Check in from Douluo

Chapter 1405 The encounter of three Qi soul beasts.

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"The peerless genius you said..." Xiao Wu interrupted, "Could it be Brother Feng, right? You know him too?"

"Yes, it is him!" Wang Feng said, "Diye has already told me everything about this son. After hearing this, the deity was deeply shocked, and the extra words remained unchanged. At most several months, I said Chuangshi Shenyuan forcibly opened Douluo God Realm's passage and would bring him up first. Presumably, with his strength, the God Realm can be guaranteed to be unimpeded."

"Furthermore, this son has far-reaching ideas and novel conspiracies. Maybe it will bring new changes to the gods."

Traditional arts, follow-up needs, Wang Feng once again gave a small wave of himself.

Tang San and Xiao Wu were even more shocked when they heard that the dignified Yuan Jie Shen Wang also valued Brother Feng so much...

"Well, that's the end of the story. I will return to Star Soul Road first. Don't worry if there is any trouble in the God Realm, there will be no escape."

God King Yuan Jie glanced at Tang San and Xiao Wu, "You will return to the God Realm in a while. By the way, as for these Demon Lords, although they are all soul demons in the Dark Demon Realm, they are all subordinates of Diye. They passed out in a coma, but there is still a great use, Diye Demon God will take them back to the Dark Demon Realm.

The remaining thirty-odd demon kings were even more unbearable than the Demon God at the moment when the Origin Jie Divine King appeared.

Directly deterred by this momentum, all were frightened.

In addition, the exchange between Yuanjie God King and Tang San Xiaowu was through the use of spiritual consciousness, even if there was a voice, they would not hear anything.

"Understood." Tang San and Xiao Wu nodded immediately.

Immediately, Wang Feng ascended to the sky and disappeared into the boundless sky.

Tang San and Xiao Wu suddenly returned to their senses, looking at the residual vision in the sky, as if they were dreaming.

"Third brother, let's return to the God Realm first." Xiao Wu whispered, "The Origin Tribulation God King matters a lot, shall we return to the God Realm first?"

"No hurry, let's go to the central underworld and bury all the gods of the gods. By the way, it will take a while to untie, untie the god-killing ring on the body, the evacuation of the Devil God should take a little time."

Tang San's eyes flickered, "At the moment, God Realm King City should be Diye's subordinates. We return now, which is easy to arouse suspicion. Although Yuan Jie Divine King did not say, but he has his layout, we need to think twice, so as not to repeat Anomaly."

"Besides, if the bodies of the soldiers in the central underworld are not buried, it is inevitable that there will be demon gods on the dark demon world using those evil origins and causing us more trouble."

Suddenly, Xiao Wu immediately went to the Central Underworld with Tang San.

Not long after, Wang Feng, who had already removed his skin, quickly came here and awakened more than 30 demon kings.

When these demon kings woke up, their expressions suddenly changed, and Ba Xia demon king was the first to speak:

"My dear, the big thing is not good! Do you know? The god king of Origin Tribulation actually lived! Moreover, the god king Tang San said, the king of Origin Tribulation went to the origin star core before he fell. . And you, by the way, sir, did you not find the origin star core just now..."

Speaking of general, Ba Xia Demon Lord was stunned.

He suddenly thought, isn't the Diye Demon God just the life formed after the King of Origin Tribulation fell?

"Naturally found the deity!" Wang Feng said coldly, "Unfortunately, the origin star core has been obtained by Origin Tribulation ahead of time. When I walked halfway to the star soul road, I found that it was not good, so I immediately fled back! A life transformed from the origin of the King of Origin Tribulation. However, what is ridiculous is that, in order to obtain the Origin Star Core, the King of Origin Tribulation is willing to quantify the origin of his own cultivation, and then he has the deity."

"To put it bluntly, the deity was abandoned by the God King Yuanjie back then."

Wang Feng looked cold and disdainful.

Many demon kings suddenly came to a sudden.

They were still a little bit skeptical. Before, the Demon God said that Diye was a spy, and they all found it extremely absurd.

But just now I saw that God King Yuan Jie hadn't died, and there was some doubt in my heart.

At the moment, it seems impossible!

"Besides, you know, since Yuan Jie Divine King is alive. He didn't make any move? Did the Demon God escape desperately? None of you died?"

Wang Feng sneered, "That's because although the Origin Tribulation God King has obtained the God Realm’s source of creation, but the God Realm is extremely weakened at the moment. It took him tens of thousands of years to obtain the source of creation God. Bringing any help to him, on the contrary, caused the strength of the God King Yuanjie to drop drastically!"

