Check in from Douluo

Chapter 1455 You have no choice!

You can search for "Starting from Douluo to search for novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!Wang Feng squinted.

When he knew the race of the Scarlet God Soldier was called the Scarlet God Sky Fox, Wang Feng had guessed it.

I didn't expect it to be so.


In other words, is it Hu Liena?

Wang Feng's heart was shocked.

Hu Liena's news disappeared very early.

After entering the sacred mountain seal, Hu Liena also rarely appeared.

Later, through the consciousness that Bibi Dong left behind in Federation Wuhun City, it seemed that Hu Liena had gone to the Dark Demon Realm the earliest.

The specific reason is unknown.

Later, Bibi Dong wanted to go to the Dark Demon Realm for this reason.

But at this moment, after hearing what the figure said, Wang Feng's heart was stunned.

Not surprisingly, Hu Liena should have been implicated in the Red God Tianhu family.

The specific situation is unknown, but it is clear that this family should have taken Hu Liena away from the Dark Demon Realm.

Only this divine forbidden space was left, and it seemed that it was still aimed specifically at himself.

In fact, when he learned about this series of things from Dream Soul City, Wang Feng probably understood that this matter was aimed at himself.

"Are you the Scarlet God Sky Fox?" Wang Feng looked at the figure.

Wang Feng knew that this figure was just a ray of spiritual thought.

"Red God Sky Fox..."

The figure above the cauldron on the high seat glanced at Wang Feng, "It turns out that you have absorbed the faith energy of those Scarlet God Soldiers. With your strength, it should not be enough to defeat the 72 Scarlet God Soldiers. In this way, it has three points of potential."

Wang Feng frowned slightly.

This imposing figure is full of a cosmic tone.

At first glance, the existence of the old monster level.

And it's an old monster that really moves across the universe.

"Do I have the potential to care about your ass..." Wang Feng scanned the figure and said lightly, "Is Hu Liena with you?"

"Oh?" The voice of the figure seemed a little surprised, "Why, are you still a little dissatisfied? Ridiculous, ridiculous, if it weren't for the child's infatuation, you thought you could really leave this divine forbidden space alive? You know, this kind of space is just How much resources do you need to spend when the cost comes out? Do you think there are only 72 Red God soldiers?"

"Of course I don't think there are only 72 Red God soldiers in this area, so what?" Wang Feng squinted at the figure.

He knew that in this space, there were definitely more than 72 Scarlet God soldiers.

There must be more powerful lives.

This kind of space is comparable to an independent small world.

But it is imprisoned.

The outside world cannot sense it.

Wang Feng couldn't even sense the body.

It is conceivable that this kind of created space is terrible.

"It seems that you are really not afraid of death." The voice of the figure paused slightly, "Nothing, that is, I promised that child, the emperor will not care about you, a hypocritical god."

"The space here, according to the agreement, since you have defeated 72 Red God soldiers, this emperor should send you the forbidden space here."

Upon hearing this, Wang Feng's heart moved.

Oh, there is such a good thing?

This kind of divine forbidden space is absolutely awesome.

This is nothing compared to the Sumina Ring, or the space artifact.

This is a powerful little world that even gods can imprison.

Moreover, Wang Feng also sensed that there was a very powerful energy in it.

It's just that this energy is so special that it can't be absorbed by himself.

"But..." the voice of the figure changed, "Accepting the divine forbidden space of the emperor, you are considered to be recognized by the emperor. That is, the recognition of the red god Tianhu family. The emperor family can't help but love, and you and The relationship between Nana, the emperor can admit. However, you can never have any more opposite sex by your side. You can answer..."

"No." 110 Literature


The voice of the figure stagnated.

It seemed that Wang Feng answered so decisively.

Did not even think.

She smiled.

It seemed to be laughed angrily.

For many years, she has not been laughed so angry.

"You're welcome to tell you..." Wang Feng thought for a while, "I wanted to be more powerful at the beginning, that is, I wanted to find several beautiful partners... The deity has always been the same. This will has never changed, and now I have found Yes, you told me to give up, so I would give up?"


The figure was silent.

"I can go from a small mortal to this step. Of course, the deity admits that I have luck and help. But without this motivation and original intention, then I may not be able to go to this step." Wang Feng said lightly. Said, "As far as I am concerned, I can't give up any of the confidantes beside me. Neither will Lena."

"Such an old-fashioned choice, I can tell you directly, it's boring, and there is no need to choose. Don't worry about this divine forbidden space, Lena, I will find it myself."

"Presumptuous!" After a while, the figure drank lightly.

In an instant, the void vibrated.

A sacred majesty, wrapped in a supreme aura, shook away from the shadow of this figure.

Even though, this divine forbidden space seems to be shattered at any time.

Wang Feng was shocked.

The divine thoughts left over in this mere tract have such a divine might.

This is definitely beyond the realm above the devil god.

It is also an unknown realm above the divine king that the divine realm is struggling to pursue.

"Who do you think you are!" The shadow said coldly, "The emperor never gave you a choice, just telling you. If have no choice, since you don't want to, the emperor will help you deal with it! Final warning You once, Wang Feng, you have no choice."

Wang Feng frowned.

This solemn tone...

After all, Wang Feng only felt a shock.

There seemed to be countless tremors from deep in the soul.

Countless memories, as if they were being split, were cut into pieces and shattered into nothingness.

Wang Feng was shocked.

"Wang Feng, you absorbed the faith energy of the Scarlet God Soldier. Do you think the faith energy of the Scarlet God Soldier is so easy to withstand? What you absorbed is the faith energy of the Scarlet God Celestial Fox Royal Family. Originally, the emperor could not invade you at will His soul, tampering with the memory. But since you have absorbed the faith energy of the Scarlet God Soldier, it is a pity that all the faith energy of your clan is controlled by the emperor."

"Even if you absorb it, in a short time, it is impossible to turn all these belief energies into your own divine power. The emperor wants to use your condensed two god rings to annihilate part of your memory. It is simply too easy !"

Wang Feng was shocked.

I didn't expect this to be the case at all.

His memory is disappearing quickly!

And it is the memory of other women.

Ning Rongrong, Zhu Zhuqing, Qian Renxue, etc.

Even after coming out of the sacred mountain, most of the memories of women who were close to them were all annihilated.

The disappearance and fragmentation of the memory made Wang Feng's soul swell, and he couldn't bear the break for a while, and he passed out in a coma.

It can't be stopped at all.

As the figure said, the duration is very short.

It is this very short time that Wang Feng seems to have passed a century.

The figure looked at Wang Feng who had passed out into a coma and sneered a few times, only to see her stretch out a hand slightly.

This space disappeared instantly.

Instead, it turned into a thumb-sized diamond, which landed on Wang Feng's forehead, and then printed it.


Afterwards, the figure snorted coldly and glanced at Wang Feng, as if remembering the other side's edge.Then disappeared...

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