Check in from Douluo

Chapter 1116: Nature (10)

You can search for "Starting from Douluo to search for novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!Although it has only five or six hundred years of cultivation base, it should not be underestimated. Ordinary thousand-year spirit beasts may not be its opponent.

Wang Feng smiled slightly, touched the diamond dragon eagle, and reverted to being a soul beast. To this diamond dragon eagle is no different than recreating.

In fact, fortunately, they have not been deeply infected, otherwise they might not be able to recover.

Xiao Xiao ran to Wang Feng excitedly, trying to touch the King Kong Dragon Eagle, but was rejected by the King Kong Dragon Eagle.

Skimming his head directly without looking at it.

"Teacher..." Xiao Xiao suddenly grimned, "It doesn't seem to accept me."

"Nonsense, it doesn't know you, how can it accept you?" Wang Feng gave Xiao Xiao a speechless look, "Blow a piece of flute. Use what you do best to attract its attention."

Xiao Xiao's eyes lit up again.

He directly called out the martial soul Jiufeng to come to the instrument, and played a melodious and low voice.

Integrate emotions into Xiao and music, and convey your inner emotions through sound.Music is a medium for spiritual communication across species.

This King Kong Dragon Eagle was obviously attracted by this Xiao tune, and then his gaze fell on Xiao Xiao.

Reluctantly glanced at her.

"Go ahead."

Wang Feng touched the head of the King Kong Dragon Eagle.

The King Kong Dragon Eagle screamed and flew towards Xiao Xiao.Ma Xiaotao, who was watching, was a little nervous, this soul beast was very aggressive.

If you don't do anything a little bit, Xiao Xiao is in danger.

Fortunately, her worries were unnecessary. The King Kong Dragon Eagle flew under Xiao Xiao's feet, pouting his wings a few times, and seemed to enjoy Xiao Xiao's flute.

Seeing this, Wang Feng nodded slightly.

"Teacher, I love you so much, thank you!" Xiao Xiao put away the Yuxiao, gently touched the head of the King Kong Dragon Eagle, hiding it in his heart, and immediately looked at Wang Feng with small stars in his eyes.

Wang Feng waved his hand, "It's better to love me than to love it, and cultivate it well."

Xiao Xiao grinned and nodded quickly.

"Yuhao, this jade shell crystal monster is a rare spirit attribute. At the same time, it has extremely strong defense power."

Wang Feng pointed to the Yubei Jingjing monster on the other side and said, "It is the first soul beast that the teacher found for you. You will have to find it by yourself in the future. You can come directly and use mental power and communication. This soul beast itself has a very gentle temperament. In addition, you are also a spirit type, so it is easy to accept you."

Spirit type soul beasts still possess extremely strong defense power.

This is a perfect match.

The defense of most spirit type spirit beasts is extremely poor.

Like the silver silkworm, even the sweet dream ice silkworm of millions of years.

"Your kid is lucky, the boss can find this rare spirit type soul beast for you." Tianmeng Bingcan said through the voice, "this jade shell crystal monster is a rare spirit type soul beast with ancient blood. The degree of preciousness is much more precious than the previous amethyst rhino and the diamond dragon eagle."

Hearing this, Huo Yuhao walked over with excitement.

After closing his eyes and communicating with this crystal monster for a while, the crystal monster floated and fell to Huo Yuhao's side, making a friendly whine.

In the end, Wang Dong saw that both of them had a soul beast, but she didn't, and he couldn't help but feel anxious for a while.

"Teacher, what about me?" Wang Dong walked out and couldn't help asking.

"No. I didn't find a suitable one for you." Wang Feng said with squinting eyes.

"Ah!" Wang Dong suddenly looked disappointed, "Teacher, you are partial!"

Huo Yuhao on the side hesitated and said, "Wang Dong, I already have one, do you want to..."

He wanted to say whether to give this crystal monster to Wang Dong first, after all, he already had a silver silkworm himself.

Before he finished speaking, Wang Feng interrupted directly, "Shut up."

Huo Yuhao was taken aback and saw Wang Feng staring at him severely.

"I knew that you would do this." Wang Feng sternly said, "Are you an item when you treat a soul beast? If you want to give it to others, give it to others? Not to mention that it is inconsistent. Even if you agree, do you know if you really With this said, it is almost impossible for you to sign a life soul contract with this soul beast?"

Hearing this, Huo Yuhao immediately lowered his head with shame, "Teacher, I was wrong."

"Just know that you are wrong." Wang Feng said in a deep voice, "Remember, you can let your Qi soul beast help anyone, but you must never give away the Qi soul beast that will become you. What's more, you just and It has communicated spirit!"

"Always remember, Qi Soul Beast is not an item. If you have just discovered this crystal monster and have not planned to make him your Qi Soul Beast, then you can let it to others. But you have communicated with it, You have already planned to make it your soul beast, so you must stop thinking about trading. Even if it does, the first thing you need to do is to ask for its opinion! Only when it agrees can you say this. "

"Rather than directly be the master of it! Remember, you are a partner, not a relationship between superiors and subordinates, let alone a relationship between master and servant!"

What Wang Feng said made Huo Yuhao startled.

The others were also startled.

Wang Feng shook his head. Although they understood the soul deed of life, in fact, they subconsciously regarded themselves as the role of'master'.

This concept originated from the nature of human beings dominating the Douluo Continent for tens of thousands of years.

Huo Yuhao is not to blame.

When Wang Feng stated this concept, he wanted them to abandon the previous nature of being superior, otherwise sooner or later they would encounter a bottleneck and conflict with the soul master.At that time, it is possible to cause the soul deed of life to be backlashed.

It will never be able to reach the state of tacit understanding with his own soul beast.

"Qi Soul Master... Qi Soul Beast..."

Huo Yuhao and the others have another level of understanding about this profession.

"Wang Dong, this is your soul beast." Finally, Wang Feng took out the Sunflower.

This kind of soul beast is more precious, and does not need to grow directly in the picture.

It can absorb the vitality of the heavens and the earth itself, but it is better to absorb it in the soil, and it can also absorb various nutrients in the earth to grow better.

However, when this beautiful flower appeared, Wang Dong was really shocked.

Because, she fell in love with this three palm-sized flower for the first time, with golden red petals and a pure white flower in the center.

"Plant-type martial arts have a high affinity with your goddess butterfly. As long as you release your martial arts and have simple contact with it, it will not repel you. Next, you need to go with it yourself. Cultivate feelings."

Wang Feng pointed.

Upon hearing this, Wang Dong hurriedly displayed the light goddess Butterfly Martial Soul, walked to Wang Feng, and took the flower in Wang Feng's hand.

As Wang Feng said, the plant-type Wuhun and the light goddess butterfly are very similar, especially the flower-type.

This Sunflower Sunflower did not struggle, and was held in both hands by Wang Dong.

"Thank you teacher!" Wang Dong said sincerely.

She did not admire or even worship the mysterious Wang Feng for a moment.

"It's up to you in the future."

Wang Feng nodded.The future Qi soul beasts will depend on themselves.

Jiang Nannan on the side looked at it, and couldn't help showing some envy in his eyes...


Ps: Ten more, it's late...

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