Check in from Douluo

Chapter 1423 What Demon God Is When We Diye?

You can search for "Starting from Douluo to search for novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!"This is the most popular and popular way of reproducing offspring in the Dark Demon Realm nowadays. It does not require the traditional gestation method of our humans. Because that method is very backward in the Dark Demon Realm. It is powerful. The process of life gestation is often extremely long, which consumes the abilities of both parents and both sexes. At the same time, because the human body is gestated, both parents have more complicated emotions on their offspring."

"In the Dark Demon Realm, extra emotions will only become a stumbling block in the growth of soul demon. It will restrict their upper limit."

"But the demon embryos are different. This is a kind of magic weapon technology. The process of the offspring being bred in it will infiltrate a kind of demon storage particles. These demon particles will be in the embryonic stage of the soul demon. , It becomes a memory, stored in the embryo, and as the embryo grows, it will eventually take shape. It will become the knowledge of the brain."

"This makes these soul demons inherently possess a lot of knowledge, and there is no need to spend a lot of time the day after tomorrow, adapting to this world, and then learning."

When Wang Feng heard this, he was a little startled.

Damn, is this the Dark Demon Realm?

There are already such advanced methods of reproduction.

"Do you know why the compulsory education of the soul demon is eighteen years?"

Yu Xiaoxiao sighed softly, "Because most of the soul demon directly began to receive compulsory education as soon as they were born. Their adaptation period to this world has already begun as early as the demon's gestation. The better the soul demon. , The more demon particles can be accepted in the embryonic stage, the higher the possibility of acquired growth. Often the soul demon cultivated in this way are excellent and powerful, with firm will and belief, they have emotions, but they will not There is extra emotion."

"The Dark Demon World has gone through countless worlds, and has long been researched and found that the social structure of a world like ours. There will always be various contradictions. It is often because humans have extremely complex emotional fetters. , To friends, to wives. Especially relatives."

"And the more complex emotions, the more it will hinder the growth of the acquired. Emotions are the excellent quality of life, but the excess emotions will restrict the upper limit of life. Therefore, the dark demon world integrates many world technologies to eradicate the dark demon world itself Environment, and developed a new generation of reproduction system."


After hearing this, what else can Wang Feng say.

Bull beep.

In fact, it is.

However, Wang Feng could not agree.

This may be a higher level of life understanding.

It's just that, Wang Feng thinks... Isn't this a lot less fun?

"So... the same sex can reproduce offspring?" Wang Feng said boredly.

If this were placed in a previous life, it would be a heresy!

"Yes. Demon gestation, it can be seen as the bloodline compatibility between the two. The higher the better, as for whether it is of the same sex, it doesn’t matter. Of course, in our dark demon world, because of the demon gestation, there is no The key to reproducing offspring. You only need to provide a drop of blood and be weak for a few days. Do you want to find the same sex as a partner or the opposite sex as a partner?

Yu Xiaoxiao covered her mouth and smiled, "As for the partners, whether they need to mate like we humans do depends on individual preferences. Some soul demons like it, and some soul demons don't like it."

"Is there anything I don't like?" Wang Feng was extremely surprised.

Sure enough, is the body structure different?

The desires are all different?

"Of course..." Yu Jianxin nodded, "It's just personal preference, it's not a big deal."

"So..." Wang Feng looked at the three Ziling ancestors, "So, did I misunderstand them?"

"Yes, this sister Zi Lingmingxing doesn't have a partner. Even if she does, she is a woman. If you don't mind, this is probably a good job of buying three and getting one free." Yu Xiaoxiao whispered, "The four ancient demon soul servants, even the demon gods have to weigh and weigh. Besides, the demon gods of the Ziling family are not one or two..."


Grass, a green plant.

Wang Feng sighed in his heart.

"I can't be the master of this matter. I'll talk to you later when Diye comes out."

Say a fart.

Wang Feng didn't know what to do for a while.

To be reasonable, it was the first time that Wang Feng learned of this special method of reproduction.

Actually think about it.

If it is to think at a higher level.

The inheritance of life will only become more advanced.

It is impossible to look at civilizations of other races only with human reproduction.

Wang Feng walked back to the Emperor Demon Army with some thoughts.187 Novel

"Sir, how?"

