Check in from Douluo

Chapter 1159 Spectacles Martial Spirit (6)

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Yuan Hong was a little surprised, "What's the matter with you? All eyes are red like this? Lao Zheng, you are a person your age, or an old deacon of our inspection department. You are going to perform the task today. Is it possible to pay back last night? Go and do it quietly? I'm telling you that prostitution is illegal now. As a member of our federal inspection department, you know the law and violate the law.

"Fuck you!" Zheng Yang cursed as he walked over, "Who went for prostitution? I'm not respectful!"

The two have a good relationship, Wang Feng said in his heart.

Yuan Hong smiled.

"Deacon Yuan, we have all looked at the Light and Shadow Soul Guidance Device... more than five times inside and out."

Hua Linghai's eyes were also flushed, and his hair was messy.Wearing a black trench coat specially made by the Inspection Department.

However, it looks okay.

It's kind of like taking a stimulant.

"Deacon Yuan, is that true?" He Hai said with excitement and excitement, "Is it true that what is said in it? This soul master, life soul contract, is really so powerful?"

Five times.

In fact, when I saw it the first time, several people were completely shocked.

The next few times are just for confirmation, and I feel addicted to it.

The development of the Light and Shadow Soul Guidance Device is not very good, the clarity is not high, but the sound is still retained.

Therefore, what they heard was very clear.

To be reasonable, if the Light and Shadow Soul Guidance Device was given to them by someone else, they would probably think it was a cult... How could there be such a beeping thing?

It must be fake!

Those three core rules make it scary to think about.

Is this something human can create?

But if it was given by Yuan Hong, it would be different.

And the location is indeed in Shrek Academy, it is impossible to regret making a mistake.

Therefore, even if they want to doubt, there is no reason to doubt.

"The light and shadow Soul Guidance Device only lasts three or four hours. Wouldn't you keep watching?"

Yuan Hong looked at several people in surprise, "If it weren't true, I wouldn't bring Master Wang here. You can call him Master Wang."

Wang Feng looked at several people and thought, it seems that the effect of that class is still coming out.

Fortunately, there is a light and shadow soul guide, which can be recorded.Make the dissemination of information easier.Otherwise, it would not be so easy.

It is estimated that in a few thousand years, Wang Feng has some doubts whether there will be a communicator similar to a mobile phone.

"The idea of ​​the soul master Qi is epoch-making... but it can create a soul contract of life, which I never expected." Zheng Yang stared at Wang Feng for a few times.

How does a twenty-sixth level soul master create the special rules of life soul deed?

He couldn't figure it out, if Xi Douluo created this, he felt that he could understand it.

But the other party...

"Let's go first?" Wang Feng said, "Talk on the road when you have time."

Everyone nodded.

By the city gate, there was a group of sergeants wearing ice silver armors who had been waiting for a long time.

These sergeants are the garrison of Ice Crystal City and the army responsible for sending them to the outskirts of the forest in the Far North.

Said it is armor, but Wang Feng feels that these armors are very light, more like a special kind of armor, and there is a simple Soul Guidance device inside, so that this armor can withstand much more than its own level. attack.

The garrison at the back border has always been the most elite sergeant of the Federation.

The strength of the sergeants in front of them is above level fifty, and the captain is still more than sixty levels.

It is exaggerated to have this level.

You know, this is not an ace army.

It is an elite army among ordinary soldiers.

The Federation has an army of only a few hundred people, composed of high-level spirit masters, representing the most powerful legion power in the mainland.

The ace of ace.56 Novel

Moreover, Wuhun has something in common, not a messy one.

The so-called commonality refers to a certain connection.

For example, they are all one type of beast spirit!

Is very powerful.

Walking out of the city gate, a chill came to his face.

Unlike the city, the temperature here is very low, tens of degrees below zero. Because the temperature in the city is resisted by the city walls, the average temperature will be higher, about twenty degrees below zero.

Outside, there are sixty or seventy degrees down, with the physique of a low-level spirit master, it is difficult to survive in this environment.Even an intermediate spirit master would have trouble in such a place for a long time.

But now that the Soul Guidance Device appeared, there were many Soul Guidance Devices that could keep out the cold, which greatly reduced the difficulty of the Soul Guidance's survival in the extreme north.

Save soul power.

Like the armor of this fifty-man army, it has this ability to keep out the cold.

Even if you enter the far north, you can still fight.

After walking out of the city for dozens of miles, the group was attacked by the evil spirit beast.

This is obviously not a good situation.

After about half a day, he was attacked by the second wave of evil spirit beasts.

Fortunately, they were all resolved by this army well-trained.

With the help of this army, the group traveled very quickly, and by noon, they had reached the outer forest of the Far North.

Subsequently, the army was transferred back.

The team led by Zheng Yang is about to enter the outer forest.

"By the way, isn't Deacon Yuan saying that he has found a disciple of the Iceya Sect, and there is a secret passage to go directly to the inner circle?"

At this moment, Wang Feng asked suddenly.

The outer soul beast forest is a long distance away from the inner circle. Now there are many evil soul beasts in the outer circle. Entering this way is likely to attract the attention of the creatures of the dark demon world born from the eggs. It is very troublesome and dangerous to deal with. Also extremely high.

"The disciples of Bingya Sect generally don't enter human cities. They only live in the extreme north."

Zheng Yang explained, "He should be around here. Responsible for picking up us. Ling Hai, come!"

Hua Linghai walked out and nodded slightly.

Immediately, he screamed, eight spirit rings lit up on his body, three purple and five black, and a pair of special black-framed glasses appeared on his eyes.

"My martial soul is glasses! And they are made of cold jade."

Hua Linghai said.

Glasses Wuhun.

Wang Feng was quite curious.

The martial arts spirit of the spectacles does not have any offensive or defensive capabilities.

But when it comes to reconnaissance and detection, it is unique, and it has many outstanding capabilities.

It is a powerful team spirit.

"Sixth Soul Skill: Constant Temperature Tracking!"

Hua Linghai's eyes suddenly burst into a violent light, and with him as the center, the temperature quickly began to change.

Many cold currents passed by him, blowing endless distances.

Constant temperature tracking is to be able to perceive any situation around you through temperature changes around you.

There is nothing to hide.

It's kind of like that kind of thermal imaging camera.

But this is even stronger, allowing Hua Linghai to see more details.

For example, some soul beast lives possess special shielding abilities, which can shield mental power perception.

But there is no alternative to this physical perception.

Because any life has temperature.

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