Check in from Douluo

Chapter 1459 Thunder punishment is invalid, the breath of heaven

You can search for "Starting from Douluo to search for novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!Wang Feng looked up.

A terrifying demon shadow sprang out from the water of the Tianming River.


Cultivate the devil soul, condense the life formed by the ghost body.

Most of them are unwilling to enter the well of reincarnation and reincarnate, and the dead life of the dark demon world is formed by entering the Styx on this day.

Ordinary demon monarchs who want to become demons in their cultivation will definitely suffer from heavenly condemnation, because their causal power is too heavy, they can't condense ghost bodies at all, and die under heavenly condemnation.

But Tian Styx is different, Tian Styx can suppress and even absorb the power of causality in their devil souls, allowing them to cultivate more smoothly.

Only then can the ghost body be condensed and stepped into this way.

However, they did not dare to leave the Tianming River too far.

Once the demon leaves the Heavenly Styx, it will inevitably be contaminated with the cause and effect of the Dark Demon Realm, and if it is detected by the heavens, it will die if it descends on the heavens.

Therefore, the ghosts will only stay in Styx this day and will not go out.

If you don't go out, you won't cause turmoil.

In other words, although the Sky Styx is extremely dangerous, as long as it does not go, it will not have much impact on the other demon realms of the Dark Demon Realm.

"What a fresh and tender life... What a pure body... It's really the best material for condensing ghost bodies!"

"This is more tempting than the body of the demon god... If you have this kind of body condensed, you will not be afraid of it even if you have the sky!"

"I have stayed in the Sky Styx for tens of thousands of years, and I have never seen such a pure body, tusk..."

"No, no, I can't help it. Even a drop of blood, even a drop of blood, will allow me to wait for the demons to advance...When did such a special human arrive in the Dark Demon Realm..."


Hoarse bass came from all directions.

Wang Feng understood what the red ferryman had said before.

Don't talk about my body now, even if it used to be a treasure in the mortal world.

A drop of blood can change the life of a soul beast.

I thought that in the Dark Demon Realm, the cultivation system was different, so it wouldn't be like this.

Unexpectedly, there is a special place like Tian Styx.

Wang Feng looked around as his soul became heavier, the more he was covered by the black air spreading from the Styx water.

Jing frowned, Wang Feng looked at more and more demons.

They belonged to half-virtual and half-real beings, exuding dark and evil spirits, and their eyes of various shapes were all full of greed and desire.

The auras of these demons are extremely powerful, and Wang Feng doesn't understand their level of cultivation, but they feel that they are not inferior to many demon lord and demon lord.

Moreover, even the Demon Lord and Demon Lord could not exert all their strength in the Heaven Styx.

Far inferior to these demons.

After all, even if the Demon God is in the Styx this day, it will be affected.

Compared to these demons, Wang Feng felt more troublesome than the surging Styx water.

These Styx waters contain powerful causal power, so surging, once they are stuck, they can't be thrown away.

At the moment, not only must I be distracted to deal with these demons, but also protect myself from being contaminated by this Styx water.

After thinking about it, the next moment, dozens of demons who couldn't help it, like a hungry tiger rushing to eat, come back aggressively towards Wang Feng.

Ghosts are the reconstruction of the devil's soul, and the devil's soul has memories and experiences during his lifetime.

Whether it is combat experience or various original rules, the magic circle secrets will not be forgotten, but because of stepping into the way of demons, those will become demons' attack methods.

The biggest feature of ghosts is that their mental power is very strong, while the condensed ghost bodies are relatively weak.

Therefore, demons often desire to condense a powerful ghost body until they can leave the Tian Styx River unharmed.

After all, the Demon Soul rebuilt, after all, was unwilling to die, wanted to step into a higher realm, or wanted to make up for the regrets in his lifetime.

If you have been cultivating in this Styx, it will be limited after all. This place can only allow them to reach a certain level, but it cannot allow them to break through the boundaries.

The red ferryman has been here for many years and knows very well about demons.

The first time I saw Wang Feng, I knew how attractive Wang Feng's body was to these demons.

