Check in from Douluo

Chapter 1351 Emperor Demon Army

You can search for "Starting from Douluo to search for novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!A red-black back, like a long rainbow tearing through the sky, under the gaze of several soul demons, along with the light beams emitted by the five human weapons, bombarded the huge body of the Silver Dragon King.

In an instant, a loud dragon sounded in the sky.

It's the long scream of anger due to huge damage.

Even the five fixed-mounted Soul Guidance Cannons on the Sun-Moon Empire did not make the Silver Dragon King emit such an angry long scream.

The crimson light, as if swallowing everything, shot out from the right side of the silver dragon king, blasting a mouth of blood.

As the dragon scales several meters long fell from the Silver Dragon King, her body was also seriously injured by this blow.

Of course, it is not fatal.

The Silver Dragon King that even the God King couldn't easily kill.

A fighting demon from the Dark Demon Realm is even more impossible to kill.

Just taking advantage of this opportunity to cause him to be seriously injured, and will not attack them again.

The huge silver light and shadow in the sky were shaky, and his size was shrinking slightly.

"Unfortunately, this dragon is too strong. If the lower gods, with the power of the spine killing just now, they can be killed."

The Dark Demon Chief looked at the Silver Dragon King who was falling far away, and sighed, "This is the latest research and development of our Dark Demon Realm's God Killing One, specifically for those gods in the God Realm, using the devil body as a furnace and dark blood as the nourishment. , Forged a god-killing spine. Let's go, it is not suitable to stay here for a long time. First, find the other dark demon chiefs and find out where they are, slowly destroying the world."

"The black front dark demon commander, she has been severely injured, if such a powerful life can be killed directly, who will we see later, maybe we have a chance to be promoted? This is an excellent opportunity!" The soul demon immediately proposed.

"Oh?" The Dark Demon Chief known as the Black Front glanced, shook his head and asked, "When did you join the Emperor Demon Army?"

"A hundred years ago."

"For a hundred years, you were still a miscellaneous soldier in the Emperor Demon Army. You were sent to participate in this lowest-level mission." The Black Front Dark Demon sighed, "The Emperor Demon Army started this plan, except for destroying these weak worlds. In addition, it is also to clean the moths inside the Emperor Demon Army. Otherwise, like you soul demon who can only be at the bottom of the Emperor Demon Army without any room for improvement, have a low cognition, and don’t earnestly study knowledge from all walks of life, completely It has no effect."

These words obviously hurt the soul demon's heart.

Although the expressions of the other soul demons remained unchanged, they felt very uncomfortable listening to these words.

But I'm used to it, after all...inside, they are just cannon fodder.

"I'm telling you." The black front dark demon leader pointed to the location where the Silver Dragon King fell. "This is a powerful being able to surpass the upper soul demon. Even in our dark demon world, she is considered a strong one. Due to the rules of this world, the scope of the move just now was only controlled in this forest, and it was also injured. In addition, it happened to be hit by those human weapons after it was cast, which created opportunities for my God Spine Killing. "

"This is a chance to hit her, but this will only give us a chance to leave."

"But if you want to kill her by this, it is completely impossible without a high-ranking soul demon. Do you believe that we chase and kill the past now, the only possibility is to be killed by her?"

"You incompetent soul demons can't even hold a breath in her hands. Isn't it coming to this world, the weakness of this world has given you the illusion that you are very powerful? Your brain can no longer think normally. Got it? Still thinking about making up the knife? Huh?"

The Ebon Dark Demon gave a few glances, with undisguised contempt in his eyes. "The commander of our Emperor Demon Army once said a famous saying: The most powerful soul demon is not the most powerful dark demon body. It's not that it possesses a huge dark magic power comparable to the Dead Demon Sea, nor is it a brain that is super wise and comparable to a star. It is the ability to maintain a clear self-awareness all the time, and don't be fooled by the rules of any world!

"Let's go, as long as you find that one, it is possible to kill this great being. Moreover, by finding him, we have already done a great job."

While talking, the black front dark demon chief scanned several soul demon with majesty.

Several soul demons lowered their heads in shame.

In fact, it's almost the same as what the Ebon Demon Chief said.

The weakness of this world has given him the illusion that the cannon fodder of our emperor demon army is so powerful.

The black front dark demon took the only remaining digital soul demon and immediately disappeared in another direction.

In fact, the Silver Dragon King knew at the first time that he was recruited. The trick just now covers a very wide range, and there will always be a few fish that miss the net.

But obviously I didn't expect that these slippery fish would be so cunning.

The Killing Spine pierced her body, but it caused a lot of damage.But this kind of injury is not fatal to her.

It's like being shot, it will only be a little painful, a little weak, and I don't know how far it is from death.

Compared with the injuries caused by the King of God, I don't know how far it is.

