Check in from Douluo

Chapter 1439: Where Are You Going?

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At this moment, Wang Feng is still not afraid. The divine ring is looming on his body. The huge spiritual power and divine power are like a river flowing westward. The change becomes the source of judgment and the more terrible thunder punishment, which continues to descend from the sky.

At the same time, several incomparably blazing lights shot down from the heavenly court of Yunxiao again.Hit Wang Feng accurately.

"Dare to destroy my heavenly fierce sun formation, and die!"

An angry voice came.

Wang Feng was secretly surprised:

"What a domineering energy..."

The blazing light that came down was hard to stop even if it was a god.

If it weren't for the immortal origin, his clone would not be able to hold it.

A high probability is directly melted.

"This demon god is really direct... the Lieyang Shenguang of Lieyang Heavenly Dao, he directly resists..."

The Monkey King on the side felt very peculiar, "I'm really not afraid of death... No, he has resisted several blazing suns, is it just to break through the great formation of Yunxiao Heavenly Court? So that his colleagues can create opportunities?"

It seems to be consistent with what the Monkey King thought.

Wang Feng immediately retracted the origin of the trial, his figure changed, and he laughed in a slightly weak tone:

"The task of the deity has been completed, and then I will leave it to you!"

Say, Wang Feng turned into a streamer and fled away.

There was a sudden sudden burst in the sky of heaven, and in an instant, countless figures appeared, just about to chase.

But he was stopped by a man with an ancient face and general appearance.

"You don't need to chase after him. He has received the blazing sun divine light and won't live for long. This extraterritorial demon god just got up to inquire. Then there may be more powerful demon gods. That's what we have to deal with. And this one monkey…"

The man's voice just fell.

A terrible breath suddenly emerged from the void.

In a moment, the general male's eyes shrank slightly.

"Come! Another unfamiliar who is the main attacker, lock him! The first destructive blow! Don't let him have any chance to shoot!"

the other side.

Monkey King was also secretly feeling.

The Demon God was too stupid to expose his plan in this way.

After he left, another demon god who was about to appear next, not to mention the Lieyang Heavenly Dao, Sun Wukong himself would give him another chance to shoot.

Sun Wukong looked at Lieyang Heavenly Dao and snorted coldly, "It seems that Lieyang Heavenly Dao has the same idea as my old grandson. Anyway, they are all outsiders, first destroy one!"

In this case.

Yujiang Demon God is here.

He followed Diye through the wormhole.

Even, in order to smoothly pass through this wormhole, Yujiang Demon God also suppressed his own strength, using a secret technique of the Dark Demon Realm to temporarily seal part of his energy aura.

It's just that this kind of secret technique is more troublesome and has a duration.

After passing through the wormhole, he needs to rest and break the seal to restore his original strength.

But it didn't matter, Diye Demon God dared to enter the wormhole at will, he played with attention, Yu Jiang knew clearly.

It is nothing more than trying to lead oneself into another world without being suppressed by the rules of the Dark Demon Realm.

In this way, the power of killing God will decrease.

His odds of winning will be higher.

"It's a pity, it's a pity, Diye, since you use this method, doesn't this mean that you think that your own strength is far inferior to the deity? Otherwise, with your temperament, how could you use this method? Forcibly enter the wormhole. ?"

Thinking of this, the Yujiang Demon God was excited.

The demon gods of the old days, if you want to say who is the most famous, it is Diye.

Except for Qingluo, the old demon gods of the old school had not been guilty of Diye Demon God?

Thinking about grabbing Diye Demon God in the palm of his hand and ravaging it, thinking about it makes Yujiang Demon God extremely excited!

"Diye, so many missing pieces, I didn't expect you to have become so weak!"

As soon as he got out of the wormhole, the Yujiang Demon God couldn’t help shouting, “Get out and die...what a ghost...” Novel Bar

The voice did not fall.

The attacks that had been accumulated for a long time in the Cloud Heavenly Court, as well as the giant golden cudgel that was condensed thousands of meters in length on the side of Monkey King, directly fell on the Yujiang Demon God.

The terrifying aura shook the demon soul of Yujiang Demon God almost instantly, and his consciousness was almost blurred.

For a moment, he thought it was Diye Demon God who was ambushing himself.

But this was obviously two attacks, and they came from different directions. How could it be Diye?

But at this moment, Yujiang Demon God was confused.

These two attacks are uncomfortable.

His current strength was temporarily sealed, and he hadn't had time to unlock it just after he came out.

Two terrible attacks are like waiting for a long time.

In the calculation?

Could it be that Diye Demon God has cultivated an extremely terrifying force in this small plane?

Thinking of this, the Yujiang Demon God felt a chill, fearing his life.

'To the effect!Diye that dog thing, although he was a little mad back then, he was definitely not a stupid one.Why did he escape into this small plane because he was afraid of me?I'm afraid it was arranged long ago!Moreover, the wormhole channel here is not displayed in the God Killing Terminal, it is obviously formed after tomorrow, and it appears inexplicably, which is strange!'

Thinking of this, Yujiang Demon God felt a chill:

'Is it all his calculations?Although the Dark Demon Realm has changed a lot, Diye cannot be unfamiliar.This wormhole was caused by this small plane deliberately.And Qingluo... she is obsessed with Diye Demon God, and it is reasonable to say that Diye Demon God returns through Wujiang Demon Realm. How can she not deliberately send me a signal... It looks like she asked me to test Diye Demon God, in fact, I am afraid that I have not been with him long ago. Diye demon god colluded!'

'All these are calculations, definitely Diye's calculations!'

Yujiang Demon God seemed to have figured out everything, secretly regretting.

Di Ye calculated like this, in fact, it must be that his strength has declined, so he used this method to reduce his strength!


Yujiang Devil felt the explosion of his body.

Careless, careless!

"I returned at this time, but I was seriously injured. If I bear two more attacks, my vitality will be severely injured... At this time, the state of the strength seal, the timing is too good. The dog thing Diye knows that the deity hates him deeply. …It will inevitably use the seal of magic to temporarily seal part of the dark magic power to get through the wormhole safely..."

The Yujiang Demon God spit out a foul breath.

This turbid air quickly turned into an endless territory, like the world of Dharma, suppressed in the sky in an instant.

"The world is boundless! Open!"

The Yujiang Demon God spit out a few mouthfuls of pitch-black blood, the origin bloomed, forcibly broke part of the seal, and used the origin, which would cause his origin to suffer certain damage.

But it is enough to be able to safely return to the Dark Demon Realm right now!

The endless territory, which looks like a phantom, is like a barrier between heaven and earth, hanging out in the void.

Immediately resisted the remaining attacks of Lieyang Heavenly Court and Monkey King.

In the next moment, the Yujiang Demon God will return directly to the Wormhole and the Dark Demon Realm.

"Go, Yujiang Demon God, since it's here, did I let you go back?"

At this moment, a lofty phantom rose from the distance.

It is a figure.

Yujiang Demon God had the impression that he was a human powerhouse who shined in Yunhai Customs when Diye returned.

Unexpectedly, he also appeared here.

This shows even more that this is definitely the arrangement of Diye Demon God!

Because that wormhole could only be arranged by Diye Demon God, it was possible for the human powerhouse to step in and ambush himself.

And it's the kind that makes no sound.

However, the human powerhouse in front of him seemed a little different.

The breath exuding from him is extremely strange.

In his hand, he also holds a shadowy axe.

It is this axe.

A feeling of extreme danger gave the Yujiang Demon God a premonition that he was about to be destroyed.

Very strong!

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