You can search for "Starting from Douluo to search for novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!The God King Yuanjie in front of him is naturally not real.

But Wang Feng asked Xi Yue to do it.

Let Xiyue use her power of the origin of creation to create the unique aura and vision of the God King of Origin Tribulation.

So the Demon God and Tang San saw the truth.

But it's just that the appearance and the aura are exactly the same, in fact, it is naturally impossible to be the true King of Origin Tribulation.

It's a set of "skins" of the King of Origin Tribulation.

Only Xiyue can change this kind of ability at will, and it is limited to the God Realm.

Once you leave the god realm or the plane you belong to, this skin will disappear, revealing its original form.

It can only be used to frighten people.

It's just that Wang Feng had seen the Origin Tribulation God King in the God Realm bit by bit in the Star Soul Road, and naturally understood the Origin Tribulation God King very clearly.

In addition, Wang Feng himself inherited the power of Yuan Jie Divine King, and with this set of skins, he could almost be fake.

Unless the Demon God does it directly.

As long as you do it, it will be exposed, because Wang Feng doesn't have the true ability of Yuanjie God King.

It is a pity that, as the Demon God who was almost wiped out by Yuan Jie Shen with a single move, he was really shocked.

Don't talk about it, I didn't even dare to say a few words and slipped away with a forbidden technique.

In fact, if Wang Feng becomes someone else, there will be no such effect.In addition to the source of the robbery god king.

However, in the two wars between the Dark Demon Realm and the God Realm, the God King Yuan Jie left a great shadow on his heart.

So there is no thinking.

In contrast, the more Tang San and Xiao Wu thought about this Origin Tribulation God King at this moment, the more their heads grew.

But, fortunately, this is a good thing.

It's just too shocking.

"Then are you right?" Xiao Wu had a headache thinking about it.

"Xiao Wu!" Tang San coughed a few times, "Look at the appearance of the Demon God fleeing, you know it must be true."

"It makes sense." Xiao Wu nodded, and suddenly something sounded, "By the way, you are the God King of Origin Tribulation, why haven't you appeared in these years? Are you all in control of the Origin of Creation?"

"Natural." Wang Feng said with an unfathomable expression, "It takes countless time for the god of creation to get its approval. It took so long for the deity to get the approval of the god of creation. It's just that. Unexpectedly, the God Realm was once again attacked by the Dark Demon Realm. Right now, the God Realm is about to change, and the deity has barely grasped the source of the God of Creation. Even if it cannot change the God Realm, it cannot be occupied by the Dark Demon Realm.

"After all, this is the world where the deity rests and nourishes the mind. How can the rest of life be disturbed?"

Tang San and Xiao Wu breathed a sigh of relief. It seemed that God King Origin Tribulation had returned this time for the Dark Demon Realm.

"By the way, Senior Yuan Jie, a Demon God from the Dark Demon Realm went up just now, did you know that?" Tang San asked suddenly, "Furthermore, this Demon God was your death...No, it was the life formed by your origin. He later betrayed the God Realm and became the Demon God of the Dark Demon Realm..."

Wang Feng has already calculated this problem.

"You mean Diye, right?"

Wang Feng showed a mysterious smile, located in the light and shadow of the seven light sources, Tang San and Xiao Wu could not see his smile.

But I can hear the calm and calm tone of the King of Origin Tribulation: "When I saw the Origin of Creation, I learned that if I wanted to control this thing, I had to dissipate all my origins. Starting from the beginning, it took tens of thousands of years. In order to be recognized by the God of Creation. Therefore, I transformed my original power into two different beings and placed them in your God Realm Committee at will."

"As two key chess pieces."

"And Diye is one of them." 110 Literature

Wang Feng turned around and looked at the sky filled with clouds and shadows, with a majestic atmosphere in his tone, overlooking the world: "And Di Ye's betrayal of the God Realm is all expected. In fact, Di Ye is The chess piece left by this deity in the Dark Demon Realm will only enter the Star Soul Road and come to see me at the critical moment when the God Realm is in danger."

"So, you don't have to panic. I have ordered him to return to the Dark Demon Realm and wait for orders. You can treat him as a spy of the deity in the Dark Demon Realm."

After hearing this, Tang San and Xiao Wu petrified on the spot.

My heart soared past countless crows.


The Demon God is still talking nonsense!

Diye Demon God is really a spy in the God Realm?

"Only the deity knows about this, you two don't have to say it."

Wang Feng asked.

Tang San and Xiao Wu looked at each other and nodded quickly.

This is a shocking secret!

This source of robbery is too terrifying!

"Then what should we do next?"

Tang San asked cautiously.


Wang Feng said slowly, "I have just taken control of the God of Creation, and the fit is not high enough, and the strength is unstable. And the God Realm is currently a waste of time. Not long after, the news of the return of the deity is over there. You will know that with the prestige of the deity, there may be no wind in the Dark Demon Realm for the time being."

"But it should not be underestimated, because the Dark Demon Realm has become too strong over the years. It is very possible that an existence with the same strength as me was born. The most important thing is that the Dark Demon Realm is the top demon god or comparable The demon lord of the first-level god, or the demon lord, far exceeds the gods."

"The Dark Demon Realm will remain silent for a period of time at most before attacking here. The God Realm needs to open the channel of its subordinate planes, admit new gods, and replenish its combat power."

Simply put, the God Realm needs development.

Otherwise, nothing can be done with just a polished commander of the God King Yuanjie.

Wang Feng estimated that even if the true Origin Tribulation God King was reborn, he would definitely be useless in the face of the Dark Demon Realm at this time.

"The passage is sealed by the Dark Demon Realm."

Tang San was silent for a long time, "It's an extraterritorial seal. They may indeed have an existence at the same level as you. It takes a lot of effort to use supreme means to seal the passage between the God Realm and other worlds. It directly weakens our God Realm."

Wang Feng said in his heart, of course I know this.

Why did Xiyue let herself go to the Dark Demon Realm to find the source of the Creation Demon?

Quite simply, Xiyue's own strength was reduced as the God Realm was sealed.

In other words, the creation demon source on the dark demon realm is stronger than her, so it will naturally be able to seal all the passages of the gods.

Even if Xiyue could barely open one or two passages, it would not have any substantial effect.

Therefore, Xiyue had to let herself go to the Dark Demon Realm to find the source of the Creation Demon, so that it was possible to open the seal of those passages.

Simply put, it is to steal a home.

"I have my own way of passage. Now I need to stabilize the side of the gods..."

The God King Yuan Jie slowly said, "Once the Dark Demon Realm can't bear it, and if it forces an attack, although the deity alone can stop it, it is far from possible for the God Realm to recover."

"But now I am the only God King..." Tang San sighed lightly.

"No, there is a more suitable candidate for this deity." Yuan Jie Divine King's voice was calm, "Di Ye has found a peerless genius in the lower realm who has completely inherited and understood all my power. With him, the realm of God is new. Standing, it can be harmless, it can set all directions, it can level the heavens!"

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