"Once he makes a move, it will inevitably increase the consumption of the God of Creation. Therefore, he only shows up, but does not make a move. Even you who can squeeze to death at will, he did not make a move, because he does not want to waste half of his energy. !"

Speaking of this, at the moment Wang Feng, who is the Diye Demon God, looks very arrogant and arrogant, "The Origin Tribulation God King appears this time. He expects that our Dark Demon Realm will not dare to move the God Realm again after knowing that he is alive. But the deity saw such a flaw, go! First return to the Dark Demon Realm with the deity, gather those soul demons who believe in the deity, and then come to the gods with a fatal blow."

"At the moment the strength of the deity is not enough. Even if the power of the God King Origin Tribulation is weakened, the deity will not be able to defeat him. I am his origin, and I know him a little bit. If I provoke him, the jade will burn. "

Wang Feng's subtle words immediately awakened many demon kings!

That's it!Heshun Novel

It's no wonder that Tangtangyuan Jie Shen Wang, the peerless powerhouse in the ancient times of the God Realm, could bypass them?

"What about God King Tang San and his wife?" Ba Xia Demon Lord asked in a low voice.

"Don't worry, they two gods, and they are also banned by our Dark Demon Realm's Divine Killing Ring. Although they are running now, it will take a certain amount of time to unlock this God Killing Ring. They must have not returned to the God Realm King City. , Let’s go to the King’s City of the God Realm first, bring back the rest of the legions, and return to the Dark Demon Realm immediately, without stopping for a moment!"

Wang Feng said decisively.

Many demons nodded one after another.

Since the Origin Tribulation God King appeared, they were lucky enough to survive, and of course they would not stay here.

As the Lord said, even if the strength of the Origin Tribulation God King was weakened, they would not be able to collide.

After speaking, Wang Feng immediately returned to the Kingdom of God Realm with many demon kings.

Out of sight, he glanced at another location.

There, is the location of the Silver Dragon King.

Since the outbreak of Wang Feng and the Demon God, the Silver Dragon King has been secretly recuperating.

No action.

Even if things changed in any way, she didn't say anything.

Even when the God King Origin Tribulation appeared, the Silver Dragon King did not move.

Until Wang Feng left.

"This God Realm... is really getting more and more interesting." The Silver Dragon King looked at the direction Wang Feng was leaving, "The once-fallen King Yuanjie, Diye Demon God appeared one by one. Moreover, that Diye Demon God is really weird..."

It's weird because the Silver Dragon King sensed a familiar aura.

Very light and light.

It is the familiar breath of the life soul deed imprinted in the depths of the soul.

But the life soul deed has very little restriction on her.

This kind of soul deed, which can only be limited to the Douluo world, has little effect on her level of life.

Moreover, after arriving in the God Realm, the rules are different, and the effect of this life soul deed becomes smaller and smaller.

'Furthermore, I am familiar with the kind of power I used before.Could he be Wang Feng?But why did Wang Feng become like this?'

The Silver Dragon King didn't quite understand.

But right now, the Silver Dragon King had his own plans.

'The place in the void of the void...' The Silver Dragon King looked at this huge world,'It is not a good place for the gods of the gods, or the soul demon of the dark demon world.But for the soul beast, it is a treasure.Those demon bodies called by the Demon God just now... I sensed the body of the Dragon God.'

The history of the void space was the birthplace of the Dragon God back then.

After the Dragon God was defeated, this place was abandoned and turned into an extremely dangerous battlefield.

This is also the reason why the Silver Dragon King, Dragon Evil, and Bingmulin were sent here.

Because here, for them, it is the realm of God.

The Golden Dragon King was also imprisoned here, but after the outbreak of the God War, the Golden Dragon King was already taken away by the Dark Demon Realm.

And the Dark Demon Realm still wants to find out about the Silver Dragon King from the Golden Dragon King, and has other plans.

The Silver Dragon King wanted to come to the God Realm, and this place was one of the reasons she wanted to come.

"Now the situation has changed...Wang Feng disappeared without a trace, and the life soul bond has little effect and cannot be sensed. If I can find the body of the dragon god and practice some, my strength should reach the limit...even the dragon god... More sure."

The Silver Dragon King looked at the graveyard in the distance.She found Longxie and Bingmulin.

Because the three were all Qi soul beasts, they were all teleported here, so they found each other early, but they didn't know what to do for a while.

The three Qi soul beasts of Wang Feng, who are led by the Silver Dragon King, have another chance in this Void Realm...

Only now, Wang Feng returned to the King City of the God Realm, and returned to the Dark Demon Realm with the old part of the Diye Demon God, which will open a new chapter...

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