The three demons of Ba Xia immediately surrounded Wang Feng.

Among a bunch of spirit demons, Wang Feng's figure appeared extremely small, and soon disappeared from the sight of Yu Xiaoxiao.

Not even the breath can be sensed.

"What a strange human being... he doesn't seem to have any extra aura, not the aura from the gods."

Yu Jianxin whispered, "Respect, what happened over the years? How did he become a strong human being... It's incredible. Right now in the heavens, the famous human strong from other worlds, we are inside the Jubaoyan Chamber of Commerce. They are all recorded. Moreover, a strong human being can also cause the image of the Holy Buddha and Demon Ancestor in the Dark Demon Realm, which is extremely strange...


"It's okay... The strength of these forces is just so-so." Wang Feng said casually, "Perhaps only the demon god can make the deity interested. After all, the deity is the emperor, not a cat or dog. However, it is worth mentioning. Yes, the soul demon of the present age is much stronger than when the deity was."

"It seems that this Hell Lord is really a great talent. I didn't expect to develop the Dark Demon Realm to this level."

Ba Xia looked at each other.

"What about the remaining few?" Lishan Demon Lord asked.

"The Jubaoyan Chamber of Commerce wants to be attached to the deity, they are merchants. The deity was kind to them, and they are realistic enough... This kind of power can only be used, and it uses interests as the hub, but it cannot be intimately connected."

Wang Feng groaned, "As for Ling Keyu...has a true temperament, he is sincere to the deity. It's a pity... I didn't expect these children to be so serious after so many years."

"Lingkeyu was the soul demon of the year, not the soul demon that is now cultivated through the demon's gestation. This type of soul demon is slightly weak in emotion. But the potential is huge, and their upper limit is very high. Back then. Our emotions are extremely important to us." Ba Xia Demon Lord said.

"As for the third ancestor of Ziling, he said he wanted to be the soul servant of the deity... By the way, the Ziling Mingxing you mentioned has a partner, but it is still a female ancient demon... Listen to what they mean, that treasure Yan's Yu Xiaoxiao said that this is a buy three get one free business...but this deity finds it quite interesting."

Demon Ba Xia was also stunned when he heard this.

Obviously he doesn't know much about this matter.

"This is a good thing!" Demon Lord Li Shan lowered his voice, "The four soul servants are all ancient demons. Among them, as long as one of them can match your bloodline more than 50%, inheritance The descendants that come down can inherit most of your abilities"

"What you said, it seems that everyone is a tool." Wang Feng shook his head.

"That's not true. Demon God’s soul servants have a very high status. Once they become your soul servants, their responsibilities will be even heavier. When the concept of soul servants first appeared, it was a demon god who wanted to inherit the blood. Therefore, a large number of excellent soul demons were recruited to carry on blood inheritance. However, at that time, the mating method was similar to that of humans..."

"That is thousands of soul servants, serving the demon god one by one... it's really a tool for fertility."

"It's a pity that the human mating method is too low for a powerful human. There are too many drawbacks. Later, the Dark Demon World slowly changed this method of reproduction. And the role of the soul servant has slowly changed, and It is not only used to inherit the blood of the Demon God, but also to handle many affairs under the Demon God. The role is truly manifested, so the requirements are getting higher and higher."

"So, your honor, you still accept it. The ancient devil family has extraordinary potential..."

Ba Xia hesitated and said, "Also, I forgive my subordinates for being rude...this kind of thing, you have to get used to..."

"Because there were too many people of the opposite sex who wanted to be your soul servant. Now... those opposite sexes have already had their own careers. Becoming a powerful... you return, for the current dark demon world, This may be a way to quickly grow bigger and stronger, if you want to take root in the current dark demon world..."


What do you mean?

What you mean by this is, I am a magnificent emperor, demon god, do I need to rely on women to become stronger?


Wang Feng was shaking with anger!

What kind of demon god is when I Diye?

Wang Feng immediately wanted to scold these demon kings.

No, Li Shan added:

"Even, there is a demon-level existence..."

Heard this.

Wang Feng paused for a while when he said in his throat.

Ah, is there a devil?

After a while, after a while of silence, Wang Feng asked:

"Which Demon God? Let me tell you? The deity has no impression..."

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