Check in from Douluo

Chapter 1160 The Youth of the Iceya Sect (7)

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Hua Linghai pondered for a moment, "He is already waiting for us."

After speaking, Hua Linghai quickly walked in one direction.

The others quickly followed.

As a healing spirit master Jiang Yun who was not good at running, she wore a pair of special shoes and spirit guides, and the speed could not lag behind the other four.

But for a moment, Hua Linghai came to a huge ancient tree.

He pushed away the snow layer on the old tree.

Then tapped lightly.

It was quiet all around, and Wang Feng felt a lot of evil spirit beasts. This kind of perception was naturally not what he felt.

It was felt by Lord Bingmulin flying in the sky.

Lord Bingmulin has always been flying in midair.For him, this place is his hometown.

But now it is a bit strange, because he has never left the far north for 10,000 years.

Even though most of the time, Lord Bingmulin spent his sleep in this place and practiced.

After a while, the old tree cracked open, revealing a hole!

A slightly cold voice came from inside:

"Come in, it's been a long time for you."

Hear the sound.

Zheng Yang frowned slightly, "He Hai, go in and explore."

The inside of this tree hole is very special, and the mental power cannot perceive it.Out of caution, he needs to send someone to check it first.

He Hai nodded, revealed the Martial Soul, and rushed in immediately.

His spirit is the Snow Leopard, a creature that grows extremely fast in the ice field.

After the spirit possessed, He Hai disappeared in the tree hole in a flash, and after only a dozen breaths, He Hai reappeared, "No problem, there is a special passage inside, very strange. Others. It's also inside."

Zheng Yang took the lead in walking in, and then several others entered in turn.

After coming in, Wang Feng found out why the mental power perception was blocked inside the tree hole.

Because there are dense ice magnets inside this tree hole!

A kind of mysterious ice that contains magnetism is very magical and a rare specialty in the extreme north.

This kind of ice magnet can absorb the spiritual power of the soul master, making it difficult for the soul master to perceive the situation inside the tree cave for concealment.

'This is a man-made channel... It seems that this Iceya Sect has developed in the extreme north for many years...'

Wang Feng sighed.

"Deacon Zheng, there seems to be no use of any Soul Guidance Device in this tree hole. My shoes have failed."

At this time, Jiang Yun said helplessly, "I can't even use the basic lighting."

"Use Martial Soul." Zheng Yang ordered.

Jiang Yun nodded, and lightly lit up Wuhun.100 Literature

Jiang Yun's martial soul is a light orb with sacred attributes. It is a very pure and simple martial soul with powerful healing powers. It can greatly increase against evil spirit beasts or evil spirit masters.

When this ball of light appeared, it was clearly visible in the tree hole.

In the shadow of the passage, a figure walked out.

"Follow me and follow this passage until you reach the inner circle of the Far North."

A teenager who looked at about sixteen or seventeen years old, dressed in a white cloak, with ice blue hair, looked quite handsome, but had a cold temperament.

"Why there is one more person... Forget it, there is only so much I can help you. By the way, I will tell you a bad news."

The young man glanced at the crowd and frowned slightly, his eyes fell on Wang Feng, a trace of surprise flashed in his eyes, and then he shook his head again.

"What news?" Zheng Yang's heart sank.

"The inner circle is very complicated now. I am low-powered and dare not go deep, but with the ice magnetic channel created by our Iceya Sect, I can detect a little bit. Of the three Douluo Heavenly Kings you sent, one of them should be affected. We suffered heavy injuries, and two of the eight overlords of the Far North were also injured."

The boy said in a low tone, "I don’t know everything else. If I hadn’t seen a few battles quietly, I wouldn’t know this situation. But I don’t know where they are, and I don’t know what happened later. But now the inner circle is very dangerous."

"So serious?" Lin Gang frowned deeply.

"It seems that the Evil Soul Beast in the Far North left at least two-digit egg species in this place."

Zheng Yang said solemnly, "Once the monsters of the Dark Demon Realm are born from the egg seed, their strength is terribly strong! The most dangerous thing is that once these egg seed are picked up and bred by other soul beasts, they will swallow the soul beast. It’s also possible to disguise the life of these eggs... and, at the beginning, it is impossible to find that these egg species are strange. Only when they are gestated to the point where they are about to hatch, the true breath of these egg species will be exposed, but according to the time It's too late."

Tianmeng Ice Silkworm is like this.

Kindly did the wrong thing.

Wang Feng was a little skeptical, and the guys in the crocodile might also get caught.

If these egg seeds are eaten by those spirit beasts that tend to be cruel, it will be even more so, those spirit beasts will directly become evil spirit beasts.In the end, it was gradually replaced by the conscious soul in the egg, but the strength was not as strong as the directly bred.

The ones that are directly bred are pure creatures of the dark demon world similar to the kind of devil.

"Did your Bingya Sect be destroyed like this?" Wang Feng looked at the young man.

The boy was taken aback for a moment, and his expression suddenly went cold, "So what?"

"Did your Bingya Sect founded by a woman named Shui Bing'er?" Wang Feng asked again.

The boy frowned slightly and looked at Wang Feng, "You know a lot. Now that the Human Federation knows of our Bingya ancestors, there should be none. The Shui Binger ancestors basically did not appear on the mainland ten thousand years ago, nor did they Few people know about her deeds, and how did you know about it?"

Wang Feng secretly said, as expected.

This Bingya Sect was really established by Shui Binger.

It is probably to leave the inheritance of the ice god.

"No matter how you know, I have already said what I should say..."

The young man said lightly, "Next, it depends on your choices. There are many evil spirit beasts out there. If you go back the same way, you can leave directly. If you go to the inner circle, it will be difficult for you to return alive. Presumably your Federation also knows how powerful those monsters are."

"The only thing in the inner circle that can deal with those monsters is the Nine Phoenix Heavenly King, who can temporarily suppress it. It's not enough to look at a strong human titled Douluo level. Otherwise, your Douluo Heavenly King will not be hit hard."

The group all looked at Zheng Yang.

"I suggest you leave directly." Wang Feng thought for a while, "With your strength, even if you can inquire about some situations, you may have to pay the price of life... and these situations may not be useful to you."

"What about you?" Zheng Yang looked at Wang Feng.

"I have a reason to go to the extreme ice layer. I have already told you the life soul deed. There are also some soul beasts in the periphery. You can experiment." Wang Feng said.

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