Check in from Douluo

Chapter 1440 Explosion, destruction!

You can search for "Starting from Douluo to search for novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!The premonition of death, at this moment, is extremely strong.

As if time were still, the next moment, the figure suddenly jumped into the sky, like a starry sky, holding that strange axe, turning it into a silver light and smashing it down.

The huge silver light seemed to link the sky and the earth, and even the battleship of the blazing sun in the sky could not withstand this axe light.

It fell directly on Yujiang Demon God.

The whole world seemed to be cut into two pieces directly from the sky.

The silver light divided the world into two halves.

Yujiang Demon God suddenly widened his eyes, and looked at the silver light passing through his body in disbelief.

Countless energy spilled from his body, exploding and filling the world like an explosion, and a sparkling spine of the godslayer flew out from the broken body of the demon god of the border, with a cloud of devil soul wrapped in mist. , Quickly got into the impulse that had already oscillated.


In the air, only a lingering sound remained.

I heard it from a distance, but I couldn't hear any emotion.

The world is silent.

The explosive energy of the devil's body, several consecutive magic rings burst, almost instantly enough to destroy the world.


Looking at the boundless energy, Wang Feng's pupils flashed in his eyes.

The chaotic green lotus in the palm of the hand bloomed, nine spirit rings of strange colors flickered from Wang Feng, and at the same time, the black lotus of the third form bloomed quietly.

Like a funnel, it absorbs the explosive energy of a magic body.

"The body of the Yujiang Demon God is shattered, and only the Demon Soul is left. No accident, it can only be repaired, or can only enter the reincarnation well of the Samsara Well, even if the Dark Demon Realm is returned, there are only two options."

While absorbing Wang Feng's heart, he pondered.

Since he came into this world, he has been thinking about how to kill the Yujiang Demon God.

Whether it is Lieyang Heavenly Dao or Monkey King, it is impossible for Wang Feng to gain their trust in the first place, let alone join hands with them.

Therefore, we can only pretend to be the aggressor and direct the conflicts at the Yujiang Demon God.

After all, with his current strength, it is really impossible to kill the Yujiang Demon God.

But if you combine Yunxiao Tianting and Monkey King, together, plus yourself, Wang Feng is 90% sure.

He has now fully comprehended the middle story of the One Qi Transformed into the Three Clears, and the clone and the body do not distinguish between you and me.Even in this world, part of the body's abilities can be used.

Therefore, Wang Feng did not hesitate to choose, using the Pan Gu Axe Martial Spirit, the first time the Yujiang Devil suffered from Monkey King and Yunxiao Heaven.

Immediately shot, the Yujiang Demon God hacked to death with an axe.

Of course the devil is not so easy to kill.

The demon body of the Yujiang Demon God had been shattered, but the demon soul was still there.

The soul of the devil is extremely powerful.

Although Pangu Axe Martial Spirit can now display extremely strong strength in Wang Feng, a single axe can only chop off the demon body of the Demon God of Jiang Jiang.

Cannot destroy the Demon Soul directly.

This is enough.

At least solved, this time the dilemma.

That Yujiang Demon God was seriously injured during this trip, even if he continued to live, it was impossible to maintain the same strength as before.

"It seems to have used Monkey King and Yunxiao Heaven... Otherwise, it hasn't been so smooth."

Wang Feng let out a sigh of relief.

The energy of the demon body's explosion is very terrifying, obviously this kind of explosion is not unintentional.

But Yujiang Demon God knew that his demon body was bound to die, so he exploded.

The demon's body exploded, enough to easily destroy hundreds of planets of this level.

Fortunately, Wang Feng directly used the third form of Chaos Qinglian, Black Lotus.

The role of black lotus is to absorb energy.

After ten thousand years of precipitation, the chaotic green lotus spirit has not changed much, but in that ten thousand years, Wang Feng's body has reached full level.

Chaos Qinglian Martial Spirit has also cultivated to the extreme, and on top, it is realizing.

This is true in all forms.

In the form of a martial soul, it was not reluctant to transform into a black lotus to absorb the energy generated by the explosion of the devil's body.

Of course it is impossible to fully absorb it.

At the time of the explosion, part of it was taken by the Heavenly Clouds.

Moreover, it is obvious that Yunxiao Heavenly Court is obviously not comfortable.

Previously, Wang Feng used all the power of the clone to defeat the large formation outside the Cloud Sky Heavenly Court with Judgment Origin.

Right now, he was directly subjected to this kind of explosion, and directly exploded the Yunxiao Heavenly Court.

Countless warriors even turned to ashes.

The city below was also transformed into nothingness in this explosion.

But because Monkey King and Lieyang Heavenly Dao had been fighting for a while, the humans in that city had already retreated.

But only a single Monkey King was injured in this explosion.

Wang Feng absorbed it with black lotus, and suffered any more damage.

The energy is annihilated, as if only in an instant.

The rate of absorption is also extremely fast.

It didn't take long for the heaven and earth to restore peace.

Only the remaining crack in the sky can't be dissipated.

There are countless tiny cracks in the air.

"Huh... finally over."

Wang Feng took a deep breath and looked around.

With emotion in my heart.

If it hadn't been for this Lieyang Heavenly Dao and Monkey King this time, it really might not have been able to kill the demon body of the Yujiang Demon God.

