You can search for "Starting from Douluo to search for novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!In the midair of the secret realm, a towering figure rises like smoke and mist.

Knowing people by hearing the sound, this sound has not changed much after ten thousand years.

There was a somewhat cold tone in that majesty, and no one had it except Bibi Dong.

"This is the consciousness that I left before I went to the God Realm. I have always used it to focus on the lower realm."

That hazy figure was only covered by a black mist, and could not see the specific appearance. It could only be seen by its fleeting edges and corners to see a somewhat graceful and cold curve.

Wang Feng was a little speechless. Since he left his consciousness, what would he do to make himself so mysterious?

Since you know that only you can come in, isn't it good to be generous?

Anyway, I can let myself see if people have changed after so long?

However, Bibi Dong left a sense of consciousness here, except for paying attention to the changes in the Douluo world.Looking at it, still waiting for yourself, is it possible that like Zhu Zhuqing, there are important things?

"Hmph, I know, those little hooves must have left you with some consciousness. I'll forget it, with your temperament, after waking up, you will definitely not come to the Federation the first time. I guess you Must go to Shrek Academy first, and then to the Far North, right?"

Bibi Dong's cold voice did not have any emotional fluctuations.

"..." Wang Feng.

The guess is true.

What little hoof, it's so ugly...

Listening to this tone, Wang Feng estimated that these few are in the gods, and they are unlikely to live in peace.

Wang Feng listened quietly.

Anyway, even if he spoke, Bibi Dong, who was far away in the God Realm, couldn't hear him.

"When you came to the Federation, came to this Wuhun Palace, and found this statue, at least one of those little hooves told you to cry, right?"


Obviously alluding to Zhuqing, or Rongrong.

"I won't say more nonsense. I have good news and bad news. I don't know which one you want to hear."

"..." Wang Feng.

"Then I'll say yes first."

Bibi Dong's faint voice continued.

Vaguely, Wang Feng felt her voice change a little more.

"Well, your little hooves are intact. I didn't do anything to her. Although they are dangerous now, they will not endanger their lives. Especially that little cat, you are really amazing. I don’t know how much work it took to make her so powerful."

Hearing this, Wang Feng couldn't help but shake.

"Bad news, unfortunately to tell you, I think God Realm is too boring." Bibi Dong's voice added a smile, "So, I went to Dark Demon Realm."


Wang Feng knew that Bibi Dong’s character would definitely not be peaceful.

However, Zhuqing didn't seem to say.

"This is my last consciousness after leaving the God Realm. So, if you come out of that mountain and go to the God Realm, don't be surprised if you can't see me. Because of this news, no one in the God Realm will know.

The corner of Wang Feng's mouth twitched.

Wang Feng didn't know exactly what Bibi Dong wanted to do when he went to the Dark Demon Realm.

But it's certainly not a good thing.

She went to the God Realm, and there was no one else besides herself.

Moreover, with Bibi Dong's character, Wang Feng couldn't even think of wanting to get along with Zhu Zhuqing, Ning Rongrong and others.

It is almost impossible.5599 novel

As for Tang San Xiaowu, as well as the rest of the lower realm gods, it was also unlikely.

This matter of grievances, it is possible to let go of it.

How dangerous would she go to the Dark Demon Realm alone?

Wang Feng's face sank.

"Why? Are you worried about me?" Bibi Dong said suddenly, "Unfortunately, I can't see it."

Wang Feng did not speak.

"Wang Wu, Xue'er didn't know where she was going. I knew she was still complaining about me, otherwise she wouldn't have disappeared after coming to the gods."

Bibi Dong's tone was a little more startled, "If you want me to say it, I blame you! In addition to Xueer, there is also Nana, but Nana and Xueer have different personalities. She came to the God Realm, but she did not blame me. On the contrary, this little Nizi still blames herself in her heart. She thought she had robbed her master's man..."

"Forget it, not much to say. Wang Wu, I left this consciousness to tell you that I am no longer in the God Realm."

"Well, rest assured, I don't miss you as a bad guy. As for whether I live or die in the Dark Demon Realm...huh, it doesn't matter anyway. If you are out of the mountain, don't come to the Dark Demon Realm to find me, go find...Xiaoxue. If you don’t have her, don’t... don’t come to me...

With that said, the phantom has already begun to drift.

The voice was still trembling a little.

But Wang Feng could feel the guilt and struggle in Bibi Dong's tone.

"I knew... I didn't go to the God Realm, and I definitely couldn't be born in peace." Wang Feng sighed.

After fighting against the Destroying God King, the other great God Kings appeared, and they merged with the falling stars and tears, everything happened too fast.

Even if Wang Feng blasted Hu and cheated Qian Renxue and Bibi Dong before, he reluctantly made them agree.

But after ascending to the God Realm, he fell into a seal, and it was definitely impossible for them to live in peace.

"I don't know where Xiaoxue went?"

Wang Feng looked at the phantom that curled up and disappeared, feeling lost in his heart.

From Zhu Qing's words, it was also revealed that Qian Renxue had disappeared.

As for what world she went to, she didn't know.

As the ghost disappears.

The surrounding scene began to twist and change, and finally returned to this conference hall in Wuhun Palace.

It's just that in addition to Yutianwang, there are also several other heavenly kings.

Both looked at themselves nervously.

It wasn't until I opened my eyes that the nervous expression eased.

"What's the situation, are you okay?"

King Yu Tian quickly stepped up and asked, "Just now..."

Wang Feng interrupted him with a wave of his hand, and shook his head, "It doesn't matter...As for this statue... Don't worry, there shouldn't be any problems."

The coercion of this statue is due to the hidden thoughts of Bibi Dong.

Coupled with being cast with his own blood, there will be some special coercion.

However, most of it was because of Bibi Dong's divine consciousness. Now that it was triggered by himself, the divine consciousness disappeared, so naturally there would be no problems.

"I have conveyed to you the idea of ​​that soul beast co-master."

Wang Feng then looked at a few people, "It's time to leave. By the way, I already have a rough set of methods for spiritual cultivation. I named it'Contemplation of Freedom'. It is a kind of spiritual cultivation. The method of force is suitable for most human beings in this world."

From the time when they got the idealist school to cultivate their spiritual power, until now.

It has been a while, Wang Feng thought day and night, from his own experience, combined with the characteristics of this world, and then from the previous secrets, summed up such a set of spiritual power cultivation methods.

"Keep your thoughts freely?" The Douluo Heavenly Kings were slightly taken aback.

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