Check in from Douluo

Chapter 1327 Intentional?

You can search for "Starting from Douluo to search for novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!Wang Feng was really hurt.

This clone of him also has the seal of the god king, and his body is far inferior to the body, so it will not be easy to use the strength of the body for strong actions.

Fortunately, Wang Feng in the novella of Yiqi Huasanqing didn't fully comprehend it, and could only play a part of the body's strength.

Otherwise, if this clone is forced to open the tuba, it will have to be finished.

Wang Feng had already expected it, but it was not like the Silver Dragon King...


"Boss, you are going too far. People are playing a fake match. Do you fight a fake match?"

Long Xie felt very funny.

What are you two doing in the ring?

Long Xie did not believe that the old man was injured at all. It was obviously too obvious just now, absolutely deliberate!

Lord Bingmulin can only remain silent.

As Qi soul beast, he could feel that Wang Feng's physical condition was not very good at this time.

The injury is a real injury... But how did such a powerful strength get injured?

At this point, Lord Bingmulin didn't understand either.

At this moment, everyone who had been completely intoxicated by this scene was also shocked by this scene.

What is this...

"Ha! Look, Qingyu, look!" The Bingdi said angrily, "You said that these two of them have no love. Do you believe it? This is also the final of their highest human standard competition! These two are actually Are you flirting with me here? You think it's not obvious, then I have nothing to say."

The more Bingdi thought, the more angry he got, and he simply ignored it.

Anyway, when my sister wakes up, she will be the first to complain.

"This one…"

Qingyu suddenly came back to his senses, scanned the surroundings, and found that no one made a sound, all of them stared blankly.

"What a terrible power..." Qingyu didn't seem to hear the words of Ice Emperor, but was immersed in the battle just now.

She knew that whether it was the silver-haired woman or the Silver Dragon King, the power used by them far exceeded the 99th-level Title Douluo.

Has surpassed the limits of this world.

Sapphire doesn't know how far it will be.

As for the last scene, Qingyu didn't make it clear, but based on her own judgment, it was still not what the Ice Emperor thought.

"It's no wonder that this human being has such a close relationship with the Three Emperors of Extreme Ice, and there are rumors circulating among the soul beasts of the extreme north..."

Qingyu seemed to understand a little bit.

Ten thousand years ago, she was still cultivating and sleeping, and she was still in an extremely hidden position. Even when the Evil Soul Master murdered the Far North, she had never appeared before, and most of her understanding of Wang Feng was over the past ten thousand years. Rumors after waking up in the Far North.

It is difficult to understand how this human being has such a high status in the Far North.

His strength is obviously not very strong...

Now I fully understand.

Qingyu couldn't help looking at the several Douluo Heavenly Kings on the table in the distance, and was shocked.

'The King Xi Tian...'

On the high platform.

Several Douluo Heavenly Kings looked cold all over.

Mad, really is an old monster who has lived for thousands of years.Picture Broadcasting World Novel

"The spirit of the Pope in white has disappeared in history... but just now... it was terrible."

Heavenly King Nan Yuan's face was a little pale, and he patted his chest, "I said, how could his strength be only more than forty levels. Unexpectedly, he really lived for ten thousand years... His brothers all left our Douluo back then. , Has become a far-reaching existence. The old man has lived for thousands of years...Well, how can he stay so young? It's incredible...The blow just now, I feel that we were all easily strung together into candied haws."

"..." Several Douluo Heavenly Kings.

They were speechless.

Only Xi Douluo's eyes flickered a little bit of light, falling on Wang Feng's body, with a mysterious color in his eyes.

'Oh it's you.'She whispered.

"Sister Xi, what are you talking about?" Nan Yuan Tianwang seemed to hear something and asked curiously.

"I said... His last move just now was to deliberately let this silver-haired woman?" Xi Douluo smiled, "I don't know what their relationship is?"

"It looks like a friend relationship." Nan Yuan Tianwang thought for a while, "However, in the battle just now, I sensed the breath of a soul beast. This silver-haired woman should be a very powerful soul beast. Beyond a million Years..."

The Uranus is still the Uranus, but it has already been detected.

The Silver Dragon King used such a powerful force and the leaked breath would naturally not be hidden from them.

"Then who is the one who won this game? It can't be a draw, right?" Yu Tianwang was in a dilemma.

Several Douluo Heavenly Kings pondered.

Not only them, but many spirit masters also have question marks in their hearts. Who has won?

"Brother God! Look, he is as I thought, his purpose is to master. Otherwise, he won't be the last move, in the same way... Uh, haven't you seen it yet?" Excited, "The master is the co-master of our souls and beasts, and he also founded the Qi soul master. Once the two are combined, the pattern of the Douluo Continent will change drastically in the future!"

"So strong." Di Tian exhaled heavily, and his clenched hands relaxed slightly.

Hearing what Brigitte said, he felt a headache.

"Biggie, isn't the focus of your attention, isn't this human strength?" Di Tian couldn't help but reminded, "He almost killed the Lord just now."

"What do you know, don't understand the style. How could he want to kill the Lord?" Brigitte retorted, "People are playing around with the Lord. You didn't even see this..."

Di Tian shook his head helplessly.

He only felt the power that this human had burst out just now, it was too terrifying.

This is the strength of him in the sacred mountain that can seal the five great gods?

"I don't know if it can be compared with the Dragon God Ancestor..." Di Tian sighed slightly, but shook his head for a moment. The Lord inferred that the strength would be stronger than the Dragon God Ancestor.

If Ditian asked the current Silver Dragon King.

The Silver Dragon King does not need to infer, and it can be said with certainty that it is definitely better than Dragon God.

As for how strong it is, I don’t know, but the worst is among the same.

With the shot just now, the Silver Dragon King felt that it was the hidden power behind that shot.

That mysterious martial soul, and the aura of killing all things in the world, even those god kings, were incomparable.

Especially when the shot hit his forehead, the Silver Dragon King felt a breath of real death.

It was even more terrifying than when the God King Shura injured her.

Only in the end...

"Did he intentionally or unintentionally?"

The Silver Dragon King looked at Wang Feng who fell, and couldn't help but think, "It looks so real... Is he really injured?"

'Humans are really fun... just to tear me apart, and now I'm like this...Although the acting is better than me... well... it seems to be true.'The Silver Dragon King took a few glances.Found that the latter seemed to be real.

Otherwise, there is no need to fall on the ground and be thrown for nothing.

If you look like yourself, you can breathe out at most...

"However, how could he get hurt?" The Silver Dragon King was puzzled and fell.

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