Check in from Douluo

Chapter 1384 Going to the Void Battlefield

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The full name should be called the Void Yuankong domain, a small plane of the independent god realm.

It's not a simple battlefield.

And the location of this small plane is very special, straddling the galaxy of the two realms.

The most special place is that it spatially connects the God Realm and the Dark Demon Realm.

It is a righteous passage, as long as you pass through the void battlefield, you can directly enter the God Realm or the Dark Demon Realm.

There is no need to expend huge efforts to open up the space channel between the two worlds.

With the energy level of Douluo God Realm or Dark Demon Realm and the rules of the world, if the two realms are forcibly opened up, it will cost a great price.

And even if it gets through, it will not allow a large number of Emperor Demon Army to enter the God Realm.

Only pass a small part.

Therefore, the void battlefield, that is, the void space, has become an extremely important strategic plane.

After the battle of the gods broke out, the first thing in the dark demon world was to directly break through the void battlefield, so as to directly enter the gods.

The defeat of the God Realm in the Void Battlefield enabled the Dark Demon Army to enter the God Realm in large numbers.

The Demon Lord headed by Ba Xia passed through the void battlefield, and came to the God Realm in large numbers and directly attacked the God Realm King City.

Historically, the place in the void of the void was occupied by the gods.

After the battle broke out, this place became a battlefield.

In addition, wars broke out in this place in the God Realm before, so over time, it was called the Void Battlefield.

It is not a void in the true sense, nor a space that does not exist.

It is a boundary plane.

"My Lord wants to go to the Void Battlefield?"

Ba Xia Demon Lord took the lead and said, "But this place is not very good. You may not know that when we passed here, the war had just ended. There should be too much fluctuation in the war, which caused the already unstable void space to happen again and again. The space fault has created some unknown space channels. Hundreds of Enlightened Monarchs have been sent to the other end of the space channel at the headquarters. There is no news yet. And this place has died of too many gods and souls. Demon, the void space itself belongs to the intersection of two big realms. Under the two extreme energies, the corpses of these gods and soul demons have all undergone mutation."

"It is dangerous and chaotic right now. According to the regulations of the God Realm, once this happens in the Void Airspace, entry must be prohibited. Generally, the Void Airspace will be stable after half a year of war. Our itinerary is also integrated first. The remaining power of the God Realm. After staying in the God Realm for a year and a half, then return to the Dark Demon Realm.

"If you go to the Void Battlefield now, it will probably be difficult to move."

After listening, looking at the dignity on Ba Xia Demon Lord's face, Wang Feng secretly asked, so exaggerated?

When Wang Feng of Void Battlefield heard the confession of several gods before, he had mentioned it, but he didn't understand it very well.

Unexpectedly, the actual situation is so complicated.

After chatting with these demon kings a few more words, I found that this void battlefield may be far more complicated than imagined.

First, it is not only a battlefield, but also a cemetery.

When the Dragon God and the God Realm Committee broke out, it was also in this place.

Long ago, the Dark Demon Realm also had a war with the God Realm.

It can be imagined how chaotic and mixed the interior of the void space is.

And because the internal space of this small plane often collapses, there will often be intermittent channels leading to other planes. Sometimes I don't know what messy things will be sent into this place through the channels.

It directly makes this little plane more dangerous.

Whenever a war breaks out, this small plane will be disturbed again, and there will be more and more complicated situations that are unpredictable.

It is the most important and dangerous area in the God Realm.

'If this is a year and a half in the God Realm, I don't know what is going on in the Dark Devil Realm?And Takeki Bibi Dong and others...'

How can Wang Feng wait so long?

"Danger... when the deity drove through the void space alone, it doesn't have to be difficult now. What is this?"

Wang Feng said arrogantly.Lingdu e-book

Yes, the Diye Demon God sentenced the God Realm back then, and it was through this place that he entered the Dark Demon Realm!

When I returned to the God Realm later, I also passed this place.

