Check in from Douluo

Chapter 1161 In The Ice Realm, See The Statue Again (8)

You can search for "Starting from Douluo to search for novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!"Extreme ice?" The boy was startled, "You are going to the extreme ice? The inner circle is scary enough, are you going to die in the extreme ice? That place our Iceya Sect dare not rush... Don't Speaking of the polar ice layer, you can't get through the monsters in the inner circle. The ice magnetic channel only leads to the inner circle, not the polar ice layer."

Wang Feng smiled.

The young man was silent.

"If you pay the price of your life, you must at least get some useful information...The details of the three Douluo Heavenly Kings and the extent to which the monsters of the Dark Demon Realm are in the Far North, we must figure out. Even if you pay the price of your life, you will not hesitate."

Zheng Yang said in a deep voice, "Our Inspection Department has this responsibility."

He said this in a decisive tone, and Wang Feng knew that the other party would not give up easily.

"Then go ahead." Wang Feng shook his head.

Naturally, the others have no opinion.

I have to say that the inspection department is a bit special.This strength of character is not something that ordinary spirit masters can have.

A group of people marched along this ice magnetic channel, winding twists and turns.

After walking for less than half an hour, the temperature of the ice magnetic channel began to slowly decrease.

Unconsciously, there were suddenly many cracks in the ice magnetic channel around.

The teenager leading the way suddenly stopped. He felt the cracks and his face changed slightly.


At this time, the young man's voice suddenly became cold, and his face was a little embarrassed, "The ice magnetic channel in front seems to have collapsed. It may be because the evil spirit beasts hit and destroyed it by coincidence."

"Are there other channels?" Zheng Yang frowned and asked.

"Yes, yes..." the young man pondered for a moment, "but there is another passage leading to our Iceya Sect. You can also enter the inner circle from the Iceya Sect, but our sect is very dangerous... although there is no evil spirit beast. , But the area near the sect is not a member of my Iceya Sect, and basically cannot survive... There may be evil spirit beasts. I suggest you..."

At this point, the boy was silent.

"Can't go back." Hua Linghai shook his head, "I have already walked here, and I will be in trouble if I return."

The young man frowned slightly.

"Go on." Zheng Yang waved his hand. "The place you are talking about is the Forbidden Land of the Ice-Free? I have heard that your Ice-Ya Sect is built in a Jedi, but we have the means of protection. It’s not a big problem to walk over."

The young man sighed and led them along another ice magnetic channel.

This time everyone walked quickly.

The internal structure of these ice magnetic tree caves is a bit like a maze, very tortuous. If no one leads the way, it will be easy to get lost and waste a lot of world.The young man took a group of people through the fork roads with ease, and stopped after about half an hour.

"The front is the Ice Forbidden Land, let me say one more thing. You are not from the Ice Ya Sect, and you cannot bear the temperature of the Ice Forbidden Land. Once something happens, I will not be responsible." The boy said again.

"Don't worry." Zheng Yang said faintly, "Our spirits are all related to ice attributes. After being possessed by the spirits, it can greatly reduce the influence of the temperature in this place, plus there are spirit guides. Even the weakest Jiang Yun is equipped with a large number of Soul Guidance Devices to alleviate the cold brought by the Ice Forbidden Land."

The boy was silent and glanced at Wang Feng.

"You don't seem to want us to come." Wang Feng said suddenly.

"Because I don't want to see you die in vain." The boy shook his head.

After speaking, the boy walked to the front, opened the doorway in front of the ice magnetic channel, and walked out.

A group of people quickly walked out.

Suddenly, a chill that pierced through the soul penetrated into the minds of Zheng Yang and his party.

it's too cold!

Stiff, everyone is very stiff.

Fortunately, several people quickly took possession of their martial arts, and their expressions eased a lot.

Wang Feng also happened to see that the martial spirit of the titled Douluo, Zheng Yang, was the Flying Snow Falcon, an extremely fast ice spirit beast.

At the same time, Wang Feng also felt the power of Title Douluo with soul core for the first time.

A pure ice elemental force radiated from Zheng Yang's body and quickly enveloped several people.LeTV Novel

The ice elemental power radiated by the soul core can offset a lot of coldness in this place.

Although the strength of the soul core will not improve the cultivation level of the soul master, the physical crystal core formed by the condensation of soul power can maximize the strength of the soul master, change the soul power attribute of the soul master, and improve Absorption and transformation of the vitality of the outside world.

The Title Douluo with the soul core is indeed much stronger than the Title Douluo ten thousand years ago!

The surrounding glaciers are undulating, there are no plants, only in the extreme distance, there are building communities formed by ice sculptures.

But now most of them are a bit dilapidated.

Obviously after the attack, and there is still a lot of dark magic.

Moreover, the Dark Devil Qi has not been expelled and assimilated by the ice here in this place, it is a high-level energy.

The boy looked at the buildings in the distance, a touch of trauma appeared in his eyes, but then disappeared.

"Go in that direction, and you will be able to get out of this place soon..." The boy pointed to a position, "You still have a chance to go back now."

At this time, Zheng Yang and the others would naturally not go back.

The group is about to go.

But at this moment, a violent roar suddenly sounded!

The boy's face changed first:

"It's those monsters! Hurry up! Follow me to the sect first. There is the surviving power of our ancestors inside the sect. Those monsters dare not come in for the time being! Come in and hide for a while."

After speaking, the young man ran to those building communities first.

Zheng Yang and his party hurriedly followed.

He can naturally feel the overwhelming pressure.

Wang Feng glanced at the young man and looked at the sky.

Among the clouds, Wang Feng saw Lord Bingmulin.

In fact, after leaving the city, Lord Bingmulin has been in the sky, and he can see many things very clearly.

Moreover, in the extreme north, Lord Bingmulin can hide his aura greatly, even those evil spirit beasts can't find it!

This, but his main venue!

This ice-free forbidden place is even his hometown!

Although it has changed a lot now.


Wang Feng smiled and followed.

Not long after, everyone came to the sect of Bingya Sect.

This sect, which was established in the land of the deadly ice, has always been very remote, and the Federation generally rarely manages it.

Iceya Sect is also the only sect established in the far north.

The buildings inside are mostly carved from various types of black ice. They are simple in shape. In this place, they will not be damaged, and even basic maintenance is not required.

As the teenager walked into the central lobby, Wang Feng also saw a special statue, the statue of Shui Bing'er back then.

The statues of ice god and water god have disappeared.

To be precise, when Shui Bing'er and Ning Rongrong inherited the throne, the statues of the previous generation of ice and water gods disappeared.

But, more interesting...beside the statue of Shui Binger, there is another statue.

"Hey, Master Wang, how come this Iceya Sect has a statue that looks so much like you?"

Then a surprised voice came...


Ps: Eight changes, the code can't come out...

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