You can search for "Starting from Douluo to search for novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!Ranked among the soul-guided guns, it is the most powerful soul-guided gun known to date among the many military soul-guided arms of the Sun-Moon Empire.

Its power is not named according to the normal series, and the Soul Guidance Cannon of Gein has exceeded the range of the normal series.

According to the current Sun-Moon Empire Soul Guidance Device's highest research department, Ming Detang, the power estimate given by it has exceeded the power of the ninth-level fixed-mounted Soul Guidance Cannon.Destructive power, lethality, and firepower coverage are the best known.

Ming Detang once said that if there is no energy tide, this kind of soul-guided artillery can theoretically take at least hundreds of years, or even thousands of years, before the Empire can develop it.The reason is that the materials are not up to standard.

Moreover, as the most authoritative department for soul guide research, Ming Detang also gave an exaggerated conclusion:

Only six pieces are needed, and it is probably the largest city in the empire and the strongest city: Mingdu.

To be destroyed.

Therefore, so far, only five such shells have been produced.

Each one is in charge of a legion.

The more powerful a weapon, the more difficult it is to control and the more dangerous it is.

If you are not careful, you are often the one who destroys yourself.

These five ranked soul cannons are the key weapons used by the five major legions to guard the evil forest.

It is a deterrent.

So far, I haven't fired one, just because I'm afraid that even this kind of Soul Guidance Cannon will not have a practical effect on the Evil Forest, it will be troublesome.

It can only be used as a deterrent. Once there is a powerful evil spirit beast beyond imagination, or a spirit demon appears, use it immediately.

And now...

The Silver Dragon King did not expect how powerful the human army stationed here would have.

Because for her now, if she wants to hurt her, it is no longer something humans can do.

So even if he followed the soul demon all the way, chased here, and sensed that there was a human army nearby, the Silver Dragon King didn't take it seriously.

This is similar to those federal troops in the Star Dou Great Forest. They just want to prevent powerful evil spirit beasts from entering human society, which is normal.

To deal with this forest, the Silver Dragon King will naturally launch the most powerful attack.

The golden halo lit up from her one by one.

She spread her wings to the sky, her halo flickered, and the black kneeling mist had already spread under her roar.

The violent element, with the wings of the Silver Dragon King, shook towards the entire evil forest.

The next moment, the Silver Dragon King slightly opened the dragon's mouth, as if the blow had already been brewed, several ghosts flickered from her body, and a colorless and transparent ball of light spewed out from her mouth, as if condensing terrible power.

"go with!"

Silver light erupted in the mouth of the Silver Dragon King, and his body showed a gilt silver light. The five-color ball of light in his mouth directly turned into an aurora, which fell from mid-air like a slanted beam of light onto the evil forest below.

This is a highly compressed elemental force.

Can detonate all the elements of this world, causing a violent and terrifying explosion.

Can annihilate everything, including light and darkness, and even space.

The power in the Silver Dragon King's body is no longer as simple as soul power.

Having recovered from her injury, she possesses true supernatural power.

The four words ruining the heavens and the earth are not adjectives, but real.

But the Silver Dragon King did not expect.

At the moment she just cast this blow.Weishu Bar

From five different directions, a terrifying beam of energy exploded directly at her.

The Silver Dragon King felt it right away.

She was frightened and angry.

Because the power contained in this energy beam has reached the critical point of this world, to be precise, it may have been exceeded.

Such a terrifying attack is terrible.

But who?

It wasn't until he saw the ant-like humans in the distance that the Silver Dragon King probably thought of something.

Her body is too large, and the blow she just performed consumed a lot of her supernatural power.

These five beams hit her body almost immediately.

Almost at the same time.

And that silver ball of light fell in the demon forest and exploded at the same time!

In an instant.

The boundless light covers everything.

The terrifying blast wave blasted all around, destroying everything.

The impact of the two kinds of explosions, even just a few tens of seconds, has passed the scope of the explosion to the position of the five major legions.

Even though they had ordered a retreat for dozens of miles, the people who were hit by the explosion still turned their backs.

However, dozens of red-black rays of light were shining in the evil forest at this time, especially in the core area.

The Silver Dragon King’s attack was not covered, and even the soul of these soul demons was immediately destroyed.

Only the digital red-black figure remained.

"Dark Demon Chief, she was tricked."

These crimson-black figures looked unreal in the boundless light of the explosion, but there was a faint light shrouded outside their bodies, barely resisting the explosion.

One of them was panting, and seemed to be tormenting and talking.

"It's really strange that the level of civilization in this world is not high, and the level of power is also very low. How could there be such a powerful existence... It's incredible. The above let us destroy this world. It was all smooth sailing. Why did we encounter such troublesome intelligent life? Even if a high-ranking soul demon suppresses his own strength in this world, he can't do that."

The soul demon who was called the dark demon long was much taller than the others.

He glanced at the Evil Forest, "At any rate, it is also our base camp where we have been living for so many years. The dark devil energy has accumulated to a critical point, and the normal situation can already crush the world safely. Unexpectedly, most of it will be destroyed so easily... This forest is quite magical. I originally planned to wait for the research to be completed before going out. So as not to the humans outside doing strange things. Moyuan, you did a good job this time. Although this forest is destroyed, the humans outside are also lost. Any deterrence."

As he said, he looked at the Silver Dragon King who was hit by five beams in the sky, his tone was quite surprised:

"Look, this world still has this level of attack. It's really amazing. If I eat five times, one of them will be severely injured. They can threaten a fighting demon and these humans are proud. "

"The Dark Demon has grown longer..." The Demon Soul, known as the Demon Wall, gave a sullen smile, "I inquired some news in that forest. I probably know the origin of this silver life. She is not in this world. The life of God is the life of the gods, the descendants of the Dragon God. However, our memories have been sealed a lot. You can go into your own core and scan, maybe you know her origin..."

"It's no wonder..." The Dark Demon looked at the Silver Dragon King who was continuously bombarded in the distance, "This level of attack only caused her to suffer some minor injuries. Her strength has surpassed the upper soul demon. Borrow her. The hand of the hand, to get rid of those human weapons, this time, I should also take action."

Stop talking.

He pulled a spine from his back, from his back wing.

The spine is like a bone sword, covered with sharp and dark thorn grooves.

"Since it is the life of the God Realm, it is not that we lower level spirit demons have never killed..."

The dark demon took a long breath, seemingly excited, "Killing Godspine, if those powerful gods are definitely not able to kill. But she has just used such a powerful move now, plus she was injured again. My god-killing The ridge should be able to play a certain role, no matter how bad it is, she can fall from the sky!"

After finishing speaking, he slammed the straight spine toward the Silver Dragon King in the sky...

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