Check in from Douluo

Chapter 1181 Your performance is also very important (1)

You can search for "Starting from Douluo to search for novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!The four soul demons were indeed shocked.

With their brains, they can't figure it out, how is this possible?

They have all felt the strength of this human woman.The three soul demons have been chasing for so long, and they are still seriously injured. Even if the fourth soul demons came, they dare not say that they could fully grasp each other, but now they were caught so easily?

Didn't even do it?

If he moved his mouth completely, would this human powerhouse be obediently restrained?

'Is this the power of the devil?'

Mo Luo was shocked.

Because it is very simple, in that ancient sound, they did not feel any spirit power fluctuations, nor spirit fluctuations at all!

This is a force far beyond their imagination!

In fact...this is what Wang Feng said in Mandarin. He did not use any spirit power fluctuations, nor did he use any spiritual fluctuations.

Because this Yang is too easy to cause suspicion.

Standing at the level of the spirit demon, if they use a spirit ability that allows them to sense the fluctuation of their mental power, it is completely incompatible with the identity of the demon god.

On the contrary, Wang Feng didn't use anything, just uttering a sentence in Mandarin was enough to make these soul demons even more terrified.

Of course, Xi Yue's performance is indispensable.

Xiyue walked to Wang Feng in confusion with her eyes, and Wang Feng grabbed her neck with one hand.

"You trash, get out."

Wang Feng looked at the four spirit demons of Mo Luo, and continued to speak with his spirit, "I have a great use for this human woman, and there is a hard bone in this place. If the dark demon leader can't chew it down, then Don't blame me for shooting it myself. You trash can go back to the Dark Demon Realm by yourself!"

Immediately, Wang Feng waved his hand.

The four soul demons left trembling immediately, not daring to stay for a while.

For fear that this demon god will not go well, he will make them all scum.

The four soul demons turned into a stream of light and left as if they were fleeing for their lives.

In the air, fell into silence.

Wang Feng loosened Xiyue's neck.

The breeze blew and lifted the hem of Xiyue's dress to outline a slim and attractive figure.


Xiyue suddenly laughed a few times, "It's really interesting, I didn't expect that you will really succeed. And still use this method..."

"Fortunately, your performance is also very important." Wang Feng nodded.

It's really critical.

Xiyue was very clever, at least he could rank among the top few women Wang Feng had encountered.

Just now, he was just a look in his eyes, and the communication between himself and the soul demon was all conveyed by spirit.

She doesn't know anything.

But I guessed it.

Also comprehended the look in Wang Feng's eyes.

Xiyue smiled and looked at him, "My inference cannot be wrong. Normally, it is impossible for you to gain the trust of these soul demons by pretending to be a soul demons. I thought I was wrong, but I knew After these spirit demons left, I found that I was not wrong."

"Because you are not a disguised soul demon, what you are disguising is a more advanced existence than the soul demon!"

Xiyue’s tone was full of Sanskrit sounds that contained wisdom, “Because these soul demons cannot be recognized unless they exist more advanced than soul demons. According to the memory of soul links, these soul demons themselves belong to the cannon fodder level in the army of the Dark Demon Realm. The existence of. Moreover, even the nine-ringed spirit demon doesn't know much about the higher-level powerhouses, only a general idea."

"It is precisely for this reason that a huge information gap has formed. What you pretend is a stronger existence than the nine-ring spirit demon or ten-ring god-level fighting spirit, making them more afraid, and then revealing a little bit of strength. It will make them dare not even doubt." China Novel Library

Although Wang Feng and Mo Luo did not hear the spiritual exchange, Xiyue did a good analysis.

It is useless to just pretend to be a soul demon.

What he wants to pretend is the former dark angel god!

To be precise, it is the dark fallen angel god.

This god who was once convicted of the God Realm and fell into the Dark Demon Realm.

After the five great god kings combined to annihilate this god, he did not fall in the gods, but in a special battlefield.

Therefore, the Dark Demon Realm would not know the detailed news of this dark angel god, only that the other party had fallen and became a peerless demon hero of the Dark Demon Realm.

With this level of existence, how dare these spirit demons doubt deeply?

Coupled with Wang Feng showing a little bit of strength, how could they not be afraid?

"And your martial soul is amazing."

Xiyue looked at Wang Feng's appearance at this time, "You martial spirit, do you come from the Dark Demon Realm? Even if you pretend to be a higher-level existence than those spirit demons, the premise must be linked to the Dark Demon Realm."

This person is becoming more mysterious.

There is nothing in this world that appears out of thin air.

How could the spirit of the Douluo World conceal the creatures of the Dark Demon Realm?

At least to a certain extent, it must be from the Dark Demon Realm to be able to pretend, right?

And what is disguised is a very high-level existence such as the Dark Demon Realm.

Naturally, it is even more difficult.

There was only Wuhun, and Xi Yue could only think of Wuhun.

The soul demon didn't know that the other party was currently possessed by the spirit, but Xiyue knew it because Xiyue had guessed the identity of the other party.

Even if he had guessed it, Xiyue felt incredible.

What kind of martial soul is it, with such a powerful ability?

Wuhun from the Dark Demon Realm?

"Go back and talk."

Wang Feng took back his martial soul, his body and appearance gradually changed to the original shape.

If the plan is successful, we must consider the next step.

The extreme ice conditions have not yet been resolved, and only this time it is revealed, there is still the possibility of exposure.

At least Wang Feng himself thought of some loopholes, but those spirit demons may not be able to discover them.

Xiyue nodded, and being able to return so smoothly was the most perfect result.

When returning to the Sizure Vientiane Valley, Wang Feng also commented on what happened in the Sizure Vientiane Valley.

"No wonder those spirit demons return in the middle."

Xiyue thought, "Although I guessed a bit, I didn't expect that there will be marks left by the soul demon in the consciousness of those evil soul beasts. I thought it was you who destroyed the mechanism they left and caused them to discover it. …"

"It can be considered a cause and effect."

Xiyue shook her head.

It is man-made, nothing will develop perfectly according to imagination.

Wang Feng also relied on a temporary reaction to become a success in disguise.

"What you infer is not wrong. These spirit demons do have a lot of discriminators of the same kind. That special ancient magic word is one of them. The spiritual web of their knowledge of the sea can even connect to many souls. The demon realizes the sharing of information within a certain range, which is much more powerful than any soul guide in the Douluo world. And no soul demon has a record in this kind of spiritual web. If you want to pretend to be successful, It's completely impossible," Wang Feng said.

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