Check in from Douluo

Chapter 1357 Found!

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Wang Feng's words are concise and concise.

The Silver Dragon King pondered for a moment, stretched out his snow-white palm, and lightly condensed it as if holding an orb.

A drop of pale silver blood overflowed from the center of her palm.

It exudes a delicate fragrance.

"What do you want to do?"

Silver Dragon King asked.

Wang Feng smiled slightly, "Do you know the history of this evil forest? In the history of the Sun-Moon Empire, this forest gathers dark and evil world energy all the year round, so the soul beasts here have always been fierce and evil. . If it is an evil spirit beast that has been killed because of its dark devil qi but has gone out of consciousness, then the only difference between the original spirit beast of this life and the evil spirit beast is that although they have consciousness, the others are not much different. ."

"So, the origin of this forest is strange."

Before Wang Feng came to the Evil Forest, he naturally had to understand this forest.

He also knew that there used to be several powerful evil spirit beasts in this forest, all of which were one hundred thousand years old, and there was even one close to a million years old.

But they should all become evil spirit beasts.

Even the Soul Demon couldn't bear the blow of the Silver Dragon King, and naturally they couldn't survive.

"That drop of Dragon God Real Blood should not be a normal Dragon God Real Blood."

Wang Feng said slowly.

He stretched out his hand and placed the God Killing Spine in his hand.

Suspended in mid-air.

As soon as the thought moved, God Killing Spine sent a faint light to the blood of the Silver Dragon King.

"Killing God found known life energy... 0.09% of the memory inventory is being analyzed, and it is not equipped with'gluttony' and cannot be swallowed analysis. Without'blurring', the blur calculation cannot be carried out. Should we continue life analysis? Estimated analysis time …a hundred years…"


The internal voice of Killing God's Spine resounded in Wang Feng's consciousness.

Silver Dragon King watched intently, as if he wanted to know what Wang Feng planned to do?

"Can I scan the surroundings and find similar life energy?" Wang Feng asked in his consciousness.


"how long it takes?"

"A mana scan can detect any inner space, illusion, seal, microscopic dimension... etc. that are lower than the dark demon world, special areas that the normal life spirit cannot perceive. It takes a lot of energy, with the spirit of the Diye Demon God, Calculating... The magic scan can cover a range of three kilometers centered on this place... Do you want to scan?"

"Scan and see."

"The scan needs to analyze at least 0.1% of the life energy, and it takes ten days. If you scan directly, the coverage will be reduced to 300 meters. It is not accurate."

"Enough, just try 300 meters."


Wang Feng smiled.

This Spine Killing is very interesting.

This kind of thing is like technology, but it is not limited to technology.

Wang Feng didn't even understand many nouns, but he understood what God's Spine was trying to express.

As the voice fell, God Killing Spine flew out of Wang Feng's palm and stood on the ground aside.

Immediately the spine began to change, and the originally smooth spine produced countless rays of light, a purple-black light, which densely extended to the surroundings.

Since mental power cannot be sensed, Wang Feng can only perceive through other means.

The true blood of the Dragon God must be here, but it might be hidden by special means.

Since this Killing Spine is the technology of the Dark Demon Realm, even if this one is only the lowest level, it may not be impossible to discover.

After all, Killing God's Spine can even hurt the Silver Dragon King, which proves that there is still something.

"What are you doing?" The Silver Dragon King vaguely knew what Wang Feng was doing to control the weapon that hurt him.

But I don't understand it very well.

"Don't talk, wait." Wang Feng hissed.

This scan of God Killing Spine is a very special energy scan. It has a very powerful core drive. Wang Feng cannot understand the structure of God Killing Spine in a short time. This thing is too delicate.Fubooks

But now that he got this thing, Wang Feng naturally made the best use of it.

Only to have a deeper understanding of the Dark Demon Realm.

After waiting for about a few hours, the two of them patiently only talked about what happened in the past few days.

Until Wang Feng finally heard the sound of Killing God's Spine:

"Discover similar life energy breath... breath similarity: 60%. Can't be guided, this life energy is specially sealed, cannot be sensed, cannot be unlocked, cannot be destroyed, it can be analyzed, the analysis is extremely difficult. At the current underground level two hundred and three Ten meters away."

"Sure enough." Wang Feng's heart moved.

Killing the Spine is really something, I really discovered it.

But it was just a discovery, and it seemed that it could not be solved at all.

"The true blood of the Dragon God is sealed." Wang Feng said, "I guess it needs a special way to unblock it. How much do you know about the Dragon God?"

The Silver Dragon King pondered for a long time and shook his head: "I don't know, I was born after the Dragon God died. I only have part of the memory of the Dragon God. There is no news about the Dragon God's true blood seal in the memory, and there is no way to unlock the seal. "

"Go and see first."

Wang Feng pondered for a few seconds, "The location is 230 meters underground, can you go?"

"Please don't use this questioning tone next time." Silver Dragon King said.


"Because I feel that you are questioning my strength." The Silver Dragon King waved his hand calmly.

In an instant, a drop of silver blood suddenly fell to the ground.

The ground cracked!

It's like cracking a huge mouth in the abyss!

The cracked part is even more beautiful and smooth.

"I forgot, you control the elements of heaven and earth, whether it is to the earth or her sky, it is nothing to you."

Wang Feng immediately looked down.

Sure enough, a faint glimmer was seen.

It was a round bead engraved with faint blood lines.

Wang Feng found that his mental power couldn't perceive this bead, which was amazing.

"This seal is a three-level space seal, which does not exist in this world, but only exists in a space that overlaps here." Killing God's Ridge explained.

Very mysterious.

In Wang Feng's view, it should involve simple spatial laws.

Therefore, it is impossible to perceive purely with mental power.

Of course, it also depends on who, if it is the god king to perceive, this thing is probably easy to perceive.

The god king itself is involved in the application of laws, which can naturally be sensed.

"Is this thing really left by the Dragon God?" Wang Feng and the Silver Dragon King said briefly, "Otherwise, how could it be sealed?"

And why does the Dragon God leave the blood in this place?

This is blood!

Dragon God eats too much and has nothing to do, leaving a drop of his own blood?

"I don't know... what do you want Dragon God's true blood for?" Silver Dragon King glanced at Wang Feng, "You are not a descendant of Dragon God. For you, this kind of blood can only improve your cultivation level, change your physical fitness. , It's still dangerous."

Wang Feng smiled, "Good stuff, let's talk about it after getting a hand, whether he can use it or not."

He can't use it, Long Xie can use it.

By the way... Long Xie.

Thinking of this, Wang Feng suddenly stunned.

"Then what do you plan to do, I can't get this thing out. Being sealed I think it should be to prevent this drop of Dragon God's true blood from damaging the world."

Silver Dragon King thought for a while, "Would you like to use my blood to drip on it and see if it can be triggered?"

"No need..." Wang Feng took a deep breath and said slowly, "Long Xie, come out."

With a flash of light, Long Xie flew out.

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