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At the end of the Star Soul Road, the sea of ​​reincarnation.

Xiyue stood in this endless ocean like a nine-day goddess.

Looking up at the sky, the sky reflecting the golden ocean seems to be able to reflect the glory of the universe.

"It's really a man of love. It's a pity, I helped you find her position, can you find her again?"

Xiyue whispered in a low voice, "Life is born with its mission. She has her mission, and you have your mission. The more powerful the existence of the vast universe, the more it can feel its own insignificance. Infinite universe, between life and life , There will always be many causal reasons. If you can go smoothly in the Dark Demon Realm, it's fine. If it doesn't go well, I am afraid that you will have nothing in the end. In the end, only loneliness and darkness will accompany you."

"It's another reincarnation, Yuan Jie, the person you are looking for this time, I don't know if it will succeed."

"The calamity of the universe is approaching. In this era, I don't know how many worlds will disappear, be born, reincarnate, and...

She murmured.

Touching the void with her fingertips, endless golden waves surging on her fingertips, finally forming a picture.

"However, is this news to tell you, or not to tell you?"

Xiyue's index finger bent and pressed her chin lightly, looking at the scene.

In the picture.

It was a woman with three wings behind her, incarnation of endless golden light, entered a space-time passage in the void space, and then disappeared.

"After all, she is the angel god of my god realm. She has been strengthened and evolved in that universe, and has mastered even more mysterious means. She still cannot erase the mark of the gods."

Xiyue laughed suddenly, "It's also interesting, so I won't tell you for now. Although this is one of your conditions at the beginning. But you didn't say that, if you find it, you will tell you immediately. Now tell you, you too Nothing can be done..."

"It won't be too late for you to fully control the power of Origin Tribulation, find her and become the true God King of Origin Tribulation."


Dark Demon World.

Borderless Demon Realm.

Soon after Yujiang Demon God entered that wormhole.

The demon ship waiting for the victory return of the Yujiang Demon God is still displayed in the sky.

The actions of the Yujiang Demon God are great.

The magic ships under his hands were dispatched together, and soon the entire Borderless Demon Realm was alarmed.

This is the Demon God's fleet, and the forces dare not stare at it all the time.

Moreover, dispatching this number of fleets is enough to prove that the Yujiang Demon God is going to do something big.

This is afraid that this kind of fleet will be dispatched only when a border war is initiated.

Soon, many spirit demons figured it out, it turned out to be to deal with Diye Demon God.

That's all right.

Basically, as long as it is a slightly old soul demon, they have basically heard about the hatred of the Diye Demon God and the Yujiang Demon God from the elders of the elders.

No, it was precisely the hatred of the nine demon gods and Diye at the time.

When he was in the Yuanhai Demon Realm before, the Demon God of the Wild Sea did not take action, mainly because the Demon God of the Wild Sea did not belong to the Demon God of the old age.

It is the demon god of the new era, belonging to the kind of extremely talented and unparalleled talent.137 Novel Network

The degree of hatred between the people and the Diye Demon God is not high, and even if they try to make a trial, they will never use such a large fleet.

This was obviously because he wanted Diye to die.

Killing is very serious.

Soon, after receiving this news, many forces came here secretly, not asking for clarity, but also for the results.

Few demons dispatched such a large fleet.

Of course, this is more for deterrence.

There are also some soul demons who have lived for a long time, secretly saying that this is the demon god of Yujiang to be bold.

Because in the old days, the Yujiang Demon God was very persuasive to the Emperor Ye Demon God, and he didn't even dare to face it directly.

For a time, around this desolate area, there were many magical shadows inside and out.

"You old soul demon, you are talking nonsense. The Demon God of the Borders is one of the nine highest in our Dark Demon Realm. How could he be afraid of Nadi? Or for boldness, you are afraid that you don't know how strong the Demon God of the Borders is. Right?"

Tens of miles away from the wormhole, a young high-ranking spirit demon sneered.

This young upper-ranking soul demon may be only two or three hundred years old, which is considered very young.

There are several young high-ranking spirit demons beside him, most of them are the outstanding descendants of the major demon house families in the Wujiang Demon Realm.

Hearing that the Yujiang Demon God led his own fleet, came here to sack the Diye Demon God, and immediately ran over excitedly to see the result.

Opposite them, there was an elderly old soul demon standing.

This old soul demon is rickety, only two meters tall, skinny, he doesn't have much flesh to look at, and his face is extremely terrifying.

It was like putting a layer of human skin on the skull.

In the soul demon, it also belongs to a different kind.

"What do you young people know?"

The old soul demon smiled without saying a word, and shook his head, "That Yujiang Demon God is in your borderless demon realm, and is the object of worship of you young people. It is also the demon god that countless soul demon powers fear. But we have come from the old age. In the eyes of the soul demon... he was just catching up to the cusp of the storm. In a word from a certain human plane, that is, standing on the cusp of the storm, a beast could fly. If not..."


When several high-ranking spirit demons heard this, no matter how they could bear it, they immediately shot the old thing and beat them violently.

Anyway, this old thing looked unfamiliar.

I don't know where it came from.

"Now young and young, I like to do it." The old soul demon had a dead wood in his hand, and his expression remained unchanged. "Also, I am in a good mood today. I will talk to you. Back when the Yujiang Demon God was still the Demon Lord, then Shidiye Demon God was just recruited by Hell. At that time, the strength of Diye Demon God was at best the same as Yujiang Demon God, or even weaker. Later, when Yujiang Demon God became Demon Lord, Diye had already become Demon God. Later, when Diye’s name shook the Demon Realm, the Yujiang Demon God was still the Demon Lord. It was not until Diye was proclaimed as one of the nine great Demon Gods by the Lord that he reluctantly became a Demon God.”

"However, when the Yujiang Demon God was in the Demon Lord, he had already forged a grudge with the Diye Demon God. Before, he had always wanted to catch up. It is a pity that the gap between him and Diye is just like the distance between us in the Dark Demon Realm. The Wild Sea Demon Territory is the same as the Heavenly Demon Territory, with a difference of seven demon territories.

The old soul demon looked at the imposing fleet in the distance.

A trace of contempt flashed in his eyes.

"You know, why did the Yujiang Demon God have grievances with the Diye Demon God for what?"

"Love?" a high-ranking demon soul probe said.

"Not bad." The old soul demon glanced at him, admiringly said, "All the intelligent beings in this world cannot escape a love word. The same is true for our soul demon. A love word has no cause, but it is a devourer. Medicine. A woman who was obsessed with the Demon God of Yujiang back then. And this woman only fell in love with the Demon God, who was in the dark demon world at the time. The Demon God of Yujiang, at the beginning, in fact, his heart was not bad. I just want this woman to be happy. Tsk tsk tsk, it’s a pity that the Devil God rejected this woman’s courtship. She made that woman better than dead... But even so, she didn’t choose the Demon God of Yujiang."

"This makes the Yujiang Demon God hate Diye."

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