Check in from Douluo

Chapter 1395 Layout, Truth

You can search for "Starting from Douluo to search for novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!He said to the Demon God before that the only way to find the origin star core is to sacrifice a deity here, and it must be a deity expelled from the gods.Bury it, and then the soul will enter the origin star core, and then the channel will open.

That is the only place to find the original star core.

In fact, the method is correct.

But Tang San deliberately missed something.

He is the God King of the God Realm. After all, it is impossible to directly hand over the Origin Star Core, the supreme thing about the fate of the God Realm, to a demon god.

That is impossible.

Moreover, the Origin Star Core has never appeared in the history of the God Realm.

It does not exist with the gods, it is more like a symbol.The god king can't be found either.

According to legend, after the creation of the God Realm, the God of Creation also created five origin seeds and transformed into life, which is now the origin controlled by the Five Great God Kings, which is the starting point of the God Realm and controls the order of the God Realm.

But that is just order.

What really controls the rules of the God Realm is the origin star core left by the God of Creation, also known as the God of Creation.

The God Realm has this history, but Tang San has never found it, nor has he seen the other god kings.

the reason is simple.

The conditions are correct.

Only the gods who sacrificed need to reach the strength of the god king to open this channel.

Because only the soul of the god king is qualified to enter the origin star core and be cleared of the spirit of the god realm, that is, the five origins of the god realm.

Moreover, it must be a god king who betrays the gods.

In fact, the god king of the gods, let alone betrayal, even the possibility of falling is too small.

Even if it really fell, it would be difficult to find, because that was the king of gods.

Therefore, it is impossible to achieve this condition.

"I have always overlooked one point."

Tang San seemed to have thought of something, "Back then, the Devil God Diye fell and was buried here. He is a god-king level existence. It stands to reason that he meets the conditions and can open this star soul road. Find the origin star core, but the God Realm According to historical records, at that time, this kind of thing did not happen at all. It is strange that the God Realm was still a little curious at the beginning, but now I think about it, is it that the Diye Demon God did not die at that time?

"Otherwise, his soul will surely alarm the origin star core and open the star soul road."

Tang San looked at the'Diye Demon God' in midair.

"Then why is the Star Soul Road opened now?" Xiao Wu said blankly, "Impossible, is it possible that the divine soul of Diye Demon God now truly dissipates? Who is that Diye Demon God that day? Was he the one who sacrificed his own soul again? He was not dead, nor was he buried here..."

"I don't I said it's impossible." Tang San clenched his hands, "This is incredible. I can't figure it out..."

Don't say Tang San can't figure it out.

The Demon God was also dumbfounded.

The star soul road shone on Wang Feng.

This channel, even if he thinks with his ass, knows that this must be the channel to the original star core!

Just opened it?

Who opened it?

How to open it?

Doesn't it mean that you need to bury a god who rebelled and died in order to open the passage?

Tang San lied to me?

At this moment, the Demon God was in an extremely bad mood.

No, even if you lied to me, what's the matter with Diye?

As soon as the star soul road appeared, Wang Feng followed the passage straight for nine days, as if traveling through the void.

Countless divine bodies, at this moment, seemed to be out of the control of the Demon God.

The Demon God even found these divine bodies, and seemed to have any instinctive longing for that star soul road, eager to fly up.

But countless bodies have been isolated from this channel of brilliance like a galaxy.

"Fuck! What's the situation!" 4E Novel

The Demon God appeared in mid-air and landed on the spine of Killing God, looking at the figure of Diye Demon God gradually disappearing.

The anxiety in my heart grew more and more.

"Not good, not good! What the hell is Diye doing?"

The Demon God looked at that figure, vaguely becoming more and more unable to see through.

The whole body seemed to be strangled by something, and I couldn't breathe a little.

In fact.

Maybe only Wang Feng could vaguely guess a few points now.

He looked at this passage, and he had a hunch in his heart, that this passage leads to the origin star core.

But Wang Feng did not understand the conditions for the opening of this channel.

It can be analyzed from the two voices in my mind just now.

This must be the real Diye Demon God opened.

And it was the remnant soul he left in the devil body of Nadiye opened it!

"Is this the game of Diye Demon God cloth?" Wang Feng looked at the starry sky with no end in sight.

Wang Feng can only think so.

A bureau spanning countless years?

"Back then, Diye Demon God already possessed a powerful strength and position in the Dark Demon Realm. But why did he come to the God Realm alone?"

Wang Feng recalled.

According to the history of the Devil God, isn't this strange?

For the soul demon of the Dark Demon Realm, it feels that it is because Diye Demon God is arrogant and arrogant, so he came to the God Realm alone to take revenge?

It seems to make sense, but is it really the case?

Also, why did the Diye Demon God be ambushed by several God Kings in the God Realm and lost to his death?

I'm afraid that Diye Demon God came to the God Realm alone at that time and wanted to find the origin star core, right?

No, Wang Feng suddenly thought that it was possible that the Devil God Diye knew the existence of the Origin Star Core before he fell into the Dark Demon Realm.

Therefore, he wants to get the original star core.

But how can it be found?

Wang Feng didn't know what conditions the God Realm had to find the original star core of the God Realm.

But it definitely contradicts several great kings.

As a result, Diye went to the Dark Demon Realm to gain more powerful power, and then wanted to return to the God Realm to find the origin star core.

So, why does he want to get the origin star core?

"If I think about it in collusion."

Wang Feng seemed to understand something vaguely, “Back then, Diye couldn’t become stronger because he was dissatisfied with the system of the God Realm, but he couldn’t change himself. He accidentally learned about the origin star core, knowing if he wanted to To change the rules and systems of the God Realm, it is necessary to obtain the Origin Star Core before it is possible to change the God Realm."

"So, he fell into the Dark Demon Realm, first obtained even more powerful power using the rules of the Dark Demon Realm, and then returned to the God Realm to find the origin star core. However, his plot was discovered by the God King at that time. Therefore, before Diye Demon God returned to the God Realm, he secretly ambushed... Diye Demon God secretly set up a game at the last moment of his life... so that the descendants who inherited his power after countless years can open this channel... The origin star core?"

At this moment, although there is no factual basis.

Just by inference, Wang Feng seems to have found part of the truth?

This is actually not difficult to speculate, but it needs to combine many details, the system and situation of the gods, and the changes over the years.

Thinking about it now, Wang Feng became more and more convinced that this must be part of the truth.

But there are still some doubts... For example, how can Diye be sure that the descendants who inherit his power will definitely follow his ideas?

But now, Wang Feng is actually looking at this origin star core.

I am curious whether it can really change the rules of the gods.

It seems that after infinite time, this star soul road has also come to an end...

I haven't seen it all around, but a familiar reminder sounded in Wang Feng's mind...

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