Ms. Feng, there are many evil spirit beasts in it."

Jiang Nannan whispered.

She could even see with her own eyes, there are still many soul beasts who have strayed into it.

As long as the soul beast enters this area, it will slowly be changed. Once it eats any vegetation within this range, it will become an evil soul beast at a speed visible to the naked eye.

This area is also gradually increasing. Judging from the situation of this spread, it may not be used up to a year, and the entire soul beast forest will quickly become this special zone.

"You stay here, I'll go and see."

Wang Feng looked at this place.

The golden-headed cat eagle took him to this place, obviously this little thing was infected here.

Every other day in this place, the area of ​​this soul beast forest will shrink, and more and more evil soul beasts will be produced.

In fact, one day, the evil spirit beast broke out, and the first to suffer by then was naturally Shrek City.

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