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Several people looked at each other.

"Come with me, the method is important, not just to talk about it, it's best to experiment."

Wang Feng took several Douluo Heavenly Kings out of the Wuhun Palace and walked towards the military camp in the north of the city.

Because of Xi Douluo's order, the Federation entered a state of combat readiness.

Almost all the students in the youth competition stayed behind and were organized into the federal army for preliminary training.

The start of the war is not just for fun.

This naturally also includes Shrek Academy.

"Senior wants to find that Jiang Nannan to experiment?" Heavenly King Nan Yuan seemed to be quite interested, "Why don't it be better for Senior to let us try directly? With our Douluo Heavenly King, it would be easy to learn."

"Because you are the Douluo Heavenly King, you are not representative and have strong mental power. It is difficult to see the results of practicing this kind of exercise. No experimentation." Wang Feng said casually.

King Nan Yuan nodded, indicating that he understood.

All the way north, the atmosphere in the air became more and more solemn.

But in a moment, he has reached the military camp in the north of the city.

It is not easy for the Federation to unify the soul masters gathered in the competition and to gather into a powerful force.

The military camp is only the first step. Fortunately, there are not many people and the workload is not large.

"The number of high-level soul masters who officially participated in the competition this time exceeded 10,000. The number of soul masters who watched exceeded half a million, which basically included 70% of the soul masters of our federation. The main force of the devil."

King Bing Tian sighed, "The Federation has been around for thousands of years, and it has not unified the power of all spirit masters... I hope it can be resisted."

"Don't worry, in addition to our side, the Sun Moon Empire also sent us news." Yu Tian Wang smiled slightly, "They are willing to cooperate with us, and even willing to give us the secrets of the development of their core Soul Guidance Device. It's just us. Many secrets of Wuhun research will also be exchanged here. At the same time, they are also willing to join forces with us."

This is good news.

It shows that the situation on the Sun-Moon Empire side is probably worse than that on the Federation side.

However, you must know that the Evil Forest is the birthplace of the Evil Soul Beast, and there must be a lot of Soul Demons erupting in it.

In addition, the Evil Spirit Master was also very prosperous in the Sun-Moon Empire. If it hadn't been suppressed by the people of the Federation Angel Temple in these years, the Sun-Moon Empire would be even more uncomfortable.

It is also the case that the Federation does not engage in aggression.

Otherwise, the Sun-Moon Empire would really not be able to withstand the Federation's offensive.

"Sun Moon Empire..."

Wang Feng thoughtfully.

After solving this matter, he should go to the Demon Forest of the Sun-Moon Empire quickly to obtain the true blood of the Dragon God, and then leave directly to the God Realm.

The Evil Forest is near Mingdu again.

Mingdu is also the capital of the Sun-Moon Empire.

It's not ordinary.

Moreover, the Sun Moon Empire also has a Soul Teacher Competition similar to the Federation, but according to the schedule, it should be over.

The Sun-Moon Empire's competition is the same as that of the Federation.

But over there, it only focuses on the battle of Soul Guidance Device.Wuhun is just a support.

There are totally two situations in the game against the Federation.

Thinking of Sun Moon Empire, Wang Feng thought of two people.

It seems to be called Orange and Koko?

When I first walked out of Star Dou Sacred Mountain, I met two little guys.

I don't know how it is now.

"I only hope that this alliance can tide over the difficulties." Bing Tian Wang naturally also knew the news, but he didn't still look worried like Yu Tian Wang.

Not long after, the group had already arrived inside the camp and successfully found the team where Shrek Academy was.Watch the Chinese website

There are a lot of people in Shrek Academy. In addition to Huo Yuhao and their representative team this time, there are also disciples from this inner courtyard. Whether they come to watch the game or not, they all come to the military area.

In any case, the order issued by King Xi Tian on behalf of the Federation is the most obedient to the children of these students.

In Wang Feng's words, it is patriotic.

Among these students, deep down in their hearts, the Federation, the place where they are born and raised, is truly number one.

Once it is about the survival of the Federation, the students of these colleges, young and energetic, will inevitably stand up first.

