Check in from Douluo

Chapter 1397 The Fall of the Origin Tribulation God King

You can search for "Starting from Douluo to search for novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!Afterwards, he brought five innate creatures to the universe to use the devouring source.Let them watch Yuan Jie Divine King himself swallow a hot planet, spending a lot of time, seem to be digesting, and seem to be replenishing.Then sprayed into the God Realm, the originally hot and scorching planet became extremely gentle, and finally turned into a core, buried deep in the God Realm.

From this time on, Wang Feng felt that the energy of the gods began to change.

"Niu beep..." Wang Feng looked stunned.

That hot planet should be a star similar to the sun, right?

Is this to devour the source? Love is love.

The energy of the gods has changed, life has increased, and the years have passed, and countless years have passed in the blink of an eye.

The five innate creatures did not start any wars in the God Realm under the means of the God King Origin Tribulation, and the God Realm gradually became peaceful.

It was during this period of time that good and evil, destruction and life, the two opposite-sex god kings had their first love affair.

As for the king of Shura, he is still a single dog.

From the first civil war among the five god kings, to the appearance of the god king Yuan Jie, and the beginning of the God Realm Committee, Wang Feng had the final say, and probably tens of thousands of years passed.

Seeing Wang Feng's mind shaken.

Because there is too much content in his mind, Wang Feng's mental power is difficult to support.

Apart from other things, just relying on the origins of the Origin Tribulation God King to display those kinds of origins that Wang Feng saw, every time he displays it, Wang Feng has a lot of insights.

After that, one day, the passage of the God Realm was opened, and countless alien creatures landed in this world like locusts from outside the passage.

'It's the soul demon...he, it seems that the dark demon world has already coveted the god world.'

Wang Feng glanced at it and knew who these alien creatures were.

That's right, it is the soul demon of the Dark Demon Realm.

This is the first time that the God Realm has been invaded from outside, and panic and uneasy have appeared on the faces of most of the God Realm beings.

Moreover, the Dark Demon Realm at this time seemed to be much stronger than the God Realm.

At this time, the five innate beings have already cultivated to become god kings, and may have just stepped into them initially and are not proficient in using the origin.

It seems very difficult to fight against the Dark Demon.

Because in the Dark Demon Realm at this time, there are not only five demon gods, and each one is much stronger.

'Oh shit, isn't that the Demon God?'

During this period of history, Wang Feng saw a familiar figure.

It's the Demon God!

But the Demon God at this time was not a Demon God, but a high-ranking Soul Demon in the Dark Demon Realm.

In this war, this dog was extremely brave, beheading many strong men in the gods.

Moreover, the more he kills, the dog can absorb the souls of those gods and control them into corpses. In a short period of time, they can fight one by one, and they can be compared to a group of spirit demons.

It's amazing.

But this method aroused the wrath of the King of Yuan Jie, he directly shot, using the devouring source, to consume the world of the spirit power of the Demon God.

It's terrible.

The source of the devouring source of the God King Origin Tribulation, as long as it is any energy can be swallowed.

Even the spiritual soul is no exception.

At that time, the Demon God was frightened out of his courage, but there were also two Demon Gods in the Dark Demon Realm who took action to resist the King of Origin Tribulation.

It is a pity that they are not the opponents of Yuanjie God King, one death and one wound.

In the end, this invasion ended in the defeat of the Dark Demon Realm.

In this battle, countless lives in the God Realm realized that the God Realm was not safe.

You need to unite to become stronger.

So, in this way, the God Realm Committee was established.

To be reasonable, although the rules and systems of the God Realm are backward, in this era, the God Realm Committee has made the God Realm unified.

It can be said that it laid the foundation stone for the growth of the God Realm.

But the life of the gods is increasing day by day, and the energy of the gods is not enough to support the increasing number of lives.

It was also at this time that the Origin Tribulation God King opened up a passage to other worlds for the God Realm with the original source of nothingness.

The God Realm established the King City. The King City was seated by the five great kings. The foundation was based on the nihilistic origin of the God of Origin Tribulation, and the energy source that the King of Origin Tribulation swallowed and buried in the ground was used as the goal to create a temple of faith. The plane opened up by the world.

The five great god kings sent countless powerful men to these planes one after another to spread the power of the gods and absorb the spirit of faith from the heavens with gentle means to provide energy for the gods.

This is the complete body after the establishment of the God Realm Committee.

"Since then, the God Realm has become stronger." Literary Writing 2020

Wang Feng whispered.

Yes, the God Realm has become stronger, and the entire world has become stronger.

The Temple of Faith connects to the underground energy source and absorbs the spirit of faith from countless planes, making the energy of the gods even stronger.

The spirit of the fairy was born, which is the foundation of the gods.

The five god kings quickly became stronger, and in this era, many strong men were born in the gods.

"This should be the most glorious era in the God Realm."

Because I can see it very clearly, the picture is automatically printed in my mind, and the power of the gods is rapidly increasing in this era.

A first-level god is not as good as a dog...

In just tens of thousands of years, the God Realm reached its true peak.

Unfortunately, at this time, the Dark Demon Realm is confidently invading the God Realm again.

But this time, the Dark Demon Realm was hung and beaten directly...the hang was brutal and inhumane.

Moreover, at this time the Demon God had also become the ultimate soul demon, not far from the Demon God.

But unfortunately, being beaten into a Muggle by several first-level gods, he almost fell here.

This war didn't last long before the Dark Demon Realm left in despair.

The most prosperous age of the God Realm!

Wang Feng saw countless first-level gods.

Even the strong people with the strength of the god king have seen a lot, but unfortunately, these strong people do not have the position of the god king.

It's just that they are all heavenly arrogances, they are only the pinnacle of the first-level gods, but they cannot become the god king.

The problem arises.

I have cultivated to the peak of the God Realm and there is no road ahead, what should I do?

The five great kings cannot solve it, they have no ability to solve it.

At this time, Yuan Jie God King had long since stopped asking about world affairs.

Even after the creation of the Temple of Belief, the God King Yuan Jie never appeared, hiding for countless thousands of years.

Kind of the meaning of retreat.

Then it became interesting. Many years passed, and there were more and more first-level gods, but they still couldn't become the god king.

In other words, the strength of the gods limits their cultivation.

The first-level gods with endless lives felt fear, anger, and unwillingness in this kind of endless cultivation...

Countless negative emotions...

In this era, the entire God Realm is flooded.

The picture of this era is very messy.

There is civil strife, there is madness, there is calm...

But Wang Feng saw it roughly.

Many first-degree gods began to leave. They looked like a king's wife selling melons, looking for heirs on various planes, and then left the gods to go to other places in the universe, looking for great roads.

"These gods, I'm afraid they are the source of the current blood tombs of the buried gods, right?"

Wang Feng sighed lightly.

After that, the five great god kings couldn't help but found the source of the robbery god king and asked him if he could change the god realm?

The God King Origin Jie didn't answer, but he seemed to know about the origin star core. He directly split the void and stepped on the star soul road, seeming to want to find the origin star core that rules the rules of the gods.

He came to the end of Star Soul Road.

But this picture is fleeting.

Wang Feng didn't see anything, and then Yuan Jie Shen Wang disappeared.

Turned into sixteen rays of light, falling in the gods.

The two most powerful rays of light, the black and the golden, turned into two powerful beings, and the other fourteen were transformed into their first-class beings.

The two powerful beings are surrounded by seven beings, like fans.

"It's Falling!"

Wang Feng's heart quake, after the Origin Tribulation King found the origin star core, he fell?

What happened then?

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