Check in from Douluo

Chapter 1454 Mysterious Figure

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Such a huge amount of faith energy and the life belief contained therein are extremely terrifying.

Even the devil may not be able to suddenly bear such a terrifying life belief.

Moreover, these life beliefs are not the minds of mortal life.It is the life belief of this race behind the Red God Soldier.

This is not an ordinary race.

It is the life that can stand in the starry sky of the universe.

Therefore, when absorbing the first energy of faith, Wang Feng knew it was not so good.

Too big!


Wang Feng felt that his soul had fallen into the quagmire of those life beliefs, unable to get out.

At this time, his soul could not even leave the clone.

"I knew I should first absorb the explosion..."

Wang Feng regretted his somewhat stupid decision.

I'm really used to taking one bite to become a fat man.

No way, Wang Feng still has too little understanding of this Scarlet God Soldier.

At this point, Wang Feng could only forcefully absorb it.

Endless energy of faith flows around Wang Feng like a nebula.

Follow Wang Feng and begin to spin and condense.

However, after absorbing less than ten Red God Soldiers, a divine ring was already condensed.

At this level, I am afraid that the Divine Ring can directly condense three Dao, or even more.

But the soul may not be able to bear it.

"Blessings and disasters, I can only grit my teeth... If the soul can't support the life beliefs in these faith energies, I am afraid that this is the end of the way of this clone, and even the body will be affected.

Wang Feng's heart was calm, and the anagram started to work unmovingly.

In the hope that through this secret method, to restore the soul.

But unfortunately, it was just in vain.

The race to which the Red God Soldier belongs belongs to the Red God Sky Fox.It is not so easy for beings who can overlook the starry sky in the universe and want to bear their life will.

Soon, the second divine ring condensed.

As soon as this god ring came out, Wang Feng directly broke through the 100th level.

The upper limit was raised to level 110.

It also means that Wang Feng can now cultivate to the 110th level.

"No way...I can't bear it...but at least there are close to twenty Red God soldiers exploding faith energy..."

When the first energy of faith was absorbed, Wang Feng couldn't control it.

His body was like a whirlpool in the sea, rushing crazily toward Wang Feng's body.

"Could it be that my clone is gone..."

Wang Feng took a deep breath.

If this clone is gone.

Then there is only the body, not to mention the great loss of strength, it is equivalent to all these encounters in the past, have disappeared.

Equals nothing.

The collapse of the soul made Wang Feng weak.

He couldn't find any way to change the situation at this time.

"and many more…"

In his confusion, Wang Feng vaguely remembered something.

The two god rings have broken through the 100th level.

It means that the fifth source of Origin Jie Divine King should have been awakened, right?

Suddenly, Wang Feng's soul was shocked.

A bright purple light lit up from Wang Feng's body.

In an instant, Wang Feng's body instantly changed to its original state.

The fifth purple line on the body seemed to be infused with powerful energy, shining incomparably.

"The Fifth Origin, Devour."

This is the source of the extremely powerful God King Origin Tribulation.

When he was in the God Realm, King Yuan Jie used this source to directly swallow a star in the universe, and then stayed in the God Realm as a basic energy source.

As you can imagine, this source is powerful.

Wang Feng's eyes brightened up.

The moment when this purple light appeared, it was like the sun, absorbing the energy of faith around it.

Seeing this, Wang Feng was a little groggy and surprised.

"Good risk, good risk!"

Feeling the energy of these beliefs, swallowed and absorbed by this light, Wang Feng's soul was relieved.ok composition network

Devour the source.

At the moment of awakening, Wang Feng knew what this original function was.

Swallow disillusionment everything.

"I don't know if it's strong or not, but it's true in time."

As the excess faith energy was absorbed by the Devouring Source, Wang Feng's breath began to stabilize.

The two dazzling divine circles on his body are like a shadow.

Adjust your breath for another hour.

It wasn't until all the remaining energy had been absorbed by the Devouring Origin that Wang Feng slowly opened his eyes.

"Blessed and bad..."

Wang Feng murmured.

With his current state, it is extremely difficult to improve.

Divine Ring is not so cohesive.

In the Dark Demon Realm, those spirit demons who want to condense the magic ring need to go to other worlds through the wormhole to conquer life and condense faith.

A little carelessness is a common occurrence.

There are so many wormholes in the Dark Demon Realm, and some worlds are unexpectedly powerful.

It is even possible to encounter a colonized planet of another cosmic power.

Especially opening up those new types of wormholes is very dangerous.

"One hundred and one level, the level of this clone has completely surpassed the ontology."

Wang Feng thought.

But the strength is hard to say.

The two spirits of the body are particularly special, although they are only spirit rings, not god rings.

But the body is comprehending the origin of life, comprehending for so long.

The spirit ring had long since changed.

In other words, the strength of the body is always changing.

Nor is it static.

But to be specific, Wang Feng couldn't tell who is strong or weak.

From the current point of view, the ontology should still be stronger.

Opened his eyes and looked around.

The Red God Soldier disappeared, and the surroundings looked empty.


At the center of the space, at some point, a tombstone appeared.

There is no trace on the monument.

Wang Feng frowned, is this still there?

These scarlet soldiers are troublesome enough, if there are more...

Wang Feng wasn't afraid when he arrived, there were two more divine circles right now.

To put it bluntly, even if the nine demon gods were here, Wang Feng didn't need to use his strength, it should be enough to defeat them.

However, this Crimson God and Sky Fox family is not a life in the Dark Demon Realm, but a life in the outer universe.

Those who believe in the life will in the energy, let Wang Feng only know some outlines.

Probably, in order to escape the calamity of the universe, the Red God Celestial Fox family chose to come to this place and inherit the follow-up.

This was simply analyzed by Wang Feng based on those life wills.

As for whether it was right, Wang Feng didn't know.

Walked to the tombstone that was less than ten meters away.

In an instant, countless densely packed ancient texts appeared on the tombstone.

Wang Feng didn't know any of them, it must be the words of the Red God Tianhu family.

It doesn't matter if you don't understand, Wang Feng just wrote it down.

Then, the tombstone disappeared.

At the moment of disappearance, a light and shadow suddenly emerged from the center of the tombstone.

In the light and shadow, there is a figure.

She has a human body, dressed in exquisite and gorgeous dress with incomparable respect and inferiority, with a white crown on top of her head, and her face has only a rough outline, which is very vague.But Wang Feng could tell from the outline that he had never seen it.

This figure is sitting on a triangular tripod, which looks extraordinary.

However, this person's ears are the kind of triangular fox ears.

Wang Feng took a look, but did not see any tail behind.

This is the Red God Sky Fox?

Looks a lot like humans.

Immediately afterwards, the figure slowly spoke. This time, it was the human words that Wang Feng could understand:

"Being here and seeing the emperor, it means that you have passed those scarlet soldiers. I didn't expect that Nana would rather die than forget the human beings, but she still has some ability..."

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