"The wormhole was affected by the explosion. I don't know that when I return, it will not be in place... It should be impossible. The demon soul of the Yujiang Demon God passes through the wormhole..." Love Book Bar

But there is no way for this kind of thing.

If you want to kill the Demon God, there are always many things that you cannot predict.

Thinking of this, Wang Feng looked back at the world and saw a golden cudgel pointing at the tip of his nose from a far distance.

"who are you?"

The armor of Monkey King's whole body was shattered, and there were countless wounds on his body.

The explosion just now was not a joke.

Without the black lotus in Wang Feng's hands, this planet would be annihilated instantly, and countless lives would be reduced to ashes.

It even extends to the galaxy where this planet is located.

"They are all fellow villagers, there is no need to be so hostile, right?"

A smile appeared on Wang Feng's face, "Great Sage, am I not a human being? To be precise, I am a human being on this planet in another parallel universe. I am flowing with pure human blood."

Monkey King was taken aback, and obviously he didn't quite understand this statement.

"Forget it, I can't tell you clearly." Wang Feng took back the black lotus. At this time, the strength of the body could be used for a while, then he swung out the golden lotus, and countless golden lights fell on Monkey King.

Monkey King's body was shaken, his injuries not only showed signs of naked eyes, but he immediately recovered.

Even the body has become stronger!

Jin Lian's deified spirit ability had a terrifying effect on the Douluo Continent, and it didn't seem to be weakened in other worlds.

Jinlian itself can not only improve combat power, but also has various extremely abnormal recovery effects.

"This is... a magical power." Monkey King retracted the golden cudgel and looked at Wang Feng several times.

This human being is surprisingly powerful.

The demon god was destroyed with an axe just now.

This is too strong.

Just now Yunxiao Tianting worked with him, but they didn't destroy the Demon God.

He was cut off with an axe.

In fact, Monkey King did not know the situation of Yujiang Demon God.

Wang Feng just now was just a function similar to a knife, and of course it also caused great damage to the Yujiang Demon God.

"Cool?" Wang Feng asked.

"Don't tell me, what is this lotus flower in your hand?" Monkey King scratched his neck, "It's pretty good...My current state, I feel that Pan Zhen is not my opponent."

"If this is the case, then go." Wang Feng smiled and said, "I won't bother you to protect this planet."

After speaking, Wang Feng glanced at the Yunxiao Heavenly Court.

The Heavenly Clouds Sky is so huge, but the bigger the thing, the stronger the explosion power it received just now.

Even if this heavenly court of Yunxiao hadn't been blown up, it might have lost many functions for a while.

"Wait, my grandson asked you, what is your name?"

Monkey King asked.

"My name is... Jiuyikai." Wang Feng said casually.

"September One Open..." Monkey King said bluntly, "What a bad name..."

Wang Feng smiled, no longer staying, holding the main body with a bit of prestige, and immediately entered the disappearing wormhole.

The explosion just now was terrible.

Even if Wang Feng absorbs it in time, the wormhole will be affected and I am afraid it will be annihilated.

If you don't return in time, I'm afraid you won't be able to return to the Dark Demon Realm.

Seeing Wang Feng leaving, Monkey King waved his golden cudgel.

He received the blessing of Jinlian, although it only lasted an hour, it was enough.

Because at this time, there is not much vigor in the Yunxiao Heavenly Court.

"Pan Zhen, come down to your grandpa!"

Monkey King flew to the heaven of clouds...

In the heaven.

Pan Zhen looked at the broken heaven around him with a gloomy expression.

He doesn't feel right.

The previous Diye Demon God was defeated so easily by them, and in the end another Demon God came.

But this demon god was unexpectedly powerful.

The strangest thing is the human being that appeared last.

Destroy with one blow.

With such a powerful strength, Pan Zhen has lived for so long and has never heard of it in the universe.

Now it appears on this planet.

It really has to make people jealous.

Now it's gone again, which is really weird.

"General, we are stationed on the immortal boat outside the atmosphere, and we sense a familiar breath, and are coming to our side!"

At this time, a soldier with scars all over his body reported, "It is the breath of an angel."

"Angel?" Pan Zhen's eyes flashed with cold light. "The energy just now was filled with the aura of destruction and evil. That's right, even though the explosion of such a huge energy was absorbed by that human being, it disappeared immediately, but... this place is far away. The Angel Nebula is very far away. Can they sense it so quickly?"

"It should be angels patrolling nearby galaxies or performing special missions in nearby galaxies."

The soldier whispered.

Suddenly, he muttered a few words, and a talisman seal appeared in the air, and the talisman seal immediately turned into a holographic projection.

"Lieyang Heavenly Dao? You are not staying at Lieyang Star, what are you doing here? Also, why does this planet burst into such a powerful energy fluctuation? Evil, violent...what the hell are you doing?"

The holographic projection turned into an angel wearing silver armor and a pair of white wings on its back.

"You are a patrolling angel who is also qualified to ask this seat?" Pan Zhen's eyes were cold, as if through time and space, just with aura, he directly destroyed the projection in front of him.

But soon, another holographic projection appeared in front of Pan Zhen.

"What about me?" accompanied by a cold and arrogant voice.

Seeing this figure, Pan Zhen's eyes condensed, "The right-wing guard of the dignified sacred Keisha, the most powerful warrior of Angel Nebula, is certainly qualified. Angel...Maple."

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