Check in from Douluo

Chapter 1182 I want to fly higher (2)

You can search for "Starting from Douluo to search for novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!"Unless, it's a missing person." Xiyue looked at Wang Feng, "So, you are only pretending to be those higher-ranking soul demons. It may also be a long-missing or even lost celebrity in the Dark Demon Realm. '."

That's how it is when talking to a smart person, Wang Feng said casually, Xi Yue already understood everything.

The only thing he didn't know was the existence he pretended to be and who he was.

The two of them had come to Sijue Vientiane Valley during a chat.

"It's the good fortune of heaven and earth."

Xiyue sighed while looking at the scene below from the huge glacier wall 100 meters away."Every time I come, I will be shocked. This place is much more powerful than Tang Sect's eyes of ice and fire."

"Have you been here many times?" Wang Feng asked.

"I have been here a few times." Xi Yue jumped down.

"So, you also arranged the defensive soul guidance device inside?"


Xiyue nodded slightly.

"Then you are not easy." Wang Feng smiled, "It is possible to install this level of defensive soul guidance device in such a place, and it is also a special complex combination device that combines the terrain of this place. It’s not easy to do this."

"It's not me alone, it's the crystallization of the wisdom of many soul teachers." Xiyue shook her head, "Generally this kind of large defensive soul guidance device cannot be made by one person alone. What's more, it's still in this dangerous place. In."

Although the words were relatively modest, Wang Feng knew that the key point must be Xiyue herself.

"I need to practice in the central location. At most three to five days, I will be able to return to the same level as before." Xiyue groaned, "I will make plans at that time."

The central location is very special.

The location of Sijue Vientiane Valley belongs to the special zone formed by four special heaven and earth vitality and convection.

Any martial soul with attributes will experience the impact of these four heaven and earth vitality, which is very dangerous.

Only soul beasts like Qingqing that do not belong to the four attributes and possess part of the golden lotus ability can cultivate in the central area.

This shows that Xiyue's martial soul is very difficult.

"Anything. I probably only need a few days to reach level 30."

Wang Feng said slowly.

Although level 30 is not a hurdle, it is fast.

The strength is definitely going to be even stronger. At that time, prepare with Xiyue to see if you can go to the extreme ice layer together. It is best to get rid of those spirit demons.

Especially the ten-ring god-level fighting demon.

Of course, most of them still rely on Xiyue to shoot.

Since the opponent's strength is so strong, Wang Feng felt that he didn't need to be strong.

With such a layer of disguise, planning a tiger is much easier.

"By the way, what happened just now, although there are reasons for you, I still have to say something."

Xiyue looked at Wang Feng and smiled, "Thank you."

"You are welcome." Wang Feng replied.

"If there is a chance in the future, I will pay this favor." Xiyue was very solemn, "See you in five days."

After Xi Yue finished speaking, she walked towards the center.

Wang Feng didn't make it even better. For him, he could practice cultivation in any position in the Sizure Wanxiang Valley.

The best location is naturally inside the ghost cave.

Because the vitality of the heavens and the earth in it are all dark attributes.

The light and dark angel Wu Han is more suitable for his practice.

Moreover, there is also a dark devilish energy here, for Wang Feng, cultivation is very simple.

After discussing with Lord Bingmulin, Wang Feng once again started practicing here.

After tens of thousands of years, Wang Feng felt quite moved.

The ghost cave is a large arc-shaped gloomy cave. Inside it is a soul beast that originally lived but also prefers dark attributes.Bobo Novels

Zuo Kun cultivated here back then.

As the Beiming Emperor Demon Kun, he possessed two attributes, the sea, land, and air three-perish soul beast. Although counseling Kun, it was the strongest existence among the eight, second only to Qingqing.There are no shortcomings.

But ten thousand years have passed, and Gui Kun should have stopped cultivating here a long time ago.

Instead, he vacated this place for other soul beasts to practice.

After all, he is too big.

Interestingly, Wang Feng found the beat of the song recorded by Tong Kun in this ghost cave.

It is estimated that he created it for self-entertainment when Kun Kun was practicing here.

Otherwise, it would be too boring to practice all the time, and it would be a kind of torture for the soul beast who is not hardworking like Kun Kun.

Always need a little entertainment to adjust.

"This dog thing..."

Wang Feng took a look at the songs created by these counsellors, let alone, there is a sense of art.

Through the translation, Wang Feng learned the title of the song [I want to fly higher], [Boss, I want to give you my heart], [Beiming has a kun, which is huge], [Whale shark, the love of my life]...

'I vomited.'Wang Feng watched for a long time.

He looked embarrassed.

This also represents a journey of Zun Kun's experience.

What a little prince of literature and art.

However, although these names are strange, but these songs seem to be the same thing.

After watching for a while, Wang Feng began to practice.

And Lord Bingmulin is also practicing in this place.

Long Xie was practicing in Lei Jue Zilin.

Longxie swallowed the stone that Wang Feng gave to destroy the mountain that the god king descended, and there was a slight destructive thunder in his body.

After the last mutation, Longxie's wings turned purple, and its attributes changed from a single rock and soil attribute to a special lightning attribute.

And it's still not a special mine.

Naturally, it is most suitable to cultivate in the Lei Jue Purple Forest full of thunder attribute power.

After calming down, Wang Feng and Xi Yue began to practice for several days.


Extreme ice.

Located in the very center of the far north.

Also gathered the top soul beasts in the far north.

Basically all 100,000-year soul beasts will be in the extreme ice layer.

Soul beasts under one hundred thousand years will be in the inner circle.

The main extreme ice layer will emit a large amount of extreme ice power, which is very terrifying for many spirit beasts.

Even the ice-type soul beast, even the ten thousand year soul beast, could not endure this level of extreme ice power for a long time.

Coupled with the energy tides of these years, the vitality of the sky and the earth in the far north has increased, making the power of the ice also increased.

The range of the inner circle and the extreme ice layer is increasing, and many powerful 100,000-year soul beasts have also been bred.

It can be said that the extreme ice is the top combat power of the entire extreme north.

However, the polar ice layer at this time was particularly crowded.

The raging evil spirit beasts outside caused the leader of the Far North to dominate the Qingdi, and he had to wave his hand, allowing many ten thousand year spirit beasts in the inner circle to move into the polar ice layer without them establishing a special habitat.

Fortunately, the Dark Devil Qi cannot infect the extreme ice.

The powerful aura exuded by Extreme Ice Power is not afraid of the Dark Devil Qi, and can even form a special resistance.

In addition, the extreme ice layer also has a protective shield formed by a powerful soul guidance device, which can resist the dark demon energy outside and the evil soul beast.

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