Check in from Douluo

Chapter 1385 Tang San's second son, the use of Demon God.

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Tang San looked at this small world.

Once, here was a very beautiful world.

Although small, Tang San knew that this small world was actually a bit bigger and more beautiful than the world he imagined in his previous life.

Just now...

Tang San shook his head.

He looked at this battlefield where the corpses were all over the field, the energy riots, the divine souls, the devil souls floating in the space, nowhere to put them.

A violent and fierce aura filled the whole world. The riot of fire, thunder, ice, and energy caused the world to sink, making the world seem to be experiencing natural disasters.

"Why, dignified God King, I can't bear to watch this scene? There should be a lot of dead lives in your hands, right? It manages the God Realm of Nuo Da, so many small planes, every day in the God Realm, those people Countless wars will break out in the face. If I remember correctly, you inherited the throne of the god of Shura. Is it possible that you still have kindness?

A faint voice came from nearby.

All around, stood rows of emperor demon army neatly as sculptures.

The one who was speaking was a spirit demon standing in mid-air with a handsome figure.

It is the Demon God.

Tang San was expressionless.

He was taken to the Dark Demon Realm at this moment.

As a god king, it is not so simple to be destroyed easily.

Even if the opponent is a demon god and wants to destroy him directly in the God Realm, even the Hell Lord can't do it.

That day, the Hell Lord was able to destroy the imperial city ban with one palm, severely wounding him and Xiao Wu, it was already an explosion.

Therefore, he naturally had to be taken to the Dark Demon Realm first.

The god king is immortal in the god realm, and it is okay to defeat it, and it cannot be killed by ordinary means.

Because the five great kings of the God Realm are themselves the original consciousness that was born together with the God Realm when it was founded.

Born to be a cow.

In contrast, the dragon god back then still wanted to fight against the God Realm, Feng Ge said that it was head iron.

It's a pity that although the God Realm is strong, it has too many drawbacks.

And there will always be a stronger existence in the vast universe.Tang San sighed in his heart.

But well, those emperor demon army left behind in the god realm should probably be uncomfortable... Tang San had a flash of killing intent.

He was defeated by the Hell Lord, and it has been almost 20 years since he became the King of Gods, and he can only use that way to make the God Realm a little better.

"By the way, what you told me about the Origin Star Core, if I expected it to be good, should it be fake?"

At this time, the Lord of Sorrow looked at Tang San with a smile, "In that Forbidden Domain Divine Bi, there is definitely not the origin star core. Is the deity guessed right?" Rainbow Literature Network

Tang San was stunned, and then faintly said: "Is it right or wrong? Even if what I said is false, will the demon gods of your Dark Demon Realm still try to get the origin star core?"

"Tsk tsk, you deserve to be God King Tang San, really cunning. I have lost, and there is still such a trick left." The Lord of Sorrow sneered, "Knowing that our Dark Demon Realm wants to control the God Realm, we can only rely on the Origin Star Core. Otherwise, the God Realm will be a piece of meat that is hard to swallow. We have been fighting for so long, and all of our efforts have been wasted."

"And you are very clever. You didn't directly say that the origin star core is in the forbidden realm of God Bi, but that the origin star nucleus is in the most secret position of the God Realm. Let the deity guess, and you can only guess that it is the forbidden divine Bi. A pity, the deity. When I guessed the Forbidden Domain Divine Bi, I thought of this, your God King Tang San left a trick!"

The Lord of Sorrow suddenly let out a loud laugh, with a bit of pride in his smile, "Actually, behind this Forbidden Domain Divine Bi, there should be something dangerous in the imprisoned eyes? However, you don't know, the deity will count , Let the emperor demon army break through the forbidden domain divine bi in the king city of the god realm, and tell them that it is the origin star core inside."

"And those emperor demon army, it is the deity who wanted to clean up long ago! Because those demon lords are the remnants left by those emperor demon lords back then. These years have been lingering, and relying on the Hell Lord to have a little bit of their emperor demon army Feelings, if you don't put the deity in your eyes, it should have been cleared long ago!"

"This deity has never thought of a good way to clean them up. Now, it happened to take advantage of your God King Tang San's insidious trick to destroy them all! And in your mouth, there must be real news about the origin star core of the God Realm!"

The Lord of Sorrow finished each word.

Tang San's heart was extremely complicated.

That's right, there is news of the origin star core in the Forbidden Domain Divine Bi, and he hinted at the Lord of Fallen Demon.

The original intention was to let those Demon Lords open it by themselves. I didn't expect that Lord Demon Lord was very cunning. Not only did he not do this, but he even let the Emperor Demon Army go.

That's fine, but this Demon Lord is also extremely cunning. He has already seen through all of this, but instead followed his own tricks to get rid of his own troubles.

'These demons are more cunning than the other!'

Tang San looked at the sky that seemed to be split in front of him, an endless dark starry sky, as if leading to the future of death.

As the God King of the God Realm, once he went to the Dark Demon Realm, he was really let go.

"What are you talking about, I don't know." Tang San looked at Demon Lord, as if he didn't understand a word.

"Don't understand?" The Demon God said indifferently, "Tang San, you have figured it out clearly, now you have another chance to tell me the true location of the God Realm Origin Star Core. If you play tricks again, be careful of your wife and your children. Not guaranteed!"

Tang San glanced lightly at the God of Sorrow, without lifting his eyelids.

Xiao Wu is also the body of the god king, connected to his life.

She is so weak that she can't live.

The Devil God cannot be killed.

As for the child... Oh, ridiculous, Wu Tong's child should be in Douluo World now.

Even if the world of Douluo should have been invaded by the soul demon of the Dark Demon Realm, but there was Brother Feng, once he disturbed the brother Feng in the sacred mountain, Tang San believed that even if these demon gods descended, they would have to kneel.

He was not worried at all.

To some extent, the Douluo world is much safer than the gods.

Seeing that Tang San didn't react, God of Demon smiled again, and said, "Tang San, we know you in the Dark Demon Realm. Do you think I'm talking about your child in the Ordinary Realm? Our Demon God won't go to those places. Facing the world. The child I am referring to is the child in the belly of your wife, Xiao Wu."

"You don't know yet? Your wife, not long ago, was pregnant with your second child. But your wife is very virtuous. In order not to worry you too much, she didn't tell you who was busy fighting our dark demon world. He even used a special method to hide the breath of the child until you two were defeated by the Hell. Only when we were caught by our Emperor Demon Army...

"If it's extra, I don't need to say more? We Dark Demon Realm's methods, have you heard of some of them?"

"Now, do you still want to say it? Such a classic and ancient but always very interesting choice, the deity still wants to see you, the god king Tang San, how should you choose?"

The Demon God looked at Tang San Divine King with a smile.

Tang San looked dull...

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