Check in from Douluo

Chapter 1191 Suspect, Shock!

You can search for "Starting from Douluo to search for novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!Mo Luo was shocked, and naturally the other soul demons were also shocked.

Wang Feng found that the weirdness in Mo Luo's eyes had disappeared, and he was shocked instead.

He knew that after Mo Luo and the three soul demons returned, they must have found some loopholes, and he doubted his identity.

This'acting' seems to have weakened this suspicion.

Wang Feng had to admire the brilliance of Xiyue's acting.

She didn't show too much expression herself, just closing her eyes gave people a feeling that the strongest were surrendered.

Because for someone of her level, even if they are captured, they must meet their status.

"Let the dark demon chief come to see me in person!"

Wang Feng said majesticly, "That place, I will do it myself when the time comes, and you will go back to the Dark Demon Realm!"

He retracted his hand, and Xi Yue stood quietly, her expression calm and indifferent.


Mo Luo hesitated for a moment, but he looked at Xi Yue with some hesitation.

"My dear, if she is really your captive, how come she doesn't have the magic seal you gave."

At this moment, a soul demon came out and looked at Xi Yue with a cold snort, "This human woman is so strong, if she is not bound by the demon seal, wouldn't she be more cunning if she pretends to surrender? I see, or It's best to leave the magic mark, and let her dedicate her soul. This is the safest way."

Upon hearing this, Wang Feng's heart was stunned.

Each of these spirit demons is really an idiot.

Demon Seal is a very advanced skill in the memory of soul demon.

Usually it is a kind of mark given to servants by upper spirit demon or followers.To represent affiliation.

Of course Wang Feng couldn't have any magic seal spirit ability.

This kind of skill doesn't even know the ten-ring god-level fighting demon, as long as the high-ranking spirit demon of the very high level can do it.

Those high-ranking spirit demons, according to Wang Feng's calculations, should be equivalent to the gods of the gods, the kind of first- and second-level gods.

Just like when Tang San and the others got the inheritance of the gods before, they also had an exclusive god mark on their foreheads.

The magic seal is similar, but extremely restrictive.It is not a mark of power inheritance, but a mark of soul bondage.

However, Wang Feng's cold eyes were energized in the void, and an ancient sound was suddenly uttered in his mouth.


The chaotic octave, which contains the power of judgment origin, symbolizes the power to judge life and death.

Into the soul of this soul demon in an instant.

The next moment, the soul demon screamed, his huge body limp on the ground like a puddle of mud.

Twitching all over!

"Presumptuous! Do I need you to teach me how to do it?"

Wang Feng looked at the soul demon with an extremely cold expression.

The official chaotic eight-tone "death" sound just played.

Combining the sound of the death character with the power of the Judgment Origin, when communicating with this spirit demon, the other party didn't have the slightest defense.

In an instant, the soul was shocked, and it was directly shocked to die and diffuse!

Mo Luo's pupils shrank suddenly.

It is also a mysterious ancient sound.Last time directly controlled the entire human powerhouse.

This time, a soul demon was wiped out instantly!

Even just now, even his soul felt a moment of death!

"Don't forget your identity!" Wang Feng said lightly, "Is it too long for me to return to the Dark Demon Realm? You have forgotten that you are just a group of the lowest ants in the Dark Demon Realm? Was it born in this world to let you Has the illusion that you are also strong?" Biquge novel

Hearing this, Mo Luo felt cold.

Indeed it is.

In the army of the Dark Demon Realm, they are just ants, cannon fodder for the charge.

But it was born in this world, but it seemed very powerful, able to suppress the strongest group of power in this world.

Naturally, they felt a little more cheerful and arrogant in their hearts, causing their cognition to quietly change slightly.

Perhaps they didn't even notice this subtle change in their hearts.

In addition, the rumor that the Dark Demon Realm has disappeared for many years is really incredible.

Under this change, I can't help but feel a bit more illusion.

Moreover, in the Dark Demon Realm, the Demon God sits at the highest position, and holds the 18th sequence of the land, and is the master of hundreds of millions of Dark Demon Realm creatures.

The status is too lofty, perhaps deep in their hearts, they themselves do not believe that the other party is still alive.

"This person is my surrender. What I want to do with it is my business. When will it be your turn to give pointers?"

Wang Feng looked into the distance, "She is my slave, even if she is a human being, she will have a higher status than you in the future. If you forget the rules of the Dark Demon Realm, I can teach you again."

"But the price is your lives."

Hearing this, the soul demon of Mo Luo suddenly froze.

"I'll talk aside, let the dark demon master come to see me!"

Wang Feng carried his hands on his back, with a huge momentum, involuntarily exuding.

It made Mo Luo's heart trembled even more.

"The Dark Demon Master is now preparing a plan to take down that core area in one fell swoop and control more evil spirit beasts."

Mo Luo hurriedly said, "Now is at a very critical moment."

"Oh? Plan? What plan?"

Wang Feng asked with a move in his heart.

"Please come with me, and I will take you there, you will know."

Mo Luo Gongsheng replied.

"lead the way."

Wang Feng waved his hand.

Mo Luo walked ahead to lead the way.

Afterwards, Wang Feng quickly communicated with Xiyue.

Talk about what happened just now.

'Although they did a good job just now, these spirit demons are extremely smart, and they doubt you again and again.'

Xiyue was a little surprised,'It seems that there must be loopholes in this plan. After all, if you want to pretend to be a person in the Dark Demon Realm, you will be seen if you are not careful.But what you play is quite similar.'

"To each other."

"By the way, how did you manage to kill that soul demon with a single word? I couldn't do this. Is it a kind of spirit ability?"

Xi Yue asked.

"But can't the spirit and soul ability smash a soul demon so easily?"

"It's not the same." Wang Feng explained, "I just used this soul demon to communicate with me. The other party's spirit is unprepared. Use this trick to kill him in one fell swoop. Otherwise, it would not be possible to do this. A little bit."

"That's pretty awesome. What plan is that dark demon master planning to penetrate into the extreme ice layer?" Xiyue's voice was a bit solemn, "the extreme ice layer also has a powerful shield, similar to the Four Wonders of Vientiane Valley. , And it’s even stronger. The soul guidance device inside was also installed by me, and it won’t be broken in a short time."

"I don't know, I'll know when we arrive."

"If something goes wrong and this method doesn't work, then I can only shoot directly and kill them all." Xiyue said.

"That's natural."

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