Check in from Douluo

Chapter 1117 Three-digit one-hundred-thousand-year soul beast (1)

You can search for "Starting from Douluo to search for novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!The experience of the past few days has made Jiang Nannan extremely interested and longing for Qi Soul Beast.

But she knew that it seemed not easy to become a soul master.

Now that Teacher Feng has brought these rare soul beasts to a few students so easily, I naturally feel a little envious.

Huo Yuhao and the others all looked at their new spirit beasts, their eyes were a little excited and excited, as if they were communicating.

When Wang Feng turned his eyes, he suddenly saw the golden-headed cat eagle.

"Long Xie, are you bullying others?"

Wang Feng frowned slightly.

This golden-headed cat and eagle didn't seem to have been hurt, but his eyes were full of coldness, especially when he saw Longxie, it was a calm.The calm before the storm.


Long Xie let out a cry, fluttered his wings and flew over, and said in confusion, "How could I bully a soul beast that has been around for hundreds of years? Boss, don't you see that it has suffered any injuries? If I bully it Now, its small body can still be as good as ever?"


The golden-headed cat eagle seemed to have heard something and screamed towards Longxie.

"Look, it's still coming..." Long Xie coughed a few times.

Jiang Nannan whispered a few words, thought about it, but didn't want to give a small report.

After all, this is someone's business.

"Shit, you are a vegetarian as your boss?"

Wang Feng slapped Long Xie with an angry slap, "I still can't tell?"

Said Wang Feng walked over and touched the golden-headed cat eagle.

It looks a lot bigger than before, and it has become a lot stronger in these three days.

This must be because Long Xie bullied others, and by the way, he reciprocated like before, and this little guy improved so quickly.

The process is not ordinary miserable.

The golden-headed cat eagle did not make a pitiful whine at Wang Feng, and his character was extremely tough.

At this moment, both eyes stared at Long Xie, as if to eat him.

"What to look at!"

Long Xie smiled disdainfully, "I admit, I just bullied it. Boss, look at it, has its cultivation level improved? Besides, this little thing is too rigid and its nature, if there is no chance for luck, It really won’t last long in the spirit beast forest. I also met us and changed to other powerful spirit beasts.

Wang Feng immediately glared at Long Xie. Long Xie immediately shut his mouth, making small circles on the ground with his dragon claws.

Jiang Nannan on the side covered her mouth and laughed a few times, feeling that the relationship between the Qi Soul Master and the Qi Soul Beast was really interesting.

"Little guy, do you want to go with me?"

Wang Feng looked at the golden-headed cat eagle and touched it.

This little thing has a relationship with him. Although the bloodline variety is average, but the personality is good, with a little training, it will become a great in the future.

If it doesn't work, you can also find a master for it.

"Oh, that would be great." Long Xie smiled.

If this little eagle dared to go with his master, he would have a chance to bully this little thing in the future.

Not to mention, it's a bit addictive.

Unexpectedly, the golden-headed cat eagle shook his head, snorted twice at Wang Feng, let out a whisper, and immediately flew away.

When he came, he looked back at Wang Feng and Jiang Nannan.No. 7 Novel Network

Jiang Nannan just waved his hand at the golden-headed cat eagle and said loudly: "Little eagle, goodbye, I will come to see you often in the future."

Their relationship is still good.

Wang Feng smiled.In fact, soul master Qi chooses soul beasts, although he tries his best to choose the ones that suit him.

But in fact, if fate is true, then the priority is the highest.

Wang Feng couldn't predict what extent the Qi Soul Master and his Qi Soul Beast would reach in the future.Because now the trumpet has not reached the 100th level.However, there is a disadvantage for Wang Feng. Although the bloodline of the soul beast determines the upper limit of the soul beast, when the Qi soul beast grows with the Qi soul master for a long time, it will definitely become stronger, change, and the bond will deepen. Other changes are not necessarily.

Jiang Nannan and this golden-headed cat and eagle are not very close together, but if they are really destined.The golden-headed cat eagle became Jiang Nannan's soul beast, and the combat power it could produce would never be weak.The fetters between different lives will cause changes in different lives.

"Go back first."

Zhang Lexuan came over and gave Wang Feng a deep look.

"You go back first." Wang Feng said casually, "I will patrol again to see if there are other evil spirit beasts in this forest. Zhang Lexuan, you protect them, and I will come again later."

He wanted to see if there were any kind of Evil Soul Beast eggs nearby, and if there were any, he would solve them directly.

So as not to be left behind.

Zhang Lexuan nodded, and then led everyone back to Shrek Academy.

The Evil Soul Beast in the Purple Maple Soul Beast Forest was temporarily resolved, but Zhang Lexuan was not sure whether there might be other powerful Evil Soul Beasts in other places in this forest, and they went fast.

In less than a day, everyone was not far from Shrek City.

"After entering the city, if the soul beasts on your body cannot be put away, they will be tied up temporarily."

Zhang Lexuan instructed several people, "Otherwise, soul beasts appear in the city, which will easily cause riots. Although there are some soul beasts in the academy, they are not rare and powerful. They are only used for introduction to students and combat training. Nothing. The wild nature is very different from these soul beasts in the forest outside."

Huo Yuhao nodded again and again.

Because they hadn't reached level 30 at all, they couldn't absorb the spirit ring of Qi spirit beast, and temporarily couldn't suck the latter into the spirit domain space.

Can only be carried around.

Fortunately, a few soul beasts are not too big, because they have only a few hundred years of cultivation base.

The only bigger one is the amethyst rhino.

In the Purple Maple Soul Beast Forest, after Zhang Lexuan's group left first.

Wang Feng also took Bingmulin Jun and began to search quickly.

Born from an eggshell, Lord Bingmulin's cultivation was only about 5,500 years old. He was born with this kind of strength. It is conceivable how much energy Bingmulin absorbed from that eggshell.

Most of them are bred by possession.

"The vitality of the world in this era is many times stronger than before..."

Lord Bingmulin sighed, "In the past few thousand years, many powerful soul beasts should have been born? Such a strong heaven and earth vitality, for a soul beast, one year of cultivation is equal to ten years. And this level of heaven and earth vitality , It will give birth to many treasures of heaven and earth, and a large number of powerful soul beasts. The number of soul beasts of 100,000 years should have increased a lot."

"Like a ten thousand year-level soul beast, it will also be very common."

Like Long Xie, Lord Bingmulin recuperated and restored his soul with Wang Feng in the five-color mountain. He naturally didn't know much about the outside world.

But with this induction, Jun Bingmulin was able to easily analyze these situations.

"This era shouldn't be considered the most brilliant era of Douluo." Wang Feng said with a light smile, "As far as I know, the third world war of soul beasts at that time had three digits for one hundred thousand year soul beasts. That was the Federation. The orthodox history is recorded, and there are actually more. Title Douluos of that era are numerous..."

"Later, it began to decrease after the war, and with the emergence of the soul core system, the number slowly returned to normal, but the combat effectiveness increased evenly."

Jun Bingmulin was quite surprised when he heard this.

Especially that one hundred thousand year soul beast that is close to three digits.

This is indeed a bit exaggerated. Ten thousand years ago, one hundred thousand year old soul beasts, with full budget, the entire continent is estimated to have killed thirty-four?

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