Check in from Douluo

Chapter 1108 Interesting Kitty (2)

You can search for "Starting from Douluo to search for novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!To be precise, it is not exactly Shrek City, many cities do.

Because similar to the Zifeng Soul Beast Forest, there are many small and medium-sized Soul Beast Forests on the mainland.

When those evil spirit beasts were defeated from the mainland, they secretly left their eggs, distributed in the forest, and took the opportunity to nurture them.

And this is not the egg of an ordinary evil spirit beast.

Such as Mo Yin, who possesses extremely high wisdom and is no different from human beings, is obviously a creature in another world. Through this method, he first came to the mainland.

"Ms. Feng, there are so many evil spirit beasts in it..."

Jiang Nannan said subconsciously, "Why don't we return to the academy first, invite the teachers in the academy to gather together, and then enter. Otherwise, it would be too dangerous."

Moreover, Jiang Nannan was also worried, once a person enters it, what should he do if he doesn't infect and become an evil spirit beast?

This place is so weird.

"You little girl, too underestimate my boss of Longxie."

Long Xie sneered, "Boss, don't worry, I'll be waiting for you here to help you watch this girl."

Wang Feng waved his hand.

He has all come to this place, so naturally it is impossible for him to go back here.

Besides, he naturally deals with this place.

Seeing that Wang Feng did not agree to his request, Jiang Nannan was silent.

"Teacher Feng, then you are careful." Jiang Nannan said softly.

Wang Feng walked directly into this area.

When he stepped into this area, countless thick black fog suddenly spread from this small basin, covering the situation inside.Just using mental power to perceive it has no effect.


Long Xie's huge dragon eyes condensed.

This place is really weird.

The boss in sight has disappeared, and he can't sense it.

"Hold on."

Long Xie lay down, watching the dark area in front of him vigilantly.

As if thinking of something, Long Xie looked at the golden-headed cat and eagle on the side.

This little thing has been watching after the boss entered, tilted his head, did it move twice, flapping its wings as if it wanted to rush in.

"Little thing, if you want to help the boss, you might as well take this girl out."

Long Xie uttered a roar at the golden-headed cat eagle.

The golden-headed cat eagle tilted his head and glanced at Long Xie's huge size, without shaking him.

"..." Long Xie was furious at once, this little thing is not so courageous.

Don't you know that you are a weak chicken?

"That...that..." Jiang Nannan whispered, "I'll wait together too."

Long Xie let out a cold snort, and slapped the golden-headed cat eagle with his wings and pressed it directly on the ground.

"You little thing, do you dare to offend the majesty of your Dragon Lord?"

Long Xie sneered, "Today just teaches you a little lesson."

The golden-headed cat and eagle was pressed against the ground by the dragon's huge wings, making a constant struggle, and its two paws were turning crazily on the ground like a dog's plane, lifting up patches of dust.Keyuan Novel

"Accepted or not?" Long Xie smiled, "I will teach you a lesson for the boss, so that you, this little thing, knows what to respect and respect!"

With that, the wings on Longxie's body used a bit more force, the golden-headed cat eagle was pressed by the huge wings, unable to move at all, even scratching the ground with a scratch.For him, Long Xie is too strong.

Seeing this scene, Jiang Nannan on the other side immediately walked over and couldn't help saying:

"Um, Teacher Feng's soul beast... this golden-headed cat eagle is also quite pitiful, maybe you just let it go."

"What do you little girl know." Long Xie said, "It's too easy to break, this little thing is low-powered, so rebellious. Do you think I taught him on purpose? I'm helping him. He will see other powerful soul beasts again in the future, and he will be so reckless, and then it will not be a matter of taking a lesson. He will pay the price of his life."

Jiang Nannan was stunned, she didn't expect this level.

And looking at Longxie's attitude, it was obvious that he wanted to deliberately bully this golden-headed cat and eagle.

"Also, you little girl, with three spirit rings on her body, and killed three spirit beasts. Why can you still pity the spirit beasts now?"

Long Xie glanced at Jiang Nannan.

Jiang Nannan opened his mouth and didn't know what to say for a while.

She didn't just kill three spirit beasts...a student of Shrek Academy, entered the Star Dou Great Forest, and had already experienced in the major spirit beast forests, and killed a lot of spirit beasts.

But now he feels pitiful for the golden-headed cat and eagle bullied by the dragon evil.

"When you killed those soul beasts and obtained the spirit ring, why didn't you have pity for those soul beasts?" Long Xie couldn't help but sneer.

Jiang Nannan was said to be blushing.

I had to say: "Yes... But the spirit master's request... We must hunt down the spirit beasts and obtain the spirit ring to get promotion."

"Do those soul beasts owe you?" Long Xie shook his head, and said disdainfully, "You hunted the soul beasts to obtain the spirit ring. You thought it was a matter of course, and you didn't feel that those soul beasts are pitiful. But now you are a soul beast. The other soul beast I bullied."

"Little girl, you are too young. So don't be nosy."

Jiang Nannan could not refute.

She was only less than fifteen years old, it was impossible for her to be the opponent of an old monster like Long Xie who didn't know how many years he had lived.

"I know why you feel sorry for it." Long Xie continued, "This is nature. It is not this soul beast that you are pitiful for. You are dissatisfied with bullying the weak. But little girl, this world is the weak and the strong, the strong. Bullying the weak, this is justified."

Jiang Nannan was silent.

"But pity it, you don't have the qualifications yet." Long Xie said lightly, "Put away your cheap kindness. It won't appreciate you... Maybe it will think you are hypocritical. Because you are a soul master, or A soul master who has dyed many soul beast lives."

Jiang Nannan lowered his head.

The golden-headed cat eagle became even more angry. Its whole body burst out with a fierce light, its wings suddenly contracted and became very thin, looking like a sharp knife, as if it wanted to attack Longxie Wings.

It is a pity that the thin and thin blade formed by its sharp wings cuts on Longxie's wings as if it were tickling it.

This golden-headed cat eagle has only a cultivation base of more than three hundred years, and its strength is too weak.

On the contrary, he was shaken to crack his wings.

But even so, this golden-headed cat and eagle still did not give up, constantly using the sharp blade formed by its wings to scrape Longxie's wings.

Jiang Nannan was secretly surprised.

The perseverance of this golden-headed cat eagle is really different.

When the last two wings were broken, the golden-headed cat eagle poked Longxie's wings with a sharp beak.

Seeing this, Long Xie was quite interested.

The injury on the opponent is not serious to him.

"Interesting Kitty." Long Xie said.

However, his wings still pressed the golden-headed cat eagle firmly.

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