Among the acquaintance sect forces, relatively speaking, it is worse.

Seeing Wang Feng coming, a group of people gathered around excitedly.

"Yuhao, how about Jiang Nannan? How has she been in the last few days?" Wang Feng glanced around, but did not find Jiang Nannan's breath in the military area.

"Teacher Wang, Nan Nan is not doing well recently. She is injured herself, so the teacher at the academy advised her not to come to the military area to participate in formal training. But she still came, but the teacher did not come to help her suppress Wu recently. Soul, the mood is not very good. Now we are walking along the river with Xiaoxiao..."

Wang Dong blinked, "Teacher Wang, you are here, she will definitely be very happy."

This blink has no meaning.

Let Wang Feng glared at her.

"Hehe." Wang Dong pointed to the distance.

Wang Feng exhorted a few more words with a few people, and said: "Call this girl back, I have something to tell you."

Wang Dong was taken aback and asked with some excitement: "Teacher, what's the matter? Are you coming to the military area too? Come with us..."

"I think the teacher should be leaving?" Huo Yuhao touched his head and said nonchalantly.

Wang Feng was taken aback, this little thing was very keen.

Can detect it.

Compared to Wang Dong, this girl is carefree and doesn't understand anything...Oh, forget, this girl hasn't fully recovered yet.

Speaking of it, I don't know when this girl went to the realm, the God Realm and Douluo World channel disappeared, it is estimated that it was sneaked down before, Tang San must have a headache.

"Nonsense!" Wang Dong kicked Huo Yuhao and said angrily, "The teacher has just become the number one in the mainland, how could he leave? Stop talking nonsense, I will get Nan Nan and the others back."

Huo Yuhao let out a cry, but did not refute.

"Senior, you disciples, the future achievements are not below us." Bing Tianwang's calm face was a little more smiling.

"Isn't that nonsense?" Nan Yuan Tian Wang said irritably, "They are the disciples of the predecessors, or the first batch of soul masters. As long as they don't make detours, they are not below us, but far above us."

"Hey, hey, you guys, in front of so many students, dignified King Douluo, compliment me here. It was passed out, but it's not so good." Wang Feng coughed several times, "Be careful."

The students around were whispering.

However, now that Wang Feng sits on the false name of'the top power in the whole continent', Heavenly King Douluo will naturally make friends, so although he is surprised.

But it is not so shocked.

After a while, Wang Dong bounced back with Jiang Nannan.

Having not seen her for many days, this little girl is now wearing a purple military uniform, and she looks more and more beautiful.

It's just the paleness on her face and the dizziness that flashed in her eyes from time to time, which made her look like a sick beauty.

It wasn't until the gaze of the eyes seemed to find something, that the pale complexion appeared a little blush. Fortunately, he quietly cultivated for a few days, knowing that he should not be agitated at will, so as not to agitate the martial soul and cause side effects.So I can only restrain this emotion and follow Wang Dong's small runway in front of Wang Feng.

"Ms. Wang." Jiang Nannan yelled softly.

"Tsk... Nan Nan, I was still disheartened just now... Seeing Teacher Wang, this soul came back immediately." Xiaoxiao panting on the side could not help teasing, "I see you for the past few days, it's not yours The martial soul should be caused by a kind of lovesickness...well, no..."

"Xiaoxiao, you!" Jiang Nannan was ashamed and angry, not only blushed, but even his neck, which was melting like the first snow, seemed to be stained with red clouds.

He even couldn't help covering Xiaoxiao's mouth directly.

Several Douluo Heavenly Kings watched with a smile, but they were silent.

Like Jiang Nannan, Wang Feng sighed in his heart.

"Okay, you two, don't mess around. Teacher Wang came to find Nan Nan this time. There should be a very important thing, right?" Ma Xiaotao came out, each one blanked the two.

Wang Feng nodded and followed Ma Xiaotao's words and said: "Yes, I came here this time and found a solution to Jiang Nannan's martial spirit. I also came to experiment by the way, this set of spiritual cultivation methods, freely observe ideas."

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