Check in from Douluo

Chapter 1360 Battle in the God Realm

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Unknown area.

In the rainbow-like clouds, there is a magnificent giant city floating.

Beneath the clouds is the land composed of continuous mountains and rivers and rivers, scattered like ancient paintings, reflecting the huge city in the sky.

From the center of the giant city, extending in all directions, there are several broad roads like the Milky Way waterfall.

It's like leading to an endless distance, with no end in sight.

It's just that some avenues are blocked, filled with a faint black smoke, it seems to have experienced a war.

Surrounding the giant city, sometimes flew by groups of supernatural and handsome people, and there were a few huge lights and shadows that appeared and concealed from the clouds, which was a bit strange.

At the top of the giant city, there are five pillars of light, soaring up into the sky, forming a light curtain, and at regular intervals, a cloud shadow will form across the entire giant city.

From a distance, this huge city looks like a densely branched towering tree, showing a conical shape, stepping up layer by layer, full of ancient atmosphere, and the walls are engraved with countless lines, like the track of history, and I don’t know how much it has gone through. year.

The top position of the giant city is the end of the clouds.

This is, above the end, five indestructible light curtains, like a slit cut by scissors, revealing the dark light and shadow of the sky.

Suddenly, the giant city shivered violently, as if the entire sky was trembling.


Several figures, from the inside of the giant city, faced each other.

All of them seemed to be wrapped in a layer of sunlight, different colors, but dazzling.

"Your God Realm has been defeated in the void battlefield, and all the lower realms have surrendered. Now my lord personally surpasses the God Realm King City. If you don't kowtow to welcome it, you dare to resist?"

A voice trembling as majestic as the sound of the sky came from the opening.

As the voice fell, the rays of light that tore through the void burst out from the opening.Bombarded above the light curtain of the giant city.

The light curtain was shaken with countless ripples, but it was still safe and sound.

In the huge city, along with this sound, countless figures flew out from all levels inside.

From a distance, every sound is like a light spot of different colors, flying up to the top like a firefly.


If the line of sight is magnified dozens of times, you can see that every spot of light is a warrior from the gods.

"Under the galaxy, the fireflies dare to bloom?"

Another figure came from the opening.

Contains supreme majesty, "Emperor Demon Army, Tu!"

The icy voice fell, and from the gap in the sky, countless black light spots suddenly burst out in a neat array in mid-air.

Along with the trails of blade-like light, Biao shot countless dark sharp blades.

If you look closely, the dark, sharp blades are exactly Killing God Spine.

The battlefield spread to the entire sky.

In an instant, there were countless spots of light, and the darkness disappeared.

"Under the slaying of the gods, you can also be called gods? But the stronger ants and ants." The cold voice seemed to sneer.

at this time.

An aqua circle light suddenly burst into the void, and at the same time, an ice-colored arc light swept away countless God-killing ridges.

The aqua circle light is densely covering the sky, and countless dim light spots, under this aqua circle light, have recovered a bit of light.

"What a powerful divine power... I didn't expect that in your royal city, in addition to the few gods, there are such strong gods. The first-level peak? It is a pity that no matter how powerful it is, it will be futile after all." Love my novel www.

"Emperor Demon Army, Promise Demon Array! Emperor Wushuang, go and capture these two gods!"

The majestic voice seemed to be the command, and the words spoken seemed to be rules and commands, causing the black light spots to change endlessly in the clouds and form various offensives.

One of the most shining black spots, like a long dragon going out to sea, plunged directly into that light curtain.

This kind of light spot is like a black hole, and all the obstructive spots of light die out in an instant, not for a moment.


At this moment, at the top of Yunkong, among the five figures, there was a soft drink.

At the same time, a golden light fell from the top of the giant city and struck towards the shiny black spot.

"Trident, God King Tang San, fight with me in the void, you still dare to be distracted, you are really looking for death!"

Seeing this, the majestic voice let out a vast laugh, "Today is your God Realm King City, the day the God Realm Committee disintegrates!"

It seems to be disdain.

The moment the voice fell, a jet black magic sword suddenly shot out from the gap.

When the trident fell, the jet black magic sword shuttled through the void, hitting directly on the light curtain, and then struck the golden trident.

The huge energy fluctuations and the terrifying explosive power seemed to wipe out everything.

Kaka Kaka~!

Countless cracks appeared in the light curtain.

As soon as a crack appeared, countless slaying spine began to enter it without hindrance.

The pitch-black light spot called Di Wushuang was like a wolf entering a flock of sheep, wiping away the surrounding light spots wantonly.

Above the clouds of the giant city, and in the cracked opening, there was a muffled hum.

Among the clouds, Tang San's face was like golden paper, and the Shura armor on his body was slightly dim.

"Brother, how are you?"

A ray of light flashed by Tang San, a beautiful figure appeared in the cloud void, and asked anxiously.

"not good."

Tang San gritted his teeth, "In the history of the God Realm, how could the Dark Demon Realm be so powerful? How long has it been since the countless lower realms under our God Realm's jurisdiction have fallen one after another. I didn't expect them to be so powerful on the void battlefield. …"

Xiao Wu moved her lips, but she didn't know what to say.

It has been almost a year since the war of God broke out.

Before the outbreak, the Dark Demon Realm had already planned.

Although the third brother is keenly aware, the power of the Dark Demon Realm is really hard to resist.

It is extremely rare to be able to sustain it for so long.

The most troublesome thing is that the knots where the war broke out are extremely delicate.

Among the five great god kings, two of them retired. The two newly succeeded kings have unstable foundations and insufficient strength, which is really difficult to compare with the several demon gods in the dark demon world.

Moreover, the Dark Demon Realm's methods are endless, various powerful weapons, and special life forms, so that the God Realm cannot be defended.

Tang San felt that the God Realm was too weak when the God War broke out.

No, it should be that the God Realm seems to be standing still and not exploring evolution in a more powerful direction.

Even the lower planes found by relying on it are very few.

There are only rules in the god realm, and the energy generated is proportional to the mind power of the lower plane beings.

The more the lower planes under its jurisdiction, the stronger the energy of the gods.

But just relying on this method is not enough to make the God Realm stronger.In addition, the Dark Demon Realm has smashed the connection between many lower planes and the God Realm, causing the energy of the God Realm to be much weaker, and the strength of many Gods is reduced out of thin air.

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