Check in from Douluo

Chapter 1328 Mysterious Jade Plate

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"Did you release the water on purpose?" The Silver Dragon King thought of this, still feeling a little angry.

Feeling this emotion, the Silver Dragon King felt that it was very likely that the other party did this deliberately, so that he could appreciate the dissatisfaction in his heart when he was injured just now.

The Silver Dragon King rarely gets angry.

Only when confronted with the gods above, she felt that she would be very angry.

"You humans are really weird." The Silver Dragon King blinked, his expression was not fluctuating, outsiders couldn't see her heart, just said in a flat tone.

Wang Feng stood up and patted the dust on his body.

He just feels a little bit uncomfortable. This clone suddenly emits power that is not what he should bear, and will naturally be injured.

But it will not be life-threatening.

Wang Feng thought for a while, and said seriously, "Um, should you give up?"

"..." Silver Dragon King.

She blinked again, expressionless.

Turned around, did not speak.

Finally, Wang Feng's blinking action was a manifestation of the unhappy heart of the Silver Dragon King.

Wang Feng returned to the Silver Dragon King what the Silver Dragon King said just now.

"Why should I give up?" The Silver Dragon King looked up at the sky.

She didn't want to admit defeat.

Because as soon as he admits defeat, he has to... Thinking of this, the Silver Dragon King couldn't help but put his hands behind his back, so as not to know where to put it.

"Because, if you don't admit defeat, I won't be merciful next." Wang Feng looked calm.

There is no next at all, it is impossible for him to shoot anymore now...

It's just that.

Wang Feng expected that, except for himself, it was impossible for anyone to know what was going on just now.

Upon hearing this, the Silver Dragon King blinked fiercely.


"You are exactly what Brigitte said!" The Silver Dragon King closed his eyes.

The purpose of this man seems to be himself.

For his own blood heritage.

"Biggie?" Wang Feng raised her eyebrows, thinking that Brigitte would ask herself to write a battle book that night, and couldn't help but smile, "Of course."

Well, this time even he himself admitted.

Silver Dragon King thought for a while, since it's all like this, she has nothing to say, "Well, I give up. When you think about it, come to me. My current human form can last for a while.

Wang Feng nodded.


Wang Feng still understands the previous sentence.

In the last sentence, Wang Feng was full of question marks???

How long can you stay in your form? What matters to me?

'It should mean that she is about to leave the human world, right?'Wang Feng thought for a while, and finally figured it out.

After all, leaving the human world, the Silver Dragon King would definitely not remain human... She wanted to discuss the matter of the soul master with herself during this time.

"That's OK."

Wang Feng exhaled heavily.

The Silver Dragon King handed the number plate to Wang Feng, and looked at the six soul bones still floating in the air on the high platform.

"Do you want these soul bones?" Wang Feng asked.

The Silver Dragon King hesitated for a few seconds.

Those six spirit bones were after all the body of the same race.

Although he knew the origin, the Silver Dragon King felt that he could still be rescued.

For example, given to their offspring, or the same clan, the significance is greater.

However, after human beings get it, they can also greatly enhance their strength.

Moreover, this was originally given to humans by two spirit beasts, and now it is used as a reward and it belongs to him.

There is no need to force it.27KK Novel

"Just say it if you want." Wang Feng waved, and the six soul bones flew into his hands from mid-air, accompanied by several Douluo Heavenly Kings.

"Senior, you have suffered a great loss this morning." Heavenly King Nan Yuan came over and said, "This ring is a masterpiece of Sister Xi, and the cost is very high! Good, just take Sister Xi My baby is broken."

"..." Wang Feng frowned.

Why does this sound so awkward.

"I can't talk about baby." Xi Douluo shook his head, "It's good if it's broken. Don't let the bad go, and the new won't come. Besides..."

At this point, Xi Douluo's tone was a little heavy, "Even if it's not bad, if you don't use it, there is no chance to use it in the next session."

The expressions of several Douluo Heavenly Kings condensed.


It's really useless.

The soul demon will definitely break out in the past few years, and then the mainland will inevitably break out a terrible war, if not resolved.

Then, with the strength of the Dark Demon Realm, Douluo World simply couldn't bear it.

Will human soul masters still exist?Can the next Pinnacle Competition be held?


Wang Feng nodded slightly, summoned six soul bones, and sent them to the Silver Dragon King and said, "You take this thing."

"Don't you?" The Silver Dragon King glanced at several Douluo Heavenly Kings, "Even if this thing is useless to you, it is a treasure to humans."

Wang Feng said with a smile: "The meaning of this thing is far greater than its effect. Returning the soul bone left by the soul beast to the soul beast, can't it more symbolize the friendship between the two?"

"Oh." Six soul bones under the Silver Dragon King.

She had heard that humans are different from soul beasts.

Before mating, humans often need to give a dowry to the opposite sex, and the opposite sex will return a dowry, and then go through a series of cumbersome procedures before they formally mate and pass on offspring.

Very troublesome.

Wanting to give himself these six soul bones, the Silver Dragon King guessed that this meant it?

"Then give you this." Silver Dragon King spread out his palm, revealing a white jade plate.

Crystal clear like jade, like a gem in a stone, exuding a faint light.


When several Douluo Heavenly Kings saw it, they knew it was a treasure.

But they don't know what it does.

It's definitely not a soul bone.

However, it is not worse than spirit bone.

"This is?" Wang Feng was slightly startled.

Silver Dragon King blinked, shook his head and said, "I don't know either."

With that, the Silver Dragon King put this thing in Wang Feng's hand, then turned and left.

Wang Feng touched this mysterious silver jade plate with a slight coldness, and his heart moved:

Could this be her scales?

This jade plate was so big that Wang Feng didn't expect it to be on the scales for a while.

But thinking that the Silver Dragon King will definitely be very big, then this jade plate, if it is a scale, actually looks very small on the Silver Dragon King.

'What does she give me scales?'Wang Feng felt very confused.

Looking at this smooth jade scale, I can see my handsome face from the silver arc...

Is it possible for me to be a mirror?

The various confusing behaviors of the Silver Dragon King made Wang Feng feel magical.

Moreover, unlike other humans, it is difficult for Wang Feng to perceive each other's emotions.

I can't see it at all, and I can't feel it.

She has a nice voice, but she has never had any emotions.

He looks beautiful, the kind of peerless allure, but he never shows any expression.

No matter how strong the mental power is, it is difficult to feel the true emotions of the other party.


Like a soul beast without human emotions.

'Blurred.'Wang Feng shook his head and put away this mysterious scale...

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