You can search for "Starting from Douluo to search for novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!The Treasure Rock Chamber of Commerce is the largest chamber of commerce across the Abyssal Demon Realm, controlling more than 30% of the resource circulation in the Abyssal Demon Realm.

Don't underestimate this mere 30%.

At the regional level of the Yuanhai Demon Territory, except for the special family, demon mansion, and sect demon, it was already very terrifying.

This kind of chamber of commerce has existed in the Dark Demon Realm for tens of thousands of years, and its strength is not entirely in the Abyss Demon Realm, and the other Demon Realms also have their power.

They are not simple and ordinary forces, a giant.

The prestige may not be as good as the ancient demon family, but the actual strength may even exceed it.

'Are they all for that absurd news?'

Demon Lord Fuhe felt that the situation seemed to be getting worse.

Because on the other side, no magic ship appeared this time, but a heavenly holy beast: Demon Feather Nine Life Crane.

The word saint can not be named casually in the Dark Demon Realm.

And Tiansheng is even more difficult.

Heavenly Sage Beast, the level of equivalent soul demon, is equivalent to the demon lord, one level higher than the demon lord.

You don't even have to think about being able to ride on this level of existence. It must be at least the Demon Master at the first level.

The Demon Lord is in charge of all directions. In the Dark Demon Realm, that is the upper middle and upper level, and countless big forces will compete to attract the target.

Most of the demon masters are well-known in the dark demon world.

"This one is not from the Abyss Demon Territory... It is the Ten Thousand Beast Demon Mansion of the Borderless Demon near the Abyss Demon Territory..."

Fuhe Demon murmured secretly.

Because only the Ten Thousand Beast Demon Mansion can raise the Heavenly Sage Beast.

There was no command above, so many big forces suddenly came.

"Master Demon Lord, this...this...according to the dark energy fluctuations we intercepted just now, it seems that there is more than that..."

The soul demon warrior opened his mouth and hesitated for a while, "It seems, there are also the six ferry saint ships of the Six Dao Buddha Demon Mansion on the other side of the Demon Territory, and the Lingke Ancient Demon's Myriad Ship of the Seven Night Demon Territory...this, These are the most powerful forces among the nine regions of our Dark Demon Realm... How did they come to Yunhai Customs?"

"Could it be because of the war between us and the God Realm? The God War can be launched. It was ordered by the Hell and the nine demon gods to discuss together. Even with these forces, they dare not intervene casually... And now the God War is over, the God Realm We have captured several of the god kings...what are these big forces doing at this time?"

Fuhe Demon Lord was silent for a long time.

He already knew the reason in his heart.

These great forces can easily be attracted, even if a giant wormhole emerges in a certain place, it is impossible to attract so many great forces from all over the nine regions of the Dark Demon Realm.

"It seems that the news is true." Fuhe Mojun looked at the distant passage.

Deeply frowned.

Front end time, according to a message from the Yuanhai Demon Territory God Killing Terminal.

It is said that a new god-killing transmits new spirit demon news, and the host spirit demon who obtained the killing of the gods claims to be the Diye Demon God.

Each of the nine domains has a god-killing terminal.And the God Killing Terminal of the Deep Sea Demon Territory contains all the identity information of all the soul demons born in the Deep Sea Demon Territory.

Once there is a change of master, the God-killing intelligent system will upload the information of the master to the terminal.

Of course, this kind of information generally needs to be verified, and it is not directly authenticated and confirmed if it is transmitted.

And claimed to be Diye Demon God.

Fuhe Demon Lord believes that no soul demon who has received eighteen years of compulsory education dares to falsely report these four words as identity information after completing the training of killing God.

And a soul demon who has not received eighteen years of compulsory education does not even have the qualifications to cultivate God-killing.

It is impossible to get the killing of God.

As a demon army, Fuhe Demon Army has a very wide range of demon veins, even at the terminal of Devil Killing, there are friends.

Moreover, his Shanhaiguan pass is the front line, and the God Killing Terminal is located on the side of the Demon God Mansion in the center of the Yuanhai Demon Realm, so he naturally got the news.

Because the former host who killed the gods was a cannon fodder soul demon who had accepted the secret mission of'covering the gods'.

It matters.

And when the news appeared shortly after.Look at the novel

There was news from Mingyang Demon Realm, as if the Supreme Demon God on their side, the Demon God, had returned.

This surprised Fuhe Demon Lord.

The Demon God is the leader of the Emperor Demon Army. Although he is not the most powerful of the nine demon gods, the Hell Lord himself gave this order.

Even the commander-in-chief of the god war, the chief leader is the demon god.

The rest of the demon gods are all for him.

While launching a divine battle, the Fallen Demon God had just led hundreds of elite legions of the Emperor Demon Army to launch the final general attack on the King City of the God Realm a few days ago.

When I set off, I was in Shanhaiguan myself.

At that time, the other eight demon gods held a huge ceremony in person, waiting for the victorious return of the demon gods.

And just a few days ago, I heard that the King City of the God Realm had fallen, and the Demon God was escorting the last God King in the God Realm. Zhengxiong returned from the God Realm with great enthusiasm. The Dark Demon Realm has chosen a day and is ready to celebrate. .

They Yun Customs have also been preparing for a long time, opening the virtual channel, waiting for the return of the Demon God.

But the Demon God did not return from their side, but directly returned to the Mingyang Demon Realm.

When Fuhe Demon Lord heard this news, he immediately felt that there was a problem.

It's too problematic.

You know, there is only one place in the void that leads to the Dark Demon Realm.

This is the cloud customs.

If you want to return to the Dark Demon Realm, there is only this channel, no other channels.

It is impossible to come to the Dark Demon Realm without passing through here.

But except for the devil.

Demon gods are all existences that can span the universe.

Even if there is no passage to the Dark Demon Realm on the Void Elementary Airspace, the two places are actually infinitely far apart.

Demon God also has a way to return.

But Fuhe Demon Lord knew that even if the Demon God wanted to return from the void space without passing through this passage, it would have to pay a great price.

Because it is equivalent to temporarily forcibly opening up a space channel from scratch and extremely far away.

Moreover, the Void Airspace link also links the God Realm, the world is extremely unstable, and it is even more difficult to temporarily open this channel.

The Demon God is full, and it’s okay to spend so much effort to temporarily open up this channel and return directly to the Mingyang Demon Realm?

At Yun Customs, Jiuyu is waiting to celebrate him. Doesn't he come back directly from Yun Customs?

Demon Lord Fuhe knew right away that something happened to the God Realm.

Combined with the identity information of the Diye Demon God from the previous God Killing Terminal.

Now that there have been so many years old and powerful forces overwhelming, the devil of mountains and rivers knows...

He looked at the slightly gray sky.

"The sky of the Dark Demon Realm, I'm afraid it will change..."

Fuhe Demon murmured.

Some of these great powers were insignificant in the Dark Demon Realm a long time ago.

Later, the Dark Demon Realm turned out to be a Diye Demon God.

This demon is very powerful, he has changed a lot.Back then, some of these big forces had a subtle relationship with him.

There are sentiments, grievances, hatreds, and...too many.

Thought of this.

Demon Lord Fuhe throbbed in the killing of God in his body, and a message came from the command room of Yunhai Customs, which shocked his demon body:

"My Lord Demon, there are hundreds of demon kings from the Emperor Demon Army at the other end of the passage sending messages, let us open the passage door here..."

"Welcome... welcome... the emperor... the emperor... yeah... the devil...!?"

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