Check in from Douluo

Chapter 1396 God Realm History on the Star Soul Road

You can search for "Starting from Douluo to search for novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!"Ding, congratulations to the host for successfully punching in and obtaining the method used by the gods of creation. The next time you punch in, the dark demon world, the well of reincarnation. This place is very dangerous. Please consider the host according to your own strength and do not force it. Otherwise, you will be at your own risk."

System sound.

To be reasonable, what the system's voice has said, from the time it appeared to the present, may not add up to a thousand words.

Wang Feng's memory is still fresh.

"How to use the God of Creation?"

Wang Feng was taken aback.

God of Creation... Is it the origin star core?

How to use it?

Is there any requirement to use this thing?

Also, after all, the origin of this thing is not simple, and those god kings may not be able to use it.

"The system, what is the method of use?" Wang Feng asked.

"After you get it, you will know."


Wang Feng looked at this Star Soul Road.

The surroundings seemed to be turned into a avenue of stars, like an illusion, but it was extremely real.

The road is invisible.

You can only feel it by yourself.

After entering the beam of light, Wang Feng could hardly feel the breath of other life.

He seemed to have come to another independent space.

There was no divine body around, neither could I see the Demon God, nor Tang San and the others.

"Essential Star Core...should be a very powerful thing, right?"

Wang Feng took a deep breath.

Looking at this star soul road, he found that his body could already move, and he moved forward.

But for a moment, changes began to take place all around.

The starry sky broke, and Wang Feng seemed to see the universe.

Taking a step forward, Wang Feng seemed to have crossed the universe, his sight dim, as if he was in a chaos.

Urgently, the light spread, and a phantom flashed faintly. The heaven and the earth seemed to be clear. Five shining rays of light exuded brilliance in this chaotic heaven and earth.

That light contains a rich life, dripping on this world, and I don't know how many years have passed since it gave birth to the five realms of life.

Wang Feng came back to his senses, with a slightly startled expression.

'This, is it when the God Realm first opened?'Wang Feng's mind was slightly shaken.

The five rays of light should be the original origin of the five great kings, controlling the order of the gods.

This road seemed to lead not only to the origin star core, but also to the gods.

'No...According to the dictation of the five gods.Why didn't you see Yuanjie God King?I remember that he should also be born at this time, no, it should have been born earlier.The King of Origin Tribulation seemed to be at the same level as the Creation God who founded the God Realm, and was a life form born from the origin of the universe.'

Wang Feng was stunned and wanted to find the figure of the God King of Origin Tribulation when the God Realm transformed from this path was first opened.

But it was not found.

After that, the five beings turned into five human figures, and they began to practice self-sufficiency in this world.

There is no end, no years.

After the birth of the five innate beings transformed by the Five Paths, the world naturally began to have many other beings.

The scene behind is basically the history of development and evolution from the beginning of the God Realm.

In this era, the God Realm is not good.

It looked chaotic, these five innate beings were all future Douluo God Kings.But at the moment, no one accepts anyone.

Representing the most peaceful origin of life is a group of green light, which was transformed into an ancient tree at first, guarding one side in the center of the God Realm.

After countless years, this ancient tree turned into a human figure, which is the goddess of life and the king of life.

Then there was a purple light and shadow that represented destruction. At first it was just a ball of light floating in the God Realm, absorbing the destruction of the God Realm, and then flew around the ancient tree of life, attracted by its aura.Yipin Book Bar

'That should be the two gods of destruction and life... According to the introduction of the Emperor Demon Army, these two gods seem to be the main force sent by the God Realm Committee to the void battlefield.Among them are two newly appointed god kings, good and evil.'

Wang Feng looked at the world.

At the beginning of the birth of the God Realm, it was also infinite, but Wang Feng seemed to be able to see everything in this passage.

In fact, in the beginning, destruction and life are opposed, and these two have not yet become a couple.

And at the beginning of the practice, as the life of the gods gradually increased, with the most cruel disposition as the mainstay, they began to wage wars in the gods, leaving the gods in a situation where countless lives were vying and fighting, and the gods earth was full of The breath of destruction.

The five god kings are the innate creatures of the god realm, and they are born with powerful power.

Controlling the order of the gods, almost no life can compete with them.

"This should be the original history of the God Realm?" Wang Feng's mind was slightly shaken.

He is like watching a movie, watching the history of the God Realm as if passing by.

Time flies extremely fast, countless years in the blink of an eye.

Wang Feng judged his age based on the number of lives in the God Realm and the speed of reproduction.

The life of the God Realm grows almost exponentially.

The five innate beings each control one side, and after countless years, they have thousands of fans.

He has also cultivated many powerful people, but in Wang Feng's eyes, the strength of these powerful people is only the level of a third-level god, not very high.

Because at this time, it was the beginning of the God Realm, and none of the five God Kings had cultivated to become God Kings.

During this period of time, no one was convinced, which led to the initial war in the God Realm, and the lives of all races fought back and forth for endless periods of time.

The ancient history of the God Realm was presented to Wang Feng in an extremely clear image.

"It turns out that it was like this at the beginning of the God Realm..."

Wang Feng sighed for a long time.

Then, after another period of time passed, Wang Feng witnessed the death, birth, death, and birth of countless lives.

In the end, the fighting stopped.

Because at this time, another light and shadow that Wang Feng had never seen before appeared in the God Realm.

Fly from outside the sky and fall in the realm of God.

Wang Feng was a little familiar with this light and shadow.

"It's the King of Origin Tribulation."

Wang Feng's heart was shocked, the original source of Jie Shen Wang appeared in the God Realm at this time.

Wang Feng couldn't see clearly the appearance of the God King Origin Tribulation. His whole body was covered with light and shadow, more like a group of hot light.

He looked down on the God Realm, and seemed to feel a little sad for the broken appearance of the God Realm. Then he wandered among the five great God Kings, defeating the five great God Kings with tyrannical strength.The five powerhouses cultivated by innate creatures are not the enemy of Yuanjie God King Yihe.

In addition, Wang Feng really felt the seven origins of God King Origin Tribulation.

Very strong.

At this time, the source of the robbery god king should be the real god king strength.

It may even exceed.

All the evil, destruction, and breath caused by the gods.The God King Yuanjie tried thunder and punishment together, and resolved them all, as if they surpassed the eternity of the gods and the way of heaven, and they were incredibly strong.

All the lives that were affected by the war's mind and body were mutilated, and the salvation of the God King Origin Tribulation was restored as before, and it felt as if it had been opened.

His body is strong and immortal, and the five innate creatures combined can't hurt him at all.

He used the origin of the elements to create countless mountains and rivers for the God Realm, created countless vegetation resources, and created everything needed for life in the world.

At the same time, using the elemental origin to break away the dark wounds left by the gods due to the war, it seems to be renovating the gods.

Make this world look more beautiful than before the war.

"It's incredible."

Wang Feng sighed.

The Origin Tribulation God King's application of elemental origin has reached its extreme.

You can create anything in the God Realm.

It can also decipher anything except the five innate creatures.

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