Check in from Douluo

Chapter 1460 Hole cards!

You can search for "Starting from Douluo to search for novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!"By the way... I came to the Dark Demon Realm, it seems to be looking for the Dark Demon Realm's Creation Demon Source... Why did I come to find..."

Wang Feng remembered something.

The Demon Source of Creation should be similar to the Dao of the Dark Demon Realm, but there has been no clue.

Thoughts flashed across Wang Feng's mind like lightning.

Immediately afterwards, in the surrounding sky, a dense black thunder descended.

Wang Feng looked at the demons.


The figures of these demons solidified, and their eyes solidified for a moment.


But the fear in his eyes was only fleeting.

It returned to normal.

Immediately, every ghost looked at the thunder that crashed down.

Poker face.

Very strange.

Wang Feng was a little confused.

Isn't it powerful enough?


The judgment thunder and punishment that my four rings of gods descended may not be able to withstand the power even the Demon God.

The scale of being Tianke, logically speaking, shouldn't you stalk your head?

While Wang Feng was puzzled, he saw that countless thunderbolts directly blasted into the Styx River. Suddenly, as if by a peculiar force, they were directly sucked into the Styx River.

Did not fall on those demons at all.


Wang Feng was taken aback, and couldn't help taking a breath, "Stay is so strong this day? What is it?"

In an instant, Wang Feng's face suddenly sank.

"This human being is a bit strong, his origin is actually to control the scourge demon thunder, it's amazing... if it is outside, Tian will defeat our demon soul and scale..."

"I said how dare he cross the river on foot by himself? It turns out that he relied on...Unfortunately, this is the Heavenly River..."

"Awesome...too amazing...this Demon God can't do it. I was scared for a moment..."


Wang Feng finally understood.

This day Styx might be an extra-legal place in the Dark Demon Realm.

Not under the control of the Heavenly Dao of the Dark Demon Realm at all.

Even Heaven's Punishment and Thunder are completely ineffective. No wonder these demons can cultivate and grow leisurely in Tian Styx.

"I'm afraid it will be cold..."

Wang Feng's heart was slightly cold.

In other words, the Judgment Source has no effect on these in Tian Styx.

On this day, the Styx River was so wide, Wang Feng felt that even if he attracted the red lotus form of the karma of the spirit of the main body, he would not be able to burn out all the causes and effects of the Styx River.

This place has been carrying for tens of thousands of years.

Unless the karma red lotus of the main martial soul is the real karma red lotus, not the martial soul form.

It is estimated that all the causes and effects of the Styx can be burned to ashes, and these demons can also be burned to ashes.

Compared to the Dark Demon Realm, the level of Wuhun really lags behind.

Even the Chaos Qinglian Martial Spirit, compared to the Dark Demon Realm, couldn't have the extremely abnormal fighting power like in the Douluo World.

Before, Wang Feng used the Pangu Axe Martial Spirit to pull the Demon God into another universe, before reluctantly slashing his body.

But if it were in the Dark Demon Realm, even if the strength of the body was used, Pan Gu Axe Wuhun couldn't destroy the devil's body.

"Why don't you just use Devouring Origin to swallow all the Styx water here?"

Wang Feng's heart moved.

At the beginning, the King of Origin Jie Shen could directly swallow all the stars by swallowing the origin.

Can't he still swallow this Styx water now?

It's just that the causal power of the Styx water is too heavy, can it swallow the source?

Each drop of river water does not know how many years and how much life's cause and effect it contains.

At that time, I will still suffer...

"You have to try." Xuefu Novel

Wang Feng's eyes sank slightly.

After thinking about it, Wang Feng was extremely decisive, and directly withdrew the origin of the trial, calmly.

In an instant, Wang Feng's figure was dark, as if turned into a black hole, emitting an ultimate purple-black light.


Suddenly, the surging water of the Styx was even more fierce. It set off huge waves of thousands of meters, like a tsunami, toward the light emitted by Wang Feng's figure.

It seemed that Wang Feng was crushed to pieces in an instant.

Countless demons were stunned.

Is this human being crazy?Actually used another source, and wanted to swallow all the water of the Styx?

Isn't this looking for death?

This is the Styx water, the Styx water that even the devil dare not touch easily!

The red ferryman was also taken aback.

"If I make a move... I'm afraid I will lose 70% to 80% of the cultivation base, wait..."

He was sweating profusely.

Before the other party used that origin and used the Heaven and Earth Thunder Tribulation, he could still understand.

After all, the other party dared to cross the river on foot and was valued by Tianxin. He must have some strength.Such a powerful source, if it is not in the Sky Styx, it is not an exaggeration to say that the demon gods of the four directions must avoid its edge.

But now it's another source, even if it's still swallowing Styx water...

"This kid looks young... why can't I think so..."

The red-clothed ferryman watched with a cold sweat, "Every drop of Styx water, after countless years in the Dark Demon Realm, carries at least more than a trillion vitality...How can you bear it?"

"Even the origin, it is impossible to ignore the life aspiration. No matter how strong the origin is, it is ultimately its own strength. Using the origin to absorb it, the last aspiration will still exert pressure on oneself. Unless...can swallow the aspiration."

"Ten thousand steps back, even if your origin is strong enough to swallow aspiration. But your own strength is not enough for your origin to swallow such a huge aspiration..."

In fact.

Devouring the source is powerful enough.

The cause and effect in the water of the Styx is not the cause and effect of the mortal, but the cause and effect of countless lives in the Dark Demon Realm.

The life of the Dark Demon Realm is much stronger than the life of the mortal world.

Their causality is also different.

It's just that they have been transcendence, cultivated to the highest level, and they will pay attention to their own cause and effect, which is the source power.

Whether it is the God King of the God Realm or the Demon God of the Dark Demon Realm, it is itself a belief unit and a god ring that absorbs life.

However, both god kings and demon gods are beings beyond the mortal realm, giving them belief in the mortal world and giving them power. The essence is an equivalent exchange, as long as they don’t come to the mortal realm and participate in battle.They will not have cause and effect with mortal life.However, there are still disputes between the God Realm and the Dark Demon Realm, and there will be more powerful cause and effect between God and God.

The same goes for the Dark Demon Realm.

When Wang Feng absorbed the Styx water, he knew it.

He could not bear the cause and effect of the Styx water.

The soul can't bear it, and the body can't hold it.

He remembered allusions from previous lives.

In myths and legends, the Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva made a great aspiration that hell is not empty, and he swears to become a Buddha.

The Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva is also a strong one in the mythology system, but it is always impossible to let go of the ghosts of hell.

The karma generated by the ghosts of the world is so huge.

Not to mention the life of this dark demon world.

But in fact, swallowing the origin can indeed directly absorb these causes and effects.

It's just that Wang Feng's body and soul couldn't bear it.

Wang Feng could only absorb part of these Styx waters by devouring the source.

This shows that Devouring Origin is still powerful enough.

It's just that Wang Feng is not strong enough now to fully exert the power of devouring the origin.

However, this day, the Styx River is mighty and mighty, even if the Origin Tribulation God King came alive and used it personally, it would be impossible to swallow it cleanly.

Swallowing the source gave Wang Feng a little hope, but it was not enough to get rid of the current predicament.

Wang Feng was silent, a little dazed in his heart.

It seems to be gone.

The hole cards are gone, and Styx seems to have nothing to do this day.

But... the situation hasn't changed much.

At this moment, Wang Feng suddenly moved, as if thinking of something.

Immediately, his pupils shrank slightly.

"Maybe, I can try this..."

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