Check in from Douluo

Chapter 1422 Can the same sex reproduce offspring?

You can search for "Starting from Douluo to search for novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!Soul servant, if used in other world terms, is similar to a maid.

But in fact, this kind of maid is not a maid in the conventional sense.The affiliation between the maid and the demon in the Dark Demon Realm is generally ambiguous. In addition to handling affairs, they often also assume the responsibility of inheriting blood.

Therefore, it is called Soul Servant, and generally only when the relationship reaches the extreme and the intimacy is full, will there be the term Soul Servant.

A demon god must have the most personal soul servant, and he will also cultivate soul servants, strengthen themselves, and build forces.

Soul servants are generally configured by the demon gods, but the demon masters generally don't cultivate soul servants because it consumes too much.

It may not be possible to control a powerful soul servant.

But the Demon God is different, the Demon God has enough strength to control the soul servant.

As for gender, there is no difference in the Dark Demon Realm.

Whether it is male or female, or asexual, etc., as long as you have a close enough relationship with the Demon God, and your talent is also valued by the Demon God, you can become a soul servant.

A demon god in the Dark Demon Realm often represents an extremely large power.The importance of Soul Servant is naturally reflected in how to manage these forces.

You must know that the forces controlled by the Dark Demon Realm are not only the territory of the Dark Demon Realm, but also envelop other worlds in countless wormholes.

Nowadays, in order to conquer countless other worlds, between the forces of the Unity and the Nine Demon Realms, the Hell Lord often allocates and possesses the resources of these worlds in order to better mobilize these forces to actively conquer each world.

Rather than exclusive.

Therefore, the soul service is extremely important to the demon god.

An excellent soul servant can often become the right arm of the demon god, and at the same time improve himself, then slowly become stronger, and finally inherit the blood, reach a higher level of cultivation, and reach the peak of soul life.

Ancient Demon, as a soul servant, must have enough qualifications.

What's more, the three ancestors of the Ziling family are extraordinary.

Otherwise, he would not have been valued by Diye Demon God.


Does Wang Feng know that Diye Demon God has made such a promise?

Looking at these three ancient demons, Wang Feng was lost in thought.

Diye, this old Gou, this is no fun, why would he make such a promise?

According to Ba Xia, when the three females were relatively young in the family, the Devil God discovered these three female soul demons who were not seen by the family. They possessed the blood of the ancient demons and took them away for training. Gambling.

Having made this promise again, is it possible that Cheng Diye, Lao Gou, wanted to play a development plan?

The three ancestors had a little hope in their eyes.

"This can't work."

Wang Feng slowly said, "Why didn't you say anything just now? Now I ran out and said that I wanted to become Diye's soul attendant. Besides, Diye didn't tell me that he had made this kind of promise before."

Wang Feng asked this mainly because the time lapse was too long.

"how come?"

Zi Ling Mingxing frowned, "Zun Shang clearly said that when we saw him again and became the demon lord, he would let the three of us become his soul servants, always accompanied by him, serving for life..."

She is the youngest of the three.

The second is Ziling Lunar Moon, and the largest is Ziling Xuanhui.

"That's right! And the content of the promise is that we must meet him in person to keep this promise. When we got the news from the Supreme Being, we thought it was who was pretending to be the Supreme Being. When we came, we wanted to make trouble. …Later, I saw that they were all the old ministry of the nobleman, and found that the news might be true. So I waited for the nobleman to appear..."

Zi Ling Shuoyue took a step and said seriously.

"..." Wang Feng was silent.

When Diye Demon God left that year, he should be going to the God Realm.Century Novel Network

According to the situation encountered at the Burial God's Blood Tomb, when the Diye Demon God went to the God Realm, he must have expected that it would be difficult for him to survive.

Because he understood that he could not reach the Star Soul Road, and could only be used as a chess piece to pave the way for future generations.

Death is the only choice.

Therefore, Diye made this promise.Because, he never thought about coming back alive...

Otherwise, Wang Feng couldn't figure it out. With the arrogant temperament that Di Ye showed, he needed a fart soul servant.

'Oops...Diya this plate, how come it feels a bit difficult to pick up...'

Wang Feng was speechless for a while.

To be reasonable, these three females, as ancient demons, must have the strength, which is stronger than most of these old demons before Diye in the Emperor Demon Army.

Although he is a soul demon, his body and appearance are the best choices.

It's just that this is Diye's plate. Although Wang Feng pretended to be Diye Demon God, he was not the real Diye Demon God.

That’s it, it’s a bit bad...

Moreover, for Wang Feng, the soul demon did not match Wang Feng's requirements aesthetically.

The body is too strong, this is two or three meters at every turn, it is impossible to control with a human body.

Wang Feng did not want to change his race casually.

"For this day, we have been preparing for a long time... We just want to see the Supreme with our own eyes." The last eldest sister Zi Ling Xuanhui said solemnly.

Wang Feng thought for a while, but refused to find a reason.

Suddenly a key point came to mind.

Ba Xia said before that, among the three sisters, it seems that the youngest Ziling Mingxing has absorbed new ancient demons into the family in order to inherit the blood.

This means that Zi Ling Mingxing has a partner?

Haven't they already broken this promise?

Thinking of this, Wang Feng was overjoyed, and immediately calmly said:

"Wait. According to what I know, this promise was made by Diye. But you seem to have broken this promise? She, Zi Ling Mingxing, seems to have inherited blood and has her own partner. In your Dark Demon Realm, is it possible that a married woman should be the soul servant of a demon god? Isn’t that qualified?"

"So, this promise has been broken, you don't need to say more."

After speaking, the three ancestors were taken aback for a moment, and they were silent for a while.

When Wang Feng saw it, he naturally thought this was a demon, and he was about to turn around and leave.

Unexpectedly, the two sisters beside Jubaoyan laughed out loud.

"This honorable friend, you may not understand the rules of the Dark Demon Realm..."

The Yu Xiaoxiao chuckled lightly, "These three sisters, oh, it is the Mingxing sister. She has a partner and has inherited blood... This news is true. But the inherited blood is not a partner, and, The one who inherited the blood from this sister Mingxing is also a female ancient demon..."

"..." Wang Feng was silly on the spot.

and many more.

What does this mean?

Can the same sex reproduce and inherit blood?

Wang Feng took a breath.

"Also, for the ancient demons, to reproduce offspring, there is no need to engage in mating behaviors like ours..."

Yu Xiaoxiao looked at Wang Feng narrowly, "Ancient demon is a kind of higher life, they pay attention to the mutual pregnancy of soul and blood. Simply put, only need to match the essence of the two, as long as the matching degree is high enough, If you can incorporate this fusion of soul blood into the demon's gestational body, it will automatically reproduce offspring."

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