Check in from Douluo

Chapter 1361 Yan, go to the realm of God!

You can search for "Starting from Douluo to search for novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!The most important thing is that I can’t see the road ahead...

For example, Tang San himself, after he had cultivated to the realm of the god king, he was struggling.

But it is difficult to find a way forward.

Even the battle power of God Realm and Dark Demon Realm is not the same level.

For so many years, the committee will always have only five kings. Gods at all levels often don't want to be stronger, but to find heirs and go to other worlds to be free.

Unfortunately, the longer he reigned, the more Tang San felt that the God Realm was not the end.

The universe is too big, countless beings, all kinds of unpredictable cultivation methods, and many powerful people who have never thought of it.

In the Douluo world, you can only see these gods standing on the top of the world, and standing in the gods realm, discovering these gods, in fact, is not a drop in the ocean in this universe, but a little light shines.

"Rong Rong and Bing'er seem to have been taken away... Zhu Qing, the two great kings, and Dai Huo, Fatty, Oscar, they were defeated in the void battlefield... Right now, even the King of Gods City is not protected..."

Xiao Wu looked at the God Realm King City below from the void, her face pale as snow.

"It would be great if Bibi Dong was still there..."

Tang San calmed down at the moment, looking at the rift in the sky, only sighed slightly, "She should have been the sixth god king of the God Realm Committee in these years... She should have seen the bottleneck of our God Realm, so she chose Go to the Dark Demon Realm...find a way to break the's a pity...time is not waiting for us."

"And my daughter..." Xiao Wu's eyes burst with tears, "I don't know what happened to her in the lower realm... The Dark Demon Realm's brutal means, the encounter in the Douluo World will definitely be more dangerous..."

Tang San was stunned for a moment, and his body trembled, as if regaining his senses, a bitter smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, "Douro world... Wu Tong, I actually remembered... my father is really unqualified."

Since the battle of the gods, several god kings have been running around, and their spirits have never let go of their hearts.

"Brother 3, don't blame you." Xiao Wu bent Tang San's hand, wiped the tears from the corner of her eyes, and looked at the crack in the sky. "Brother, how long will we hold on?"

Tang San was silent for a few seconds.

"The Seagod Trident is broken...but I still have the Shura sword." Tang San waved his hand and looked firmly at the crack in the sky, "Fight to the last minute, at least, give yourself a little hope."

He knew who the rift in the sky was.

That was the demon lord of the emperor demon army, and one of the nine great demon gods in the dark demon world.

His strength is equal to him.

To some extent, his solo strength is even stronger.

Because he is one.

And he and Xiao Wu are two together.

"Hope? Does it mean Brother Feng?" Xiao Wu lowered her head and smiled bitterly, "Now that the God Realm has such a chance, even Brother Feng has no power to recover, right?"

Tang San didn't know.

At this time, he just wanted to give himself a reason to stick to it.

Xiao Wu seemed to have understood what her lover meant, and stopped talking.

The sky giant trembled wildly.

A bloody rainbow light rose far away.

Standing in the gap was a stalwart demon shadow. He looked at the figure and the light curtain with dignity, and could vaguely feel the destruction contained in it.

God King Tang San, he naturally wouldn't underestimate it.

"Emperor Demonshang, what are you doing? Hell has arrived, and there is only one God King Tang San left in a god realm king city. You still can't get it?"

At this moment, an ancient displeasure sound suddenly sounded.

From the depths of the channel of the rift, three magic shadows came together.

"I'm here?" Emperor Moshang seemed to believe it, "Impossible! I didn't feel it?"

"Oh, look over there!"

One of the magical shadows pointed at the huge cloud sky city in the distance.

Just listen to a lofty divine sound, I don't know when, from the clouds over there.

"My name is Yan, from today, here, I think I respect!"

Only hear the sound, not see its shadow.Bashan Love Novel Network

However, at the next moment, I saw a giant palm through the sky, pressing down from the sky cover.

The rainbow light turned by the blood-colored long sword was instantly shattered, leaving only a broken blood mist violently.

At the same time, the huge sky city fell into drunkenness, split from the center, and five beams of light broke from the sky. When the endless light curtain shattered, it turned into endless spots of light and stars, which seemed to be the end of an era. It's a full stop.

"The Huanghuang universe, the thousands of galaxies, if you don’t enter, you will die. The so-called gods are just climbing on the grand path. I don’t know how darkness and light dominate a pure land? They use these lives to commemorate the birth of this new world... "

Emperor Moshang heard the existence named'Yan' again and issued an order.

He humbled and knelt down to the void.

Weiwei Emperor Demon Army, countless black spots, the same is true...


Douluo World, Demon Forest.

"Silver Dragon King, wake up!"

Wang Feng was chilled by the silver dragon king's eyes.

What does she want to do?

Wasn't it controlled well just now?

Why did it happen all of a sudden?

Wang Feng didn't know that it was his soul energy that made the desire of the Silver Dragon King that was still in control suddenly exploded.

Seeing the Silver Dragon King who was about to pounce and really want to eat him, the plain-character sound of one of the chaotic octaves immediately activated.

This eating is really eating...

At least Wang Feng felt that way.

Of course, there are desires, but the desire in the eyes of the Silver Dragon King is even more a desire for the soul.

This desire is not the body, but the desire in the soul.

The Silver Dragon King got closer and closer. The two were even only a few centimeters apart. Wang Feng could even smell the faint scent of Silver Dragon King with an extremely strong fragrance, which could even make many strong people Addicted to it.

At the moment she almost grabbed Wang Feng's shoulder.

Finally, Mingzi sound played a role, and the dark red eyes of the Silver Dragon King finally recovered somewhat.

I have to say that this chaotic eight-tone is getting stronger and stronger.


Silver Dragon King closed his eyes and began to tremble.

After a long time, it didn't open, but it seemed to be much better.

"What kind of spiritual soul skill are you?"

The Silver Dragon King finally spoke. Even though she had excellent control, Wang Feng could hear a little tremor from inside.

That feeling was like the voice of a woman who had taken C medicine but was forcibly suppressing her.

Kind of charming.

However, this is just a metaphor, and the actual difference is not small.

"Ahem, a self-made spiritual ability... You should rest well? Should we set off now?"

Wang Feng asked.

"Hmm..." The Silver Dragon King didn't seem to open his eyes.

She just closed her eyes and said, "Wait, you will come again a few times... I feel that your spirit skills have some effect on me..."

Wang Feng nodded, and immediately came several times.

The redness on the silver dragon king's face began to slowly dissipate.

The tone also began to recover a bit of calm.

"lets go."

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