Oh, by the way, the Golden Dragon King, one of the two origins of the Dragon God, was also imprisoned by the God Realm in the void battlefield and sealed by several god kings.

"This... seems to be the same. But the subordinates still have to say one more... Today is different, the void battlefield is much more dangerous than before..."

Demon Lord Ba Xia hesitated for a few seconds, and said in a low voice, "Your Majesty, the Enlightened Lord of the Emperor Demon Army, directly under the Hell, is extraordinary in strength. There are hundreds of people gathered together. Any medium and small level plane can be Several god realms were directly leveled within a day, but now it has been a few months since the war, and no detailed information has been sent from the inside. It is conceivable that the space channel of the latest collapse of the void battlefield may lead to any plane. According to our speculation, at most half a year, this space channel will disappear. As long as one Enlightened Demon Lord brings back the news, our Dark Demon Realm will directly lead to that plane. Otherwise, we can only wait for this channel to disappear automatically. If you don't provoke it, the main thing is to digest the gods.

"Subordinates have a suggestion." Ba Xia Demon Lord said slowly, "Now the news of your return from the Demon God has not been transmitted to the Dark Demon Realm yet. The Demon God wants to use the Forbidden Domain Divine Wall to weaken us and keep us. We should not find the true origin star core and directly control the God Realm, and use this as the foundation. In this way, even if the Lord returns to the Dark Demon Realm, your status will be supreme!"


Wang Feng glanced at this guy.


This dog thing is a bit of a dog's head.

Is this a good plan?

Start another?

Presumably, I pretended to give the Forbidden Domain Divine Bi as a gift to myself, so I should have this idea?

"The deity tells you, what if the origin star core and the void battlefield might be related?" Wang Feng said.

"This is impossible." Ba Xia Mojun was taken aback.

"Oh, why is it impossible?" Wang Feng said lightly, "Think about it, if this Forbidden Domain Divine Wall really has the origin star core. Will the Demon God really let you open it? Even if you can't open it at all. , But what if? He is a devil and has lived for so many years. Do you think he has never thought about this possibility?"

Wang Feng squinted his eyes and said coldly: "This Demon God, it is very likely that he already has the true news of the origin star core. Use this forbidden divine Bi as bait to throw you on, even if you only have hundreds of millions of points. One possibility is that if you can open this forbidden domain, even if you can't use the original star core, the Demon God will rest assured that such an important thing will be handed over to you?"

"Maybe, your thoughts, the Demon God has long anticipated. Waiting for you to destroy yourself."

This is what Wang Feng is thinking about recently.

Even the more I think about it, the more it makes sense.

The Origin Star Core, such a beeping thing, even if it cannot be controlled, it must not be touched by other beings.

Prevent accidents.

Otherwise, this promised God Realm has been wasted after such a long battle?

As a demon, you can never ignore any tiny possibility.

He would never say anything, ah, it is impossible for these demon monarchs to open the Forbidden Domain Divine Bi, let alone control the origin star core.

So don’t worry at all.

The demon gods of the dark demon world have gone through countless years, and each one has experienced many life and death struggles to succeed in the upper ranks. Unlike the five gods of the gods, they were born from the origin of the creation gods, and they are born as gods.


Wang Feng felt that the Demon God must have been calculated.

Therefore, the news of the origin star core will never be told to the subordinates of Diye Demon God who need to be cleaned up, the old demon ruler in the Emperor Demon Army.

Never let them get anything possible.

Maybe, the Demon God is already looking for the true origin star core now.

When Ba Xia Mojun heard these words, he felt as if he was initiating, and he let out a cold sweat.

Speaking out of my heart, good risk!

He looked at Wang Feng, his eyes flickered, as if he had seen the Devil God of the year.

That was a peak that countless dark demon realm experts could not surpass!

But now, this peak has not collapsed, but is even more magnificent!

"Get ready, three days later, head to the void battlefield!"

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