She fell from mid-air, but just wanted to take the opportunity to lure the fish that slipped through the net a few minutes, so that she could make another move and immediately drop it.

Recover and rest by the way, after all, she was a little struggling with the move just now, especially the human weapon.For her, even if it is scraping, it is more painful.

Falling into the demon forest, the forest at this time has been razed to the ground, her huge body lying on the ground, shrinking a lot.

It becomes only hundreds of meters in size.

After all, the real form consumes a lot of divine power.

Moreover, the most troublesome thing is that this world has no divine power to supplement...

When it is consumed, it is consumed. I don't know how long it will take to replenish it.

No way, the energy of this world is too weak.Otherwise, she would not cultivate for so many years.

If there is no energy tide of the mountain, it is estimated that it will be 10,000 years.

Therefore, the Silver Dragon King must use divine power carefully, and the trick just now is more extravagant.652 Literature Network

However, the Silver Dragon King did not expect that the fish that slipped through the net did not have the habit of making up their swords, and did not come to her at all.

But just slipped away...

"Hey, these creatures of the Dark Demon Realm are really cunning." The Silver Dragon King crawled among the ruins, lying on the ground, looking at the sky.

She found that the abdominal injury was getting worse.

What troubled her was that the special red-black weapon seemed very special.

Not only can it cause harm to her body, but it can't be eliminated for a while.

It's like a needle has been inserted into the body and cannot be taken out.

And it was constantly devouring the divine power in her body.

Over time, it may be even more troublesome.

"Let's rest for a while, I'll see the Star Dou Forest again and find a way to take down this weapon... He doesn't know if he has gone." The Silver Dragon King took a breath, looking at the sky, speechless for a long time.


After Wang Feng left Wuhun City, he headed west.

Toward the Sun Moon Empire.

Because of the detailed map, Wang Feng flew directly towards the evil forest in a straight line.

However, according to the normal speed, it will take three or four days.

Along the way, Wang Feng's spirit power level also broke through to level 50, just as he could absorb the second spirit ring bestowed by Lord Bingmullin, break through directly, and advance towards the level sixtieth spirit power.

At the same time, the cultivation base of the little kunsha also rose rapidly, and began to move towards ten thousand years.

The cultivation bases of Longxie and Bingmulin also rose rapidly.

The one who has made the most progress is naturally the little kunshark.

On the way, he also passed several Sun-Moon Empire cities, but Wang Feng had no intention of staying, and didn't want to waste time, so he flew over without the intention of entering the city.

But looking down from a high altitude, you can also see the city of the Sun-Moon Empire, which is much better than that of the Federation in terms of development.

The main reason is that the level of development of the soul guide technology is different.

In the city on the side of the Sun-Moon Empire, there are many large soul-guided machines.

If it is said that the Soul Guidance Technology on the Federation side, most of them are still in the state of Soul Master military use.

So the research on the Soul Guidance Device on the Sun-Moon Empire side had already spread to the civilian stage.

You must know that even in the past, the civilian technology is far behind the military and the most cutting-edge technology.

The Soul Guidance Device is the same principle.

For example, the Federation's research and development of the Soul Guidance Device will only be used in the battle of the Soul Master at the beginning, and there is not much energy to develop civilian Soul Guidance Technology.

This allowed Wang Feng to fly over from a high altitude and be able to see the city on the side of the Sun-Moon Empire, with a sense of modernity.

Of course, the large-scale soul guidance machinery is only a small part.

There was no such thing as the soul-guided car or the soul-guided airplane that Wang Feng imagined.

After a quick glance, Wang Feng moved on towards the Evil Forest.

When he was a few hundred miles away from the Evil Forest, he suddenly stopped in place.

"What a powerful energy fluctuation."

Sitting on Longxie’s back, Wang Feng looked into the distance, "This place is still a long way from the Evil Forest... Energy fluctuations can be transmitted so far... This level of attack has reached thousands of tons. Is the scope of the first-class hydrogen bomb affected?"

The hydrogen bomb is the most powerful nuclear weapon in Wang Feng's memory in his previous life.

An attack of this level, if it were a peerless Douluo 10,000 years ago, would not be able to display it.

However, the current Douluo's strength has generally increased, and it may be released, but it is extremely difficult.

According to the strongest fixed-mounted soul-guided shells known to the Sun-Moon Empire, there is no soul-guided weapon comparable to the hydrogen bomb level.

"Did the Silver Dragon King take the shot?" Wang Feng looked from a distance.

Except for the Silver Dragon King, Wang Feng couldn't think of anyone who could perform such a powerful attack.

In Wang Feng's view, this should be a normal situation for the gods to launch nuclear-level attacks.

If you don't even have a nuclear weapon level attack, the gods of the gods are too weak.

The strength of the Silver Dragon King is not comparable to that of ordinary gods.

Even if she still has some injuries, she can easily cast this level of attack.

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