Check in from Douluo

Chapter 1407-The Sealed Consciousness in the Forbidden Domain Divine Bi

You can search for "Starting from Douluo to search for novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!"Oh." Shui Bing'er was taken aback, as if he had also remembered something.

At this time, several lights and shadows fell.

"Ba Xia, we can get rid of their god-killing ring. Let's leave. The remaining defeated generals in the God Realm will not be able to set off any storm."

The majestic and icy voice of Diye Demon God came.

Demon Ba Xia immediately walked to Ning Rongrong and Shui Bing'er and took back the God Killing Ring.

"The two are free."

Demon Ba Xia glanced at the two gods.

"What do you mean?"

Ning Rongrong and Shui Binger looked at each other.

"You have good luck in the God Realm... I didn't expect the old immortal to hide so deeply."

Wang Feng stepped forward and said calmly, "I originally wanted to take the two of you to the Dark Demon Realm, but now it seems to be troublesome. Ba Xia, have all the demon monarchs been summoned?"

"The convening is over immediately before coming back, and you can set off."

Demon Ba Xia felt a little excited.

This return to the Dark Demon Realm, the Lord will definitely move the entire Dark Demon Realm here!

In fact, the God Realm didn't have too many ideas for their old subordinates of the Diye Demon God.This place is not a world where the devil can be involved in fighting.

Dark Demon Realm, where is their main battlefield.

"Before setting off, the deity goes to a place first."

Wang Feng looked at the innermost piece of the giant gate of the Temple of Faith.

Forbidden Domain God Bi.

At that time, he used the elemental origin to unlock the three seals.

Later, I sensed what terrible things were imprisoned in this Forbidden Domain Divine Bi, and understood the causes and consequences that this was a game, so it was temporarily not opened.

"Wait, Diye Demon God, what do you mean?"

Ning Rongrong drank out Wang Feng, "Speak clearly?"

Wang Feng gave Ba Xia a look, and motioned to Ba Xia to tell her about the Origin Tribulation God King.

Regarding these things, after Tang San and the others came back, they would know sooner or later.

"I want to listen to him! You go away!" Ning Rongrong burst into a brilliant burst of water, shook Ba Xia Demon Lord away.

The two are judged on their strengths.

Whether it is Ning Rongrong or Shui Bing'er, the strength is the existence of the pinnacle of the first-level gods.

Not to mention Shui Bing'er, especially Ning Rongrong, Wang Feng used the red lotus karma fire to give her body better than grade, and also taught pre-character puzzles and zigzag puzzles, precepts and deeds.

Over the years, I must have cultivated well.

In the God Realm, if you want to kill her, it is probably not better than killing a god king.

So it can only be imprisoned.

"This..." Ba Xia Demon Lord secretly said, clearly he is the God of Water, why is he so tough.

Obviously he is still a prisoner, but he is not afraid at all.

But Demon Ba Xia, who knew the opponent's combat power, felt normal.

To be reasonable, the God Realm is like a god of this level, and there are only a handful of them.

They are all heterogeneous, too strong to speak.

If it weren't for the Hell Lord to act, with the strength of the water god and ice god, at least the gods in the gods could hold on for a long time.

"Your character is exactly the same as Wang Feng said."

When Wang Feng heard the familiar tone of the eldest lady, he felt a little nostalgic in his heart.

"Wang Feng said? He...what did he say to me?" Ning Rongrong was taken aback.

"He said that among his many confidantes, you are a stubborn and self-willed person. You can say whatever you think of, without a word... But in fact you know everything in your heart." Wang Feng added, "You are still very smart. At the time of the God Realm, he also told me that if you have any offense to the deity, let me not be offended."

"Yes...Is it?" Ning Rongrong's face suddenly became angry after hearing the previous sentence, and his face improved after hearing the back.

"If it's not for Wang Feng's face, do you think this deity can tolerate your little water god against me?" Diye Demon God looked proud.

"Cut...I'm not afraid of you." Ning Rongrong stepped back a few steps.

Vaguely felt a dangerous breath.

