You can search for "Starting from Douluo to search for novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!God Realm King City.

Guhong Xinglingtai.

This is the largest observation deck in the Royal City. As a huge floating city, the long platform is connected to the various houses in the center of the Royal City and many dazzling buildings.

Ning Rongrong and Shui Bing'er stood on this viewing platform, and both of them languidly climbed on the side of the fence on the steps, revealing their beautiful figures.

"It's so cold."

Ning Rongrong rubbed his eyes and looked at the city of Nuo Da below.

The central temple of faith is still majestic and majestic, and the walls are carved with countless patterns like ancient maps, but they are all dim.

From the bottom to the top of the temple, there are transparent lines connecting the whole temple.

The temple of faith is the core of the royal city, and it is usually held by many members of the God Realm Committee.

Controlling all other planes that the God Realm belongs to.

It is a pity that the gods of the gods have been greatly reduced now. Although this temple of faith has rules and restrictions, those soul demons cannot enter, but there are no gods working in it.

After the passage was blocked, the power of the temple of faith was not as good as the day.

At the moment the God Realm is defeated, and many gods are killed in the void battlefield, the God Realm has little power left.

"Bingbing, what will happen to the God Realm in the future? We have cultivated in this place for decades... so long and long."

Ning Rongrong sighed, "I've also been to many places in the God Realm, and traveled to several other worlds... I didn't expect that the God Realm would have such a day."

"I don't know." Shui Binger lowered her head and thought, "It should disappear. The world we traveled to has experienced many wars. After the war, everything is shattered. After countless years, a new order will be formed. ."

"Yes." Ning Rongrong's eyes were a little hazy.

It seems to memorize the past bit by bit.

Gods are just more powerful beings than human beings and possess more terrifying power.

Different gods have different experiences.

The cultivation of gods is sometimes boring, sometimes cruel, and sometimes indifferent.

The god realm possesses the aura of the fairy spirit, after obtaining the god ring, he can always practice in the god realm.

But the divine ring symbolizes the bottleneck. Whenever the cultivation reaches a certain bottleneck, it is necessary to condense the divine ring to break the bottleneck and achieve a stronger realm.

The cohesion of the divine ring requires belief, travels through many planes, witnesses the birth and destruction of other lives, and spreads their beliefs in these lives.Recognized by countless lives.

For the gods, it is inevitable to go out of the gods and travel to other worlds.

Ning Rongrong and Shui Bing'er have been to many planes more or less over the years, and they have gained a lot of knowledge.

They are two gods of ice and water, and their origins are one. When they are together, their overall strength or individual strength will increase.

Naturally, we practice together and experience together.

So over the years, the two lost their closest partner.


Ning Rongrong suddenly yelled toward the viewing platform.

"What's wrong?" Shui Binger asked.Feiku Novel Network

The tacit understanding between the two has been very high after decades of cultivation.

Shui Binger could easily feel that Ning Rongrong's inner emotions were complex and changeable.

"It's okay, I feel a little bit blocked." Ning Rongrong turned around and said helplessly, "Bingbing, the emperor said that Wang Feng will come up soon. Is it credible? By the way, you said Wang Feng is so carefree. People, in Douluo World, he has hooked up with several girls, has he forgotten us long ago."

"Huh?" Shui Bing'er was stunned, and said with some embarrassment: "I don't know. So have you changed your mind?"

"Cut, it changed a long time ago. Who cares about him." Ning Rongrong curled his lips.

"Now that everything has changed, isn't it right?" Shui Binger whispered.

"It seems to make sense." Ning Rongrong thought for a while, "You said if you want me to find a man?"

Speaking of this, Ning Rongrong suddenly sighed, “The gods who pursued the gods back then could not be too many to circle the royal city. Now they are dead and left. It seems that they can’t be found if they want to find it... Wang It's been so long since Feng, the bastard guy, before there was a news from the Diye Demon God! His tree really dropped more and more red lines...I'm not afraid of breaking his tree that day. Up."

"Actually..." Shui Binger pondered for a long time, "For us, whether we have a partner or not does not seem to make much difference. In the world of God, it is too harsh to be a partner. The more we experience, the more Your emotions will become weaker. What you pursue in your heart will change with it."

"Although we are living gods, we should have reduced the influence of our emotions on us."

"Cut..." Ning Rongrong looked at Shui Bing'er with contempt, "Bing Bing, you are in that Tianwu Continent, and you have seen that set of mortal practice techniques that are the most sacred, right? That is a god in the imagination of mortals. It’s not us."


Ning Rongrong had a bit of teasing in his eyes, "On the eve of the war of God, I heard someone still babbling in his sleep: It seems like going back to the Douluo World, go see him..."

"I didn't!" Shui Binger retorted with a flushed face.

"Really?" Ning Rongrong lifted Shui Bing'er's chin, he hesitated, "Do you want my sister to also hang your red thread on his tree? We happen to be sisters and girlfriends, so the fat water doesn't flow into the field of outsiders. ?"

"So sorry..." Shui Bing'er blinked.

"..." Ning Rongrong was so angry that he pinched Shui Bing'er's cheeks with both hands, and stretched it out like a bow left and right.

She knew that what affects many feelings will become weaker and weaker, and reducing the impact of emotions on us is all nonsense in this little bitch.

This girl is just black powder.

After many years of experience, how could it be that she was still that pure girl.

"You said, what do you like him? He is so carefree, so... so..." Ning Rongrong wanted to find some of Wang Feng's shortcomings back then, but after holding back for a long time, he held back a heartache.

I thought about it, sighed, and sure enough, he was too good.

"Where is there any reason to like it?" Shui Bing'er shook her head. "Emotional matters often have only one beginning. How do you like it in the middle? If you know, then you won't like it."

"It seems to make sense." Ning Rongrong was taken aback.

At this time, dozens of figures flew from a distance and fell on the royal city like a stream of light.

"Oh, let's stop talking. It's the Diye who is back."

A strange light flashed in Ning Rongrong's eyes, "I always feel weird about this demon god. He would never know what his purpose was when he went to the void space this time. I didn't expect to come back so soon."

"In a hurry, I guess the situation is not so good? By the way, the Diye Demon God said that he is optimistic about Wang Feng, and he might want to take Wang Feng to the Dark Demon Realm in the future. Maybe he will succeed." Shui Bing'er shook his head.

"Just kidding, with Wang Feng's character, how could it be possible to be drawn to the Dark Demon Realm?" Ning Rongrong sneered, "Although he hasn't seen him in many years. But if he hasn't changed drastically, it is absolutely impossible to be drawn to the Dark Demon Realm. Closed."

"Unless..." Ning Rongrong seemed to think of something, and couldn't help looking at those figures.

"Unless something..." Shui Binger said curiously.

"Unless..." Ning Rongrong snorted softly, "Unless the woman speaks."

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