Check in from Douluo

#1192 blowing ratio (2)

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Mo Luo's speed was very fast, but for a moment, he took Wang Feng to an open area with special magic patterns carved on the ground.

It's like a high platform.

There were dark pillars all around, which looked gloomy.

In the center, a shadow full of pitch-black mist really roared.

The huge breath radiated from that shadow.

A strange soul beast that looked no more than a few meters in size was floating in midair.

The back and abdomen of this soul beast are two colors, the top is blue and black, and the abdomen is pure white.

It looks like a little kun from a distance, but its head is somewhat similar to that of a shark. There are several tiger teeth on the cheeks that show the corners of the mouth.His eyes closed tightly, as if he was suffering.

Among the soul beasts, the size of three or four meters is not too small, but to him, it feels very small.

At first glance, Wang Feng felt a little familiar.

Especially after seeing the details of the whole body of this soul beast, Wang Feng became more familiar with it.

Doesn't it look like Zun Kun?

It looks a bit like a whale shark?

"Could it be... the children of these two guys?'

Wang Feng was shocked.

As soon as this idea occurred, Wang Feng looked more and more like it.

In ten thousand years, they will have children, which is normal, after all, they must be together every day.

It's not scientific if you don't produce offspring.

This soul beast has both the majestic and majestic aura of the Kun's body, and the ferocious side of the whale shark.

It seems obviously a combination of the two.

But, how come their descendants are here?

Wang Feng looked at the shadow.

"Heiying Dark Demon Lord, the supreme who I have told you before is here."

Mo Luo stepped onto the high platform and said in a respectful tone.


This shadow couldn't see the entity, only a vague black mist, it seemed that the breath of Xiyue was sensed for the first time.

Can not help but let out a scream.

It should be some kind of ancient magic word, Wang Feng doesn't understand it, but it is estimated that he has fought with Xiyue before.

'He was really going to give birth to a real body before, but I broke it up.Now the aura has become stronger again, and the strength of these soul demons has increased too fast.'Xi Yue said immediately.

'That probably should be yelling at you...' Wang Feng said,'These spirit demons should be restoring their strength, not increasing their strength.Their original strength is coming to this world, and they haven't been completely unlocked in the first place.The eggs of those evil spirit beasts often take many years to conceive.It's just this soul beast...'

'That is the second of the eight overlords of the Far North, the descendants of the Northern Underworld Emperor Demon Kun and the Ten Thousand Demon Whale Shark.It is a special new soul beast.This matter is a long story, I probably know this god-level method of fighting demons.'Xiyue's tone is extremely heavy.' As far as I know, the Beiming Emperor Demon Kun has also become an evil spirit beast. This god-level fighting demon may threaten the other major overlords of the extreme ice layer at the cost of this life.'

'Even directly break the unity within the polar ice layer.'

Xiyue knows a lot about the polar ice layer.

What she said was the same as Wang Feng thought.

This little soul beast is indeed the offspring of Tong Kun and Whale Shark.

However, Zuo Kun also became an evil spirit beast, which Wang Feng never expected.Daily Novel

You must know that among the seven crocodile, the strength of Tong Kun is the strongest.

It's hard to say than Qingqing.

The higher the cultivation base, the stronger the strength of counseling Kun.

He has become an evil spirit beast.It seems that the extreme ice layer really has a great shock.

Combining with the previous Demon Abyss in the Forbidden Land of Ice-Free, said that a soul beast was born in the extreme ice layer. Is it possible that the achievement is a shame?

Or is there another reason?

"Don't be presumptuous!"

Seeing that god-level fighting demon roared, Wang Feng raised his black eyes and said coldly, "She is now my slave, and you are only a ten-ring fighting demon, and you are not qualified to be presumptuous to her. She was a human before. You are incompetent and destroyed by her. Now she is a soul demon, the one I conquer, you dare to be presumptuous?"

The meaning of the words passed through the spirit, and the group of dark shadows slowly fell silent.

"The Dark Demon Realm once had ten great demon gods. Later, one fell to the God Realm, and was named a peerless demon hero by my Dark Demon Great Mighty Hades. I didn't expect you to be alive. It's incredible."

The dark demon chief named Heiying made a sound that seemed respectful, but in fact it was a little weird.

"However, I'm just a ten-ring fighting demon, and I don't know the power of the demon god. Presumably with your demon god's means, it really didn't fall, and it's not impossible. I didn't believe the order from the demon god before. But at this moment, your breath It's really unique, I don't know, can you explain, what's the matter with the wings behind you?"

The Dark Demon Lord Hei Ying was beating in the shadow, and his voice became more and more weird, "As far as I know, the Diye Demon God was originally a dark angel in the God Realm, and later rushed to my Dark Demon Realm, and was named the Great Demon Da Wei Yan The power of the Lord is independent of the nine demon gods and ranks among the top ten demon gods, possessing the supreme power of darkness. How can you have such a bright breath in your body?"

It is worthy of being a ten-ring god-level fighting demon, the regular army of the dark demon world, standing combat strength.

I still know a little bit more.

But that's it.

This loophole was expected by Wang Feng, so Wang Feng was prepared.


Wang Feng laughed coldly, "A strong ant is a ant after all, with limited knowledge. I tell you, I did not fall into the realm of God back then, but swallowed the power of the light and the god of the realm, and merged light and darkness. Being the only one, turning into the strongest Chaos power. Has the power to create and destroy!"

"Have a divine power comparable to or even beyond that of Hell!"

Anyway, bragging and beeping without paying.

Wang Feng immediately blew out.

Moreover, the dark god was smashed back then, although the Dark Demon Realm received news.But this news was released by the God Realm.

It is impossible for anyone in the Dark Demon Realm to know about the fall of the Dark Angel God.

And the exact location of his fall, the Dark Demon Realm will never know.

You know, the dark angel gods committed suicide alone and returned to the gods.

He thought that his strength was enough to sweep the gods, but he still underestimated the gods committee of the year.

But when Wang Feng said these words now, he concluded that this Hei Ying certainly didn't know.

As for the great demon and mighty hell, who on earth was, Wang Feng didn't care about that.

But listening to the tone, it must be the best in the Dark Demon Realm.

Because of this memory, these words also appeared in the memories of Moyin and Moyuan, but very few.

"I have only been absorbing slumber all these years. Now I have almost completely merged these two forces before I have the present divine body. At that time, I, the divine realm, I can also destroy at will, that is, the dark demon realm, and For me, it's a plaything in the palm!"

Wang Feng's tone was extremely arrogant and arrogant, because according to the five great god kings, which dark angel god himself had this kind of character.

Otherwise, he wouldn't betray the God Realm in order to gain strength.

Sure enough, Wang Feng's bluff, true and false, false and true.

It was so shocked that the Dark Demon Captain could not say a word...

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