Check in from Douluo

Chapter 1193 Emotional Weakness

You can search for "Starting from Douluo to search for novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!The Dark Demon Chief Heiying was indeed shocked.

With his position in the army of the Dark Demon Realm, he had already escaped from pure cannon fodder, and he was regarded as the regular combat force of the Dark Demon Realm.

Naturally, there are more forms of power and various information.

At this moment, listening to these words, especially feeling the original power contained in the two mixed auras of the other party, I couldn't help but feel shocked.

'Could it be that the news that the Dark Demon Realm learned back then was wrong?'Hei Ying's heart could not help but a terrible wave.

If this is the case, it would be an epic event that subverted an era in the Dark Demon Realm!

Not only did the Diye Demon God fail to fall into the God Realm, but instead swallowed the bright angel god fused with God Realm.

The fusion of the two different origins will definitely make Diye Demon God stronger.

The more I think about it, the more terrifying Heiying feels.

When Di Ye Demon God hit the God Realm alone, he didn't even die?

This is the most terrifying place!


Xiyue on the side looked at Wang Feng, then at the pattern and shadow, and couldn't help but wonder what exactly the two were communicating.

Why suddenly, this ten-ring god-level fighting demon was suppressed.

Judging from the screaming situation just now, they are obviously very suspicious.

"It seems that you are really a subordinate of Di Yezun..."

After a while, Hei Ying's tone changed, full of shock and awe, "Unexpectedly, you committed suicide on the God Realm alone, not only did you not die, but you could go further. It should have been false news from the God Realm that year. This is really my Dark Demon Realm. Fortunately!"

Wang Feng snorted coldly.

Immediately, his eyes flashed, looking at the little beast floating next to Yin Yin, and said lightly: "As a dark demon leader, in a small area of ​​bullets, you actually led more than a dozen nine-ringed spirit demon, and you have not captured it for a long time. It seems that this year's army of dark demons is getting worse and worse."

Hearing this, the black ying pattern suddenly solidified.

Quickly solidified a large black soul demon, also more than three meters high, but with three fangs missing behind it.

On the contrary, the head is slightly protruding, and it looks slightly more normal than those nine-ringed spirit demons.

Hei Ying first glanced at Xiyue, then slowly said, "Before this human strong hindered me, and even sneaked on me while I didn't pay attention. However, now that she has become a servant of the subordinate, I am not qualified to follow him. Care about it. But I didn’t expect that such a human being, who would rather die than surrender, would be willing to become a servant of your dignity. I really admire the devil.”

"It's been so long since Di Yezun has come, and this method still amazes me and other ministers."

Hei Ying also blew a lot.

There are true and false.

"Stop talking nonsense, I heard that you are planning something now, and you will be able to break through the last area of ​​this projectile land soon. Let's hear?" Wang Feng stared coldly, "Also, this soul beast is What? Why is there such a weak soul beast?"

"Then I will tell you to listen to it." Heiying looked at the soul beast, and his expression showed a touch of confidence, "The birth of this soul beast is very close to me. To be precise, I parasite this beast, from that This area has also walked out of the extreme ice layer of this cold ice world to recover its body. This beast was originally the offspring of two powerful soul beasts in the extreme ice layer. It was born powerful and has extraordinary blood."

"I absorbed the power of his bloodline and combined it with the vitality of the heavens and the earth that I had absorbed over the years. It's just that there had been no way before to completely absorb the power of this little beast's bloodline, because it contained three different bloodline powers. Until I was severely injured by your servant, the strongest human, I was completely absorbed by the accident, so I not only recovered from my injury, but also became stronger."

"The power of the three bloodlines in this little beast is extraordinary. It is the most powerful bloodline in this world, and it is naturally good for me."

Hei Ying said

Wang Feng felt cold in his heart.

The dog has been sentenced to death.

There are indeed three bloodlines in the offspring of Kun and whale sharks.

Just counsel Kun itself has two top bloodlines.

One is the blood of Emperor Demon Kun, and the other is the blood of Beiming that can swallow the vitality of heaven and earth.

This bloodline is a variant of the Emperor Demon Kun, very rare.

Just like the Bingbi Emperor Scorpion, the Emperor Scorpion is the most powerful title of the Bingbi Scorpion. After 100,000 years of cultivation, it will also develop special abilities and bloodlines.

The same goes for whale sharks.

This little kunshark can contain three bloodlines, indicating that the future achievements must surpass the kun and whale sharks.

But it was absorbed.

It means that this little kunshark is just an ordinary blood, and it is extremely weak.

Obviously it had just been born, and was invaded by this black wing.

It can be said to be very miserable.

Although he still has this body shape, he doesn't know how long he can live without the power of blood.

"Originally, this little thing should die. But then I thought about it, if I could use it, it would be best."

Hei Ying continued, "That extreme ice layer has a special protective device, and there are several powerful soul beasts inside. And the father of this little thing, for the sake of him, also walked out alone, but he is not Diye respect you. After that guy came out, he soon became us under the infection of the soul demon. Only occasionally, the consciousness will be awake for a while. At this time, I will use the life of this little thing to threaten he!"

Speaking of this, Hei Ying sneered.

"This world is full of spirits. It is not like our Dark Demon Realm. The little devil who was born will be thrown into the Black Demon Abyss. Life and death depends on the sky. Only the little demon who can get out of the Dark Demon Abyss are so important. Only then can you be qualified to become a soul demon. As a parent, you will not have too much affection for your child. If you die, you will die."

"There is no possibility of any threat."

"This soul beast, like the humans here, pays special attention to emotions. They are not strong at first, and they have such flaws and weaknesses. It is no wonder that they will send us to conquer and rule this continent."

"If it were not for the order above, I would not be interested in this world."

Heiying's tone was cold and merciless.

In fact, Wang Feng knew that what he said were the rules of the Dark Demon Realm.

The Dark Demon World is a very cruel world.

There is no reason why these spirit demons are so powerful.

Wang Feng can kill it by judging the origin.

Xiyue, as the world's top powerhouse, has the title of the mainland's top powerhouse, and can suppress these spirit demons.

One can imagine.

That world is completely different from Douluo.

"Using the emotions of these spirit beasts is their biggest flaw."

Hei Ying said lightly, "I only need to let this emperor demon kun return to the extreme ice layer. If the soul beast in the extreme ice layer does not let this emperor demon kun return, I will kill this little thing in front of me. Those soul beasts that are shrouded in the extreme ice layer will inevitably split due to the huge turbulence at this time. If this emperor demon kun enters the extreme ice layer, he has become a demonic soul beast, one of us, Then they will inevitably lash out in the extreme ice layer, which will also split them internally."

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