"Stubborn mouth. But you are Wang Feng's confidante, just wait for him to come up to the God Realm to educate you on his own. The deity is too lazy to be nosy."

Wang Feng glanced at Ning Rongrong, and then walked towards the forbidden domain god Bi.Steward Novel

Ning Rongrong frowned slightly, looked at the latter's back, snorted coldly, and muttered. I have been waiting for a long time.

Forbidden Domain God Bi, after Wang Feng passed the Star Soul Road, he roughly knew what was being held inside.

When the God Realm was prosperous, powerful gods abounded, and they controlled countless planes and worlds.

Later, the gods encountered a bottleneck and were unable to become kings. Those powerful gods were trapped in a bottleneck for countless years.

During that time, the God Realm began to decline from its prosperity.

Many turmoil occurred inside, countless gods, and gods began to produce all kinds of negative emotions.

Fear, anger, unwillingness...

Flooded the entire God Realm at that time.

There is civil strife, there is madness, there is calm...

Gods are powerful, and the more powerful the negative emotions they produce, the more powerful they can affect the changes in the gods.

Generally speaking, deities do not easily produce mood swings.

But once it happens, it still happens on a large scale, then the God Realm will inevitably undergo a shock.

At that time, those gods who were struggling with the seven god rings could not condense that only after reaching the god king would they have the remaining two god rings.

In this process, the negative emotions produced by these powerful gods affected the ecology of the gods and the stability of the gods.

For the peace of the gods at that time.

In desperation, the five great gods at that time spent a lot of effort to get rid of the negative emotions of these gods, and gathered these negative energies to directly deal with them.

This situation is the same as when Dragon God sent his own desires to make cultivation more stable.

But the difference is that this energy is too huge.

Because there were many first-level gods at that time.

The five great god kings discovered that even if the negative energy generated by these gods is driven out, this energy is too exaggerated to be directly processed by normal means.

Because there was too much gathering, I had to seal this energy.

And, because these negative emotions come from powerful first-degree gods, over time, they even form a body of consciousness.

This is even more terrifying.

The consciousness is the prelude to life.

Once the consciousness is formed, then becoming a real life is not far away.

If these consciousness bodies become real lives, then it will inevitably endanger the gods!

For this reason, the god of destruction at that time directly proposed that these consciousness bodies be destroyed humanely.

This proposal, even the god of life and the god of kindness, agree.

However, when the five great god kings took action to destroy these consciousness bodies, they were surprised to find that they could not be destroyed directly.

These consciousness bodies originate from many gods, and as long as these gods have not broken through to a higher level and have been in this state, they will continuously produce negative energy.

And these negative energies are the nourishment of these consciousness bodies.

As long as there is, then a little bit, they can survive.

The five great god kings finally discovered that what a terrible disaster had happened to the prosperous God Realm at that time!

For this reason, they once again found the God King of Origin Tribulation.

At that time, the God King of Origin Jie said: This thing was produced by your god realm. If you want to destroy it, you can only solve the root cause, otherwise it can be temporarily destroyed for a while, and it will still be born in the future.

In desperation, the five great god kings had to seal these consciousnesses.

Then he watched the many powerful gods in the God Realm and left the God Realm.

This is also the reason why the five great god kings did not stop them.

Because the five great god kings knew that as long as these talented gods stayed in the god realm, they would produce more such consciousnesses. Sooner or later they would not be able to seal them, which would be even more troublesome.

It was also to solve this problem that the King of Jie Shen went to Star Soul Road to find the original star core, hoping to change the rules and regulations of the God Realm.

And the means of sealing is this forbidden domain divine bi.

Wang Feng knew that once this seal was opened, the negative consciousness bodies that had been sealed for countless years would burst out.

These consciousness bodies have been sealed for so long, what kind of changes did the ghost know?

Once it appeared in the God Realm, it would be terrible.

Every year there are only five great god kings in the God Realm who seal the seal firmly and never open it.

Wang Feng unlocked the three-layer seal before, but he will naturally not open it now. Instead, he made a special trip to re-add the three-layer seal...

Only then can you go to the Dark Demon Realm with peace of mind.

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