Check in from Douluo

Chapter 1408 Nine Worlds

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Cloud customs.

The Void Airspace links the Dark Demon Realm and the God Realm, each with a channel.

At the other end of the passage, there are strong men from the two worlds leading soldiers guarding it. This Cloud Customs is the other end of the Void Airspace linking the Dark Demon World.

Dark Demon Realm is a collective term.The original name is, Dark Sun Motian Nine Realms.

In other words, this world is composed of the original nine worlds.

After countless years of changes and life changes, Qiong Yun was disillusioned, and finally such a world was formed.

However, the original nine worlds formed nine different regions of the Dark Demon Realm, each of which was ruled by the most powerful nine demon gods.

At the same time, the Dark Demon Realm itself is different from the God Realm.

The God Realm has a stable space and abundant energy. It was founded by the God Realm’s creator, a strong man in the universe.

It can be said that being born is a world capable of nurturing powerful lives. Coupled with the stability of space, the God of Creation has separated the five major seeds of life and transformed them into life, protecting the order of the God Realm, maintaining the stability of the God Realm, and creating the God of Creation. To control the rules of the gods.

So the God Realm is actually not better than the Dark Devil Realm before.

But when it comes to the complicated history and the changing times, the Dark Demon Realm is much more complicated than the God Realm.

At the same time, the Dark Demon Realm itself is much more dangerous than the God Realm.

Because this is a world composed of nine worlds, the space itself is extremely unstable.

This kind of instability is similar to but different from the void space.

The void space is unstable, and at most it will leave some gaps in space, causing some alien creatures to sneak over from another world.

But the space of the Dark Demon Realm is unstable. If you are not careful, it will directly connect to another world, forming a giant wormhole.

So the Dark Demon World is complicated and chaotic.

That is to say, in this complex and chaotic situation, the Dark Demon Realm has gradually become stronger, and began to pass through these giant wormholes, but directly invaded another world, thereby conquering a world with a plane, enslaving the lives of other races, and plundering world resources. Absorb the essence of different worlds.

Formed a diverse, unified, semi-magic and semi-god civilization.

Among them, this cloud customs was one of the signs of the prosperity of the Dark Demon World.

Located in the Deep Sea Demon Realm, one of the nine Demon Realms, Yunhai Demon Continent.

Looking down from a high altitude, the Yunhai Customs has a black-gold color as a whole, suspended over a thousand meters above the ground, and it is covered with a cloud of black clouds.

Inside the cloud is a black-gold ring-shaped barrier. Above the barrier is a floating magic ship for hundreds of kilometers. In the center of the barrier, there is an aperture of about 500 meters in diameter, which is the passage of the void space.

However, outside of this aperture, there are heavy guards from Yunhai Customs.

Beyond the black clouds and fog outside the Yunguan Customs, there is a pale white corridor that connects to an infinite distance like a straight line.

At this moment, Demon Fuhe, one of the three demon kings guarding Yun Customs, was standing on the highest rooftop of this ring-shaped barrier, looking around with an unpleasant expression.

Fuhe Demon Lord, his original name was Fuhai.

But, this place is the Deep Sea Demon Realm, and is in charge of the Desolate Sea Demon God, one of the nine great demon gods of the Dark Demon Realm.

The word Fuhai violated the taboo of the Demon God of the Wild Sea, and was naturally forced to change his name and became Fuhe.

But this didn't affect his brilliant talent, it only took less than five hundred years to become a demon king.

The devil, the emperor, command one party and sit in the devil's territory.Baiyue Novel Network

In the Dark Demon Realm, they are all figures with faces and faces, and they are all high-ranking spirit demons with extremely high status.

Compared with those who live in the Dark Demon Realm, many races that are not even included in the list of soul demons are already nobles in the soul demons.

Of course, the devil also has a division of strength.

The Demon Lord of the Dark Demon Realm has been explicitly announced in the rank chapter in the latest issue of the [Nine Realms Code] of the Dark Demon Realm. The holy demon ring has been cultivated to at least four times, and its destructive ability has reached the level of the first realm. He has crossed at least five times. The above wormholes have at least five high-level spirit demons as their subordinates...

Every Demon Lord in the Dark Demon Realm is a soul demon who has experienced strong winds and waves.

Similarly, Fuhe Demon Lord was able to guard this Yun Customs, and he had seen many scenes.

Otherwise, it would not be possible to become a guard at Yunhai Customs, which has an extremely ancient history.

But now, even for him, there was a little sweat on his dark gray forehead.

Not long after, the sky and cloud shadows changed, and a medium-sized magic flotation ship with the famous seven-spotted Tibetan Yuan flower in the dark demon world appeared in the outer circle of the cloud barrier.

A soul demon warrior guarding the sea of ​​clouds flew from a distance, flew to the rooftop, and bowed in a low voice to Fuhai Demon Lord:

"Master Demon Lord, it is the Yuanhai Demon Realm, the Zangyuan Town Demon Ship of the Ziling Family. I don't know how they came to our place..."

Fuhe Mojun's eyelids twitched.

Of course you don't know, you are just a little soul demon.

How is it possible to know that the Ziling family, one of the five ancient demon families of the Yuanhai Demon Realm, will come to us?

Demon Lord Fuhe took a deep look at the demon ship that was about half the size of Yunhai Customs.

With his insight, he could tell at a glance that the style of this magic ship should come from a new world conquered by the Dark Demon Realm.

The fusiform hull seems to have no edges and corners, but hides terrible dark energy, like a one-piece style, it may look a little ugly.

In fact, this is just a flying form, not a combat form.

Once changed, this demon ship can hold at least one hundred thousand soul demon warriors, and can easily destroy any small plane or planet with an area of ​​less than 500 million square kilometers.

There are five ancient demon families in the Yuanhai Demon Realm, all of which are the most terrifying existence in the Yuanhai Demon Realm.

These ancient demon families have at least three to fifty demon lords and five to eight or more demon masters.

Is the real giant!

You must know that the Abyssal Demon Realm was originally one of the Nine Realms, and it was formed into an area organized into the Dark Demon Realm.

And the actual area of ​​Yuanhai Demon Territory, after these years of expansion, is more than 50 billion square kilometers...equivalent to more than 500 small planes.

In such a huge area, there are only five ancient demon families.

The so-called ancient demon family is the family that inherits the blood of the ancient soul demon, and is called the family with the qualifications of the demon god.

Although the probability of these ancient demon families giving birth to demon gods, it may be one in tens of thousands.

But it is already very scary.

'The Ancient Demon Family...Is it possible that they came to Shanhaiguan for that news?'

Fuhe Mojun secretly speculated.

At this time, he hadn't waited for him to understand.

On the other side, in the shadow of the clouds, another medium-sized magic ship appeared.

When Fuhe Demon Lord saw this medium-sized demon ship, his scalp was numb again: "It is the Treasure Gathering Rock Chamber of Commerce in the Yuanhai Demon Territory. How can a magic ship of this kind appear in Yunhai Customs? Even if escort supplies are not needed Use this level of magic ship? This is probably some kind of car inside the Chamber of Commerce..."

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