At the same time, ordinary soul demon stepping into the Sky Styx will not cause such a big change.

The water of the Styx has always been still.

It is difficult to cause such a surging wave.I love e-books

"This son has a mutilated mind, such a pure body, and a good heart. He is naturally attracted to the water of the Styx..."

The red ferryman pondered for a long time.

Do you want to make a move or not?

With the accumulation of these tens of thousands of years, there is only a slight opportunity to knock on the gods and step into a higher realm.If it is shot, it will be difficult.

If you don't make a move, and you lose Tianxin's promise, your mind will definitely be restless, unstable, and difficult.

'That's all, Styx is here this day, as long as I'm fine, even if it takes effort, so what.It is nothing more than waiting for a few thousand years.'

The ferryman closed his eyes, thinking.

Here, he has lived all kinds of lives.

He was not the only ferryman in the Styx that day.It's just that he has the oldest qualifications and the strongest.

There are too many powerhouses in the Dark Demon Realm. In addition to the nine great demon gods on the bright side, there are many powerhouses outside of the ancient wormhole.

He does not belong to the Dark Demon Realm.

And belong to another world.

Tens of thousands of years ago, the Dark Demon Realm already had wormholes linked to other planes.

At that time, it was not as exaggerated as it is now.

He belongs to the first group of alien beings who came to the Dark Demon Realm from other worlds, and he also belongs to the strong among the strong.

If Wang Feng knew his origin, he would surely be surprised, because the ferryman himself was similar to the God King Yuanjie.

Yuan Jie God King does not belong to the God Realm, but rests in the God Realm.

And so is he.

Later, under the Karma Meeting, I had a karma with the Dark Demon Realm.Trapped in his own realm again, he found the place of the Tianming River, feeling in his heart, pinching his fingers, and glimpsing a glimmer of secrets, this place should be an opportunity for him to break through the gods.

So I stayed here for tens of thousands of years.

Because of his existence at this level, he is completely absent from the various fights in the Dark Demon Realm, and naturally he won't have any reputation in the Dark Demon Realm.

There is only one name for the ferryman.

Therefore, he could tell at a glance that Wang Feng was using his origin to cover up his traces and transform into a soul demon.

You can see Wang Feng's body at a glance.

at this time.

Just when he was going to make a move.

Suddenly found that the figure in front was moving.

Naturally, Wang Feng would not wait to die.

With the strength of his current four god rings, without saying anything, he directly judges the origin with the palm of his hand, intending to try to provoke the Dark Demon Realm's Scourge Thunder Tribulation to fight against these demons.

Ghost, Wang Feng heard the old man from the Dream Soul Demon talk about it on his way here.

It is a demon soul that is cultivated, and the demon soul must enter the well of reincarnation according to the rules of the dark demon world.

If not only that, but forcibly staying in this world, he would definitely suffer from Heavenly Scourge, which is the punishment of the Dark Demon Realm.

And the source of Judgment of the God King Origin Tribulation is the powerful source that can provoke the Heavenly Dao and bring down the Heaven's Punishment Thunder Tribulation.

It is possible in the Douluo World, in the God Realm, and in the Dark Demon Realm.

Besides, there is no other soul demon present here, and Wang Feng is not afraid of revealing his identity.

The origin of the heat, like the sun, exudes mysterious patterns, transforming into a pillar of light that penetrates the sky, like an inscription on a avenue, and it is connected to the sky like the great light of heaven and earth.

With the sacred and majestic energy, as the four god rings on Wang Feng's body lit up, countless thunder lights appeared in the cloudy sky.

It's just that these thunder lights are black and purple.

Wang Feng's eyes are like gods.

Possessing two divine rings really makes each source of awakening much stronger.

"It stands to reason that this demon fears the most, is it this scourge?"

Wang Feng used the Judgment Origin to control the Heaven and Mine Punishment, looking at the sky, such a powerful origin, vaguely, made Wang Feng feel something.

Judgment Origin Wang Feng has also performed several times in the Dark Demon Realm.

But only this time.

Wang Feng did feel a special breath.

The breath of heaven.

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