Check in from Douluo

Chapter 1358 Dragon God Overlooks, Full of Desire Dragon God Essence

You can search for "Starting from Douluo to search for novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!"Boss, what's the matter?" Long Xie cocked his legs and flew in the air with a very ugly posture.

But he didn't care at all.

"Look at that thing, do you have a familiar feeling?" Wang Feng pointed to the round bead.

When Long Xie heard the sound, he was taken aback.

"Familiar! I'm so familiar!"

Long Xie closed his eyes and sniffed, "Isn't this the smell of Dragon God's evil thoughts?"

"Can you still smell it?" Wang Feng looked at him in surprise.

"Heh..." Long Xie sneered, but did not answer directly, "How noble and great is the Dragon God's bloodline? Boss, do you know why there are so many Dragon Bloodlines now? These dragon bloodlines are all of Dragon God's species."

"This..." Wang Feng glanced at the Silver Dragon King hesitantly.

It should be... the dragon is lustful, right?

However, it is not so good to say so.

Silver Dragon King frowned slightly, as if he knew what Wang Feng wanted to say.

"The Dragon God's bloodline is high or noble. Another thing is that it is extremely difficult to inherit the dragon bloodline. The Dragon God matches many lives, just want to pass on to the offspring."

The Silver Dragon King looked at Long Xie lightly and said, "You are also a direct descendant of the Dragon God, and you must know this. Besides, the more advanced beings, the more difficult it is to inherit themselves."

For this, Wang Feng understood.

It's normal.

Like the immortal cultivators in those immortal cultivating novels in previous lives, the more powerful, the harder it is to have offspring.


Long Xie sneered, "It is said that dragons are sexually amorous, but you and I, as the direct descendants of the Dragon God, do you feel it? Silver Dragon King, are you licentious? For so many years, Bing Qing Yujie, do you have any desires?"

Fuck, dare you say this dog thing.

Wang Feng smiled.

However, the Silver Dragon King was silent.

Wang Feng glanced at her.

Yes, if the dragon is really obscene, then the silver dragon king probably...

"The Dragon God didn't know how many other races he had done back then... He gave birth to nine dragon kings and nine little bastards." Long Xie laughed loudly, "He is very lewd, is it possible that his offspring are so pure? Don’t you find it funny? Does it make sense?"

"Also to pass on the blood...shit."

Long Xie speaks simple and rude, and he is in the same line as Wang Feng.

"It really doesn't make sense." Wang Feng said.

"I tell you why the Dragon God was so capable in those days." Long Xie said lightly, "He didn't want to pass on blood. There were many ways to pass on blood, and he didn't need to use this method. He was practicing at the time, except for the problem. There have been many evil thoughts and desires. In order to achieve the status of God and reach a higher level, he can only choose to cast these evil thoughts and desires."

"And me, is one of the evil thoughts he rejected. If you don't exclude me, his heart cannot be fulfilled. He cannot be recognized by the world."

"And my evil thoughts, if not recognized by the world, will never be able to cultivate, and will be punished by the heavens. Since my self-consciousness regained, I used the method of devouring evil thoughts to practice hard for one hundred thousand years.

Long Xie seemed to remember the beginning, "Later, according to my own calculations, I should not have survived the catastrophe more than 10,000 years ago. Because God would not allow me to have this evil thought so powerful. But I was miraculous. Spent..."

"If the evil thoughts and desires of the Dragon God are too heavy, he will inevitably endure this terrifying catastrophe. In order to cultivate and become a god, he has to get rid of his evil thoughts." Eighth Book Bank

"Do you know how he got rid of it?" Long Xie sneered. "It's very simple. He did a different animal motherhood and found that this maternal life was pregnant with his species, so he put his evil thoughts on In this life. Because the nascent life contains pure heaven and earth vitality, it happens to be able to temporarily conceal this evil thought."

"In this way, his evil thoughts disappeared, his desires disappeared, and he became the most majestic, unparalleled in the world, the first dragon god in the gods. Hmph, the road to a god, light and darkness coexist. Just you What I saw was only the bright side of Dragon God."

Wang Feng has never understood this period of history.

It's too vague.

Even the god king doesn't know, and there is no record in the god world.

If it is black history, it is also black history.

The Silver Dragon King was silent, probably a little believer.

"That's why I have the label of "dragon nature".

Long Xie shrugged, "Otherwise, you should not be able to explain. As a direct descendant of the Dragon God, why don't you have sex? You, Bing Qingyu, don't even know what a man is like, right? Even the Golden Dragon King is also in this way."

Wang Feng looked at the Silver Dragon King with a strange expression.

Could this be the legendary ten thousand years old...

"What do you look at!" The Silver Dragon King's tone fluctuates uncommonly, a bit shameful.

"Dragon God is a powerful being. It stands to reason that he should be stronger than the five great god kings when he cultivates to become a god." Wang Feng muttered, "but he was killed by the five great god kings. Separated and left to future generations. I don't think he should use this method to expel his evil thoughts and desires."

"Oh? Boss, what do you think should be done?" Long Xie smiled, his serious appearance disappeared.

"The strong... just take control of everything, including your own evil thoughts and desires." Wang Feng recalled his own journey, "not to mention evil thoughts. If there are no desires, what's the meaning of living? Don't indulge in it, not be under control, just keep your soul clear, empty and quiet. Evil thoughts cannot be eliminated. People have gone through thousands of times, and no one can remain pure and flawless. There will always be many evil thoughts because of people and things. "

"Excluding it is a manifestation of fear. Controlling it and not being affected by it is the style of the strong."

Wang Feng thought for a while, "If the Dragon God can control his own evil thoughts, use his own desires, and achieve the status of God, he should be stronger than the five great kings."

"It makes sense." Long Xie agreed very much.

"Wrong reason." Silver Dragon King snorted softly.But it did not refute.

Wang Feng also shrugged.

The concept is different, so naturally there is nothing to say.

"By the way, you have said so much, what does it have to do with this?" Wang Feng asked after returning to his senses.

"Hey, I said, I'm just one of the evil thoughts of Dragon God, but the most crucial evil thought."

Long Xie looked at the drop of blood and sneered, "And this drop of Dragon God's blood also contains the evil and evil desires of the Dragon God. He sealed these desires into his own essence and blood to get rid of it. However, the Dragon God is still a little bit evil Conscience, seal it, otherwise this drop of dragon god blood will inevitably turn this area into an extremely evil place. It may even affect soul beasts and humans. But depending on the situation, this place has been affected, but it is still It's not serious."

"So that's it." Wang Feng suddenly.

"This drop of Dragon God Essence is of some use to me, but it is too powerful for me to use it at all now." Long Xie shook his head, "It will take a long time. It also fits me well. If other dragons absorb it, I guess. Will be controlled by this evil and evil desire... It's hard for yourself."

Wang Feng nodded.

"You can't absorb it, so I absorb it." Silver Dragon King's eyes flashed with silver light, slowly said.

Long Xie and Wang Feng were taken aback.

"Silver Dragon King, don't blame me for not reminding you. If you absorb this drop of Dragon God's essence and blood, it will be difficult for you to maintain your current ice and jade appearance." Long Xie reminded.

"Oh?" The Silver Dragon King looked at Wang Feng and said lightly, "Didn't your boss say that the strong have to control everything, including their own desires. I think what he said makes sense now."

"I want to try."

Wang Feng swallowed, and it didn